Make and Informed Vote Today!!

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> Well, I'm so sick and tired of people like you. We're even.
>Why do you want Bush out? Is it because he's a good guy? Can't
>stand good people?

The person Bush is has nada to do with the way he runs a country. He just might be a good guy, I don't know I've never met the man. But he makes a lousy president and I will neither list my reasons why I voted for Kerry nor will I explain myself. I'm a grown woman and I have my reasons just as everyone else. If you can't handle that that's your problem not mine.
Bush Max:

So on behalf of a well-oiled unit of people who came together to serve something greater than themselves, congratulations. (Remarks to the U. of Nebraska women’s volleyball team, 05/31/01)

We’ll be a great country where the fabrics are made up of groups and loving centers. (Kalamazoo, Michigan 03/27/01)

Do you have blacks too? (To Brazilian president Fernando Cardoso, Washington DC 11/08/01)

More and more of our imports come from overseas. (Beaverton OR 09/25/04)

Arbolist . . . look up the word. I don’t know, maybe I made it up. Anyway, it’s an arbo-tree-ist, somebody who knows about trees.” (USA Today, 08/21/01)

The senator has got to understand if he’s going to have – he can’t have it both ways. He can’t take the high horse and then claim the low road. (Florence SC 02/17/00)

I think war is a dangerous place. (Washington DC 05/07/03)

(Attribulation neviously proted once again)

Donna, hurting the cause for what exactly by not supporting stem cell research? I'm sorry, but isn't an embryo a baby? Isn't it also a human being?


You know what, I let this thread get to me. I'm sorry. I have nothing against anyone who votes differently than I do. I think that what Trevor said in his orignal message is exactly how I feel. And Donna you are very well informed, I just don't agree is all. I'm sorry.
I don't have a problem. It's people like you who has problems with other people. Bush knows how to run a country. I HIGHLY doubt Kerry will know how to run a country. I wouldn't be surprised if you support stem cell researches, abortion, high taxes, etc.... I have a problem with people who can't handle things. Democrats can't handle republicans so they attack the sh*t out of them. I think republicans are a lot more mature. Also, did you know a lot of democrats hate Kerry?? I honestly wish Howard Dean is in Kerry's place right now because democrats will lose BIG time. Also, that wife of Kerry's is a real winner.
I don't think the leader of our free world is dumb! Reports were just out that his IQ is quite higher than Kerry's. He may not be as articulate as that slick talking senator, but I trust Bush more with this war than Kerry. He just talks and has no plans for anything. In fact, in an interview with Peter Jennings, he was asked what his plans are for dealing with this war. He said he doesn't know until he gets into the Whitehouse. Oh, Thats an intelligent response!! I feel better now. No, I'll take the straight talker over the slick talker.:7
RE: Locking This Thread

This thread is starting to go South quickly and has now been locked by us. Lets try to avoid this subject today if at all possible and get back to fitness discussions.
> I don't have a problem. It's people like you who has problems
>with other people. Bush knows how to run a country. I HIGHLY
>doubt Kerry will know how to run a country. I wouldn't be
>surprised if you support stem cell researches, abortion, high
>taxes, etc.... I have a problem with people who can't handle
>things. Democrats can't handle republicans so they attack the
>sh*t out of them. I think republicans are a lot more mature.
>Also, did you know a lot of democrats hate Kerry?? I honestly
>wish Howard Dean is in Kerry's place right now because
>democrats will lose BIG time. Also, that wife of Kerry's is a
>real winner.

I handle things just fine, you however I'm not so sure. I've been quite civil and all you can do is lobby insults.

As for running the country, at this point in time my 3yr old could do a better job.
Just a few of points--

Deficit: This is a research topic of mine. Wartime deficits are, and always have been, acceptable. If not for defense and entitlement (and I can't wait to see a Pres elected who has the guts to deal with this issue), our budget would be fine. I have multiple resources on this topic in case anyone's interested. ;-)

Iraq and the Rest of the World: As long as other countries keep taking our money (and boy, do they), they must accept the fact that we'd like to have some control over how and in what type of environment it's spent. It would be like my dad continuing to give my brother money without trying to teach him how to spend it responsibly. Otherwise he might go spend it all on beer & drugs...

Stem Cell Research: Much like so many other things, this is not a governmental responsibility! Private enterprise, if left alone, will fund and advance stem cell research like no government ever could. And I guarantee we'll see progress much faster if left to free markets.

Just my .02, and I totally respect those who disagree... and I am sure there are plenty. In any case, I am thrilled that so many people are paying attention to these issues and the election. Happy voting!
No where in Trevor's post did he say that if you vote Kerry - you are not an informed voter. quite the oppsite. He said that the woman he encountered last night was voting for Kerry for the wrong reasons and then he outlined why he's voting for Bush. Very simple. To vote for Kerry because you want the other guy out is wrong. You need to vote FOR something not AGAINST something. Having said that though, if you are also voting for Kerry because you like what he has to offer then fine. But to vote for him because he's NOT Bush would be a mistake.

The same goes for Bush. vote for him if you like what he has to offer but NOT because he is not Kerry. Am I making sense?!?!?

just my 2 cents....
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