mamas 4-what day is it???!!!!

wow, becky, that doc sounds pretty high-strung to me! i dont find it offensive and use it to describe raging maniacs of all kinds =) but i also did not have any family members in the concentration camps so maybe i would feel differently, i guess i cant say...

how is your chest feeling? has it been over 2 days now?
Hi Wendy!

Tris cardio yet...gotta get payroll issues sorted out then hopefully I'll have time. If not.....zzzzzzzzz

Stephanie, Are you working out tonight?!:D
well no workout for me tonight =( jj was up 3x for no apparent reason... so unusual and he just needed comfort and went back to sleep, didnt even nurse. maybe hes finally getting a tooth or something??? by the time he seemed really asleep it was way too late for me to start =( id be happy to work out at 9pm but the lady who lives underneath us would not like it, understandable.

i did 2.5 miles today with stroller but it always feels like that doesnt count.

kate, i hope your wo went well tonight!

Wendy, Sorry for the rough night/no WO! Hope you can catch a nap!
And that stroller walk SO DOES TOO count!!!

Julia had a WONDERFUL night! nly up once at 4am to nurse! I think God knew I was at my sleep deprivation threshold!
Just popping into say hello. I'm 36+ weeks preggo and look forward to checking this "check-in" regularly very soon.
Hi mamas!

Becky--Zoey is SO cute!! I've used that word too to describe raging maniacs, but I'm not Jewish and don't have family members who have suffered in concentration camps. I think that perhaps Jewish people or those with relatives who have been in concentration camps may take offense to the word because we sometimes use it flippantly to describe idiotic individuals, and maybe they may feel that by doing so, it belittles their history. Your story will make me think twice before using it around people I don't know. However, I think in NO way is it like the n word. I take GREAT offense to the n word, and linking the two together is offensive. Your instructor is totally wrong in that manner as far as I'm concerned. *stepping off of soap box*

Wendy--Walking DOES count, girl!! Hope you get more sleep tonight!

Lcobb--Hi!! You're due soon! You must be very excited! Can't wait to see you here in a few weeks!

Kate--Hi! How's Julia sleeping?


Well, Charlie is doing better. DH got up w/him last night and rocked him, so I slept! Woo hoo!! I think Charlie's problem is teething. We'll do tylenol tonight. No workout yesterday. Yes, I'm beyond help. However, I ate well. Ate a clean breakfast, had no time for lunch or snacks and made vegetarian chili and clean mexican cornbread -- yes, you can make clean cornbread! well, pretty clean, it had 1/2 cup of plain flour in it, but 1/2 cup isn't much. It was YUMMMY! DH okayed vacation this year, so I'm trying to lose some weight before next month! Kids and I are meeting him for lunch today. First time taking Charlie to a restaurant. Wish us luck!!
Have a great day!!
Hi girls!!

Becky-Zoey is adorable! I love the pics with the bow in her hair:)

Stephanie-good luck at the restraunt today! I can't believe this is his first trip. I guess we eat out way too much:eek:

Kate-how is Julia sleeping? I hate how vacations screw up their schedules:mad:

Wendy-hope your mil will keep babysitting for yoga. You need the break!!


Hi Lisa and Maggie

No w/o yesterday:( I didn't have time to squeeze one in b/f we left to see my sisters (they live 1hr away). Oh well, we had a really good day coloring eggs and letting the kids play together. Today is laundrymax!!

Ryder is still sleeping and it is 9am!:D I love spring break! I will do a w/o when Ryder takes his morning nap!!!

HI ladies!

I certainly have a lot of catching up to do. I didn't realize I hadn't posted in 4 days:eek:.

I've been deep cleaning and gardening like a mad woman and the kids are sick again--some sort of fever/cold thing. I thought that sick season was over:mad:. Gwen has been super cranky plus she's getting a top tooth. The two bottom ones are in--poor thing.

I have 8.5 lbs to go as of this morning despite a weekend of bad eating, and since I can't do any cardio now and it's my rest week, the credit must go to the giant baby (way to go, Gwen! keep sucking!) I wonder how many calories my body burns per day feeding her chubness?

I am getting ready for Easter, which will be at our house. I'm keeping it simple so that my sanity will stay somewhat intact. The most stressful part is my husband's extremely unpleasant sister. If she ruins this holiday, I think I am going to kindly ask her to make alternative plans in the future. She clearly doesn't enjoy herself here and casts a pall over the celebration for everyone else.groan.....

Stephanie--I devoted 10 years of my life to ballet--for me it had disasterous consequences--major body image issues and an eating disorder that still plagues me every now and then. Then there were just all the head games and dog-eat-dog stuff that went on....anyway, kudos to anyone who can be involved and stay out of all that--it's great exercise. Yes, I had my best results with lifting heavy, one body part per day and eating basically an extremely low fat vegan diet (I was injured at the time and couldn't do cardio for about 3 months). I'm trying to keep that in mind now, since I have this mysterious pain that won't go away even with rest.

Lisa--yes, I am taking a spring break. As a home schooler, I can take breaks when needed. This week was so much better than the state's break last week--I'm getting lovely weather for gardening and the kids are playing outside and doing yard work for me:) CONGRATULATIONS on 12 years of marraige:D!

Candra--I totally forgot about dyeing eggs! We'll need five dozen to keep everyone moderately happy, but we eat tons of eggs anyway--cheap source of protien. When I freeze zuchinni, I grate it first, then add it to soups or quick bread or muffings as needed.

Becky--Oh Zoey is soooo pretty--do I see some dark hair?I don't hate you for weaning. I always wean cold turkey, I just do it when they are older because that's the way it works out for us. I have two dear friends who have done nothing but bottle feed and their kids are just fine.

Kate--glad you got back safely:D. Gwen gets constipated too. She is loving her applesauce, but I think some prunes are in order for her too. Glad the sleep issues are working out. How are you liking meso 2--do you like your results? I start next week. I need to go print out my cards and put them in my notebook.

Wendy--LOL on the black and white teenager thing. Ds14 is very black and white too. I think in some cases this is a good thing (he can really stand his ground on important issues), but there are times it spills over into the ridiculous (I do not care if PCs are better than Macs or if the Playstation is better than the Wii...., for example). I love your idea of combining the colors of frozen foods. I'm going to have to think about doing that this summer when I take my long break.

Hi Laura!--look forward to getting to know you (and your sweet baby:))

Hmmmm....I use the term "Nazi" to refer to things like Wendy did (Breast feeding nazi, home schooling nazi, schedule feeding nazi, for example). I never thought about it being offensive, because I'm using the term nazi with a negative connotation. I am using it lightly, however, and there is nothing light about the Nazi's of history or any dictatorial regime. I have never equated it with the "N" word or other offensive racial words.

As the mother of a son who is retarded, sometimes when people casually use the term "retard" I wince, but I try not to take offense as most people aren't using it to make fun of retarded people, but more in the context of something being foolish or stupid. (like: "That was a retarded thing to do").

Now refer to retarded people as "retards" and I'd be all over that person like a duck on a june bug--but that's almost like using a cruel racial term, which I would also confront.

Oh the balance between not giving unnessary offence and not walking around being offended at everything! I love the verse from 1Peter 4--"Love covers a multitude of sins." There is a time to speak up and then there is a time to cut a person some slack and boy do I need wisdom to know what to do when.

Anyway, done with my novel--

goooood afternoon!

having a great day! puzzles, playing, cleaning up dds bedrm w/ them...under the bed...omw! made meringues for dh....he wil LOVE me! i figure since im in no mood lately to "put out" i might as well make his fave sweet treat!:p lol!

julia mightve slept good last niht but her naps are horrid!:mad: nursing now...hope she falls asleep! and stays asleep!!!!:eek::eek::eek:


hi laura! isnt the ending - its the beginning!:D

st - glad you got some sleep! will help w/ energy for wo's!
1st restaurant!!!???? oh my - julias a veteran!:eek: :eek::eek::eek:
and i totally dontcount cornbread as unclean - unless i inhale the whole pan!:p

candra, go ryder go!!! sleep for mama!!
glad you had a good day yday...we'll do eggs thur or fri. wish me mucho patience! isabel gets a leeeeettle EGGcited!:p
hows laundry going?

maggie, i love meso2 so much! mike compliments me all the time that my muscles are bigger. i see it too. now if i could just burn some butter.....:rolleyes:
lol at gwen keep sucking!
and you rock at catching up on personals!
Maggie--I could read your posts all day. You have a comforting effect. I know you must be such a great mom! Yes, ballet is very hard on the self image. I took from the time I was 3 until I was almost 17. My ballet teacher suddenly died of pneumonia. I took a "break" and never returned -- until I was grown and a mommy and just did it for fun. And I really learned more in that year than I did growing up, I guess because I was more laid back. I was always the chubby short girl in ballet. I was way more flexible than the other girls, and I had rockin turn-out, but all they saw was my weight. I got the feeling that they said to their selves, "she's pretty good for a fat girl." And let's reiterate, fat for a ballerina is anything above a size 2, and I was well above that! LOL I took classes with the company, but I was never asked to join the company because of my stature. But, I'd not trade those years for anything. I adored ballet. Still do. Anyway... I loved what you said about taking offense and saying offensive things. That scripture is a good one to keep in mind. I used to use the r-word from time-to-time, until I had children and realized how offended I'd be if one of my children had special needs and someone used that term around me. Luckily, when we know better, we do better... I'm going to try the lifting heavy idea. I've way curbed my eating. So we'll see!

Kate--Sounds like you're having a great day! I feel your pain on the lack of napping! My pediatrician wants me to start putting Charlie down on his tummy at night because his head is very flat on one part because it molded apparently that way in my uterus and hasn't rounded out. I'm too chicken to put him on his belly at night, so I put him on his side and I try to put him down on his tummy during the day (so I can keep check on him), but he ALWAYS wakes up when I put him down, and he stays awake. So he's SOOOOO ill! Plus, his two bottom teeth broke through contributing to the fussiness. Poor little guy.

Candra-- Don't ya love laundrymax? Wish THAT burned calories, I'd be a size 2! Glad egg-dying went well!
The boys were SO GOOD at the restaurant! I was good too. Just had a diet Coke and watched everyone else eat yummy sandwiches. Yay me! My will power is finally coming back! I let the boys buy a toy at target on the way home (bad, indulgent mommy, I know), and Henry picked out another babydoll. DH is not happy with me. Now my son has four babydolls. He loves hotwheels and babydolls. What can I say? Anyway, he's got soccer practice soon. They rescheduled it for today. I have had NO TIME for cleaning. My house looks as though it should be condemned. Toys, crayons, drawing paper, crumbs, you name it. UGH!!!!! DH is off Friday and I'm giving him all three little piggies and I'm cleaning this sty!

One last thing: What's your favorite thing your baby is doing right now? I love the way Charlie plays with his feet.

Sorry for the novel!! Hope I didn't put any of you fellow sleep-deprived mommies to sleep!! :) Have a great rest of the day!!
stephanie - i always put my babies to sleep on their tummies!:eek::eek::eek: anytime ive tried the back they wake up so much esier. as nbs i sleep them ontheir sides but once i can see them pick their heads up a bit - tummy they go!! my dr has/had no prob w/ it.

lol at the doll!!! not sure what mike would think! prob not good!
glad the restau went good!
mehhhh on the cleaning! tho i know how you feel. but when our last breath goes from us we'll be happier that we spent our time w/ our kids and not as nazi cleaners!!!:p:D you'll be able to get a lot done fri....sneak in a 30min wo for yourself to start with! itll give you energy for the rest og the day!:D

my fave thing.....hmmmm...
julias doing the foot-grabbing thing too....
but my FAVE thing would prob be how she completely lights up when she sees me....whether its been 20 sec or 2o min she always flashes that sweet gummy grin for me! i mightve not noticed (i think just cause im always w/ her) but dh brought it up last night.

need to go make dinner.....ultimate spicy beef tacos...mmmm
Kate--Glad you told me that about putting your kids to sleep on their tummies. I may try it tonight. When I put him on his side, he rolls onto his back.

You guys like my new avatar? It's Oliver's foot last summer when a butterfly lit on it. Love that picture. Anyway, I was tired of seeing the picture of Henry picking his nose.

Well, got to go break up a fight and get Henry dressed for soccer. Man, I hate soccer socks and shin guards. That's a workout in itself.

Later taters.
Steph - I meant to tell you earlier that dd takes ballet and not me. Although I wish I did. Very cool about you being a ballerina! DD has been taking it for three years and she loves it. Hope Charlie starts sleeping better.

Becky - I'm glad Zoey is taking the bottle. There is nothing more stressful than seeing your baby hungry and cranky. No judgments here. You need to do what's best and I understand about the pumping. I hated pumping at work and I was only working part-time. I couldn't commit to pumping full-time. It's so hard. Hope you're in less pain now. BTW, Zoey is a cutie!

Kate - Pomai is doing the foot grabbing thing too! She is the rolling queen right now. I have to watch her constantly. She got into our Wii games today and she is one quick, strong booger. Your dinners always sound so yummy!

Wendy - I have the brochure for the baby jogger from the baby store I go to. It can hold my Peg carseat so that's another plus. Sorry about the weather bringing you down. I give you so much credit. DH was gone for three days and I was wiped.

Maggie - Would you like to deep clean my house? I'm totally procrastinating on a ton of things. Hope your kiddos feel better. The cold is circulating around in our house, yuck.

Hello Candra, Clarissa, and everyone else!!

I've been overwhelmed with things that I need to get done! I have to send out my taxes. I did them but need to do make copies and all that fun stuff. I have a work deadline by the end of the month and I need to get a baby quilt down before my friend gives birth. Anyway, I have not been working out much but I lost another pound, can you believe? I have 7 more pounds to lose. I think because I've been so busy, I've been eating less. Although I think about food all the time. And why do I keep forgetting how to add those emoticons!! Better get going. Need to get back to work and figure out dinner.

Good evening everyone. Today I did STS disc 5.

I filed a whole bunch of papers today and shredding a lot too. I don't see any reason to keep paper bank statements anymore since everything is available online. More safe to have them shredded...and less papers to move.

Tomorrow I have to drive 3 hours to Tallahassee and back to speak at Grand Rounds. One of my friends is going too (so is Z) so I'll have some adult company on the drive.

Lisa, yes my boobies are feeling much better today. I actually went cabbage-less yesterday. They were still big and hard but not lumpy or in pain. Today they are getting softer, but still firm. I wore a regular bra today...I'm down from a DD right after delivery to a C cup. I'll probably end up as an A or B when it is all said and done.

Candra, that bow was from ribbon on a package her grandma sent her. Recycle and reuse!

Maggie, I do think she's going to have darker hair. It looks auburn in the sunlight. I really thought she'd be white-blonde like Brian and I both were as babies. But now we both have dark hair, so who knows. Good job on the weight! I've lost 2.5 pounds since Sunday...I think it is all boob-weight.

Stephanie, I am loving how when Z is on her belly, she can push herself up like a push-up. She looks so cute in that position (can't you tell I like that position...I took like 50 pictures of her doing that yesterday!) I think if anyone saw my house they'd condemn mine too! We have empty boxes everywhere and things that are supposed to be filling them thrown throughout the house. I've done laundry but not folded anything. Z's toys are sprawled out over the living room floor. I have no motivation until this weekend when Brian can help. I hate getting started doing something and finally getting in the groove only to have Z get fussy and have to stop!

Kate, your dinner sounds delish!

Must get to bed. Have to wake up super early tomorrow.

Becky - Have a fun drive and good luck at your speaking engagement!

I got a run in this afternoon with my ds. It felt great! Those uphills were killing us though! Came home and did some planks to try and tighten up the abs. As my belly shrinks, my skin grows - gross! Hoping to get some weights in tonight when DH gets home.

Lisa, THanks for the dinners compliment! We're having a new recipe for Marinara tonight - and fresh breadsticks - be here at 530!;)
Julia is a Rolling Machine too - I totally love it. Can hardly wait to see her walking - but at the sam time I just want to FREEZE HER!:D
ITA (!!!!) on the belly! Great job with thte run and so nic you can share that with your son!
You're a quilter!? I'm jealous! I'd love to be able to do that!
Haven't sent out our taxes yet either! Every yr I pledge to get them done ASAP, and every yr I'm standing in line at teh PO on 4-15! LOL!

Becky, You're welcome to come to dinner too! Hey, you're moving a little closer to me! Maybe some time then!:D
Z's gonna be a Cathelete doin' pushups too!:D
How will Z do in the car that long?! OMW - I wouldnt even think of attempting it w/o DH!
I'm a big paper shredder too! HATE clutter!


I did a Karen Voight cardio last night and then Yoga Abs.
STS back/bis tonight.

Julia the Princess slept SO GOOD last night! 8p-5a!!! Nursed, now back in bed. I can hardly believe it. I feel so rested. Stupid me stayed up til 11, but I can't figure out how to get to bed any earlier. PERHAPS if DH were a little more helpful w/ the pick up stuff, but that ain't gonna happen....hopefully her good sleep continues! I thik we're getting back on track from Chicago!
Hi everyone! I only have a sec here to skim thru some stuff but I wanted to say I put babies on their tummies too on a flat sheet of course - not a comforter. Usually at about 6 weeks of age or later. So, Brody is still on his back. I have found it just helps them sleep better and I am personally afraid that they will choke on their spit up if on their backs. My other two really preferred their tummies every night.

Gotta run!

clarissa's another baby tummy sleeper!

lol! i feel like this is mommy confessions!
"hi, my name is kate....and i put my baby to sleep on her tummy"


any other "bad" things you do you'd like to share?:eek:

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