
An old boss of mine used to have a bunch of these. She'd say someone was "turt" when she meant "curt" (I think she was combining "terse" and "curt"). She also said she was "warry", which I think was a combination of "worried" and "weary". Pretty creative actually!
:7 I love reading these...thanks for the input everyone.

Shelby, your post reminded me of another. I was chatting with a group of friends one day and someone mentioned that another friend thought the Sistine Chapel was the 'Sixteenth Chapel'. We ALL laughed, then one fellow (God love him) stopped laughing and said, in all seriousness...'it's the Fifteenth Chapel...right?!?' :+ :7

Take Care
My DMIL is the queen of malaprops and misspeaking in general. Some of her classics are: Blurexia (a double whammy eating disorder); acme (a skin ailment); and snoggles (goggles & snorkle).

I like to make up my own: "Hindsight is 50-50" (truer than you think!); "Merrill Lynch Mob" (a financial vigilante group) and "Two heads are better than none" (except when a committee is involved)

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Oh, Laurie, you just reminded me of one. I was staying at an inn where all the guests had dinner together at one big table. Somehow the conversation got onto Mel Torme. One guy said "I could never understand why they called him the Velvet Frog". Poor guy had a whole table full of strangers laughing at him. :7
Another one (this time a real malaprop):

A bus driver once noticed how defined my shoulder muscles were, and launched into a long, loooooooong story about the physical therapy she was having for her ROTARY CUP.

My lack of interest in bus drivers' PT issues has been seriously misunderestimated.

When I was in college I had a part time job in a bank. One of my duties was to let people into their safe-deposit boxes. It used to drive me crazy when people called them safety[/]deposit boxes (which wasn't correct...the original, correct term was "safe" deposit box). Now, I believe, both terms are equally acceptable because that mistake was so often and easily made.
OMG - Here are some of my pet peeves:
FUStrated (Frustrated)
Liberry (Library)
Draw (Drawer)
Rheumatard Arthritis (Rheumatoid)
Cradle Crap (Cradle Cap)
These are just off the top of my head...I'm sure I can come up with some more....Laura
Before I went to nursing school I thought Alzheimers was pronounced All Timers:7

Remember "Aint no mountain high enough...aint no river wide enough... to keep me from youuuuuuu" is "aint" even a word? and aint (lol) that a double negative?
My boss - who is a highly intelligent man;-) gets me with a few!
Pitcher for Picture
Vermillion folder for Manila folder
I always like "agreeance" Thanks Fred Durst (BTW, your music STINKS!)

ETA......I also like jagwire for jaguar
I have two fun sources: My children and patients who used to come into the ER where I worked

From the kiddos: Rainbrella (umbrella) and jumpoline (trampoline)

From the patients: fireballs in my eucharist (fibroids in my uterus) and screaming Mighty Jesus (spinal meningitis)

Fun thread!
Maybe not a malapropism but when I hear or read about healthy food I think "Oh good, that food doesn't need to visit the MD very often if it's healthy". Personally, I like to eat HEALTHFUL long as it's healthy!
Here's some of my faves (most from my MIL)

science infection = sinus infection
bronichal = bronchial
electrical lights = electrolytes
smilin' mighty Jesus = spinal meningitis
cadillacs = cataracts

I'm a vet so we get some good ones from clients such as...

Occasionally I've gotten an odd eye from a client when we say we should clean out or express their anal sacs and they hear "anal sex"

OR they ask if I'm going to express their adrenal glands -- gosh, I'm not going *that* far, folks!

"Give her that temper shot,doc" = distemper shot (they really think it's for their temper!)

Oh, I could go on...

Fun thread!
I was visiting my husbands relatives in MI. Around there country home were huge machines. To my amazement Jerry, my husbands brother in law, decided to fire one up. I ran in the kitchen(was so excited) and told everyone, "There goes Jerry on his concubine".

Even today they will never let me forget this pure and simple malapropism, it is a conversation starter. I have many more, what they call Janieisims.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
>I love to hate malapropisms such as these 2 classics,
>orientated (it's oriented!!) and irregardless (double negative
>folks, 'regardless' says it all).
>I was listening to some talk radio in the car yesterday and
>buddy was yammering on about some blah-de-blah problem and
>how something had 'exasturbated' the problem. I LOVE IT!!!:7
>This is my new, all time fave malapropism! It tickles my
>funny bone and has an unintended clever ring to it.
>I can't be the only one who loves mangled words, anyone want
>to share their faves??
>Take Care

My late mother used to get nuts over "irregardless." My late father used to say "collusion" when he meant "collision", on purpose, just to watch her get upset. Hysterical.
LOL at that one, Janie!!!

Some of these don't seem to be malapropisms, just mispronunciations or slang. "Conversate" is slang and is used on purpose. "Concubine" is unintentional (and hilarious!). I was telling a joke to my DH about "Handsome" and Gretel. He still ribs me about that one!

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