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I am hoping to make a website documenting my DIEP flap breast reconstruction after cancer.

When I was getting ready for my surgery, there was not a lot of info RE: the surgery as far as what to expect. There were only pics of before and afters, but nothign inbetweenb, and not much in the way of the actual experience. So I had my DH take pictures of me before, immediately after, a little more after, until the whole process was completed.

So I hope for this website to provide more detailed info for women considering this kind of surgery.

Long story short, I am looking for a reliable website that can help me create a free website. I just want to have pictures, a bit of text, a couple of links, and a comments section. I have no experience writing code or anything like that. Google provides a of of choices, but which one to pick?


Susan L.G.
Google's Blogger is very easy. It allows pictures, text, comments and many other features:

Bravenet is what I played with before finding Blogger. It's pretty good, but from what I remember, you have to deal with ads:

Sometimes your Internet Provider gives you a certain amount of space for a free site. I have one of those too, but I don't use it much ~ it requires knowing basic code, and though I know enough to get by, I got lazy once I found Blogger. :D

Your idea sounds wonderful, and it would be a great service to many.
I thought about it but I wondered if I'd be too shy to share. I mean, you all kind of 'know' me here, and you'd be seeing pictures of my rack and all...:eek:

And my face is in some of my pictures here.

Anyway, I'll think about it and maybe I'll change my mind.

Thanks for the encouragement though!:D
I thought about it but I wondered if I'd be too shy to share. I mean, you all kind of 'know' me here, and you'd be seeing pictures of my rack and all...:eek:
You've seen one, you've seen them all. :D If anything, I feel a sense of relief when I see a great reconstruction. It reassures me that if God forbid I ever had to go through something like that, there's hope for a good outcome.

I understand if you don't feel comfortable though. I'm not sure I could post pictures. You could always just do a text-only site, documenting the process. I bet any information and experience you could provide would be appreciated.

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