Make and Informed Vote Today!!

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Oh ha-ha! VERY funny! I didn't see any al-qaeda illegals (of course, would I know them if I saw them???), but there were quite a few election workers who appeared to have problems showing the residents of my fair city which district they reside in, hence which very long line to wait in! Good thing we already knew such things! LOL!! It boggles the mind ... no wonder there are so many issues today with "voting problems".

Question for everyone, while we're on the subject:

It's quite well-known there is not a standardized system of voting in this country. Should there be? Think about it.

A-Jock, you are PRICELESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Bush is dumb! Bush is dumb!" (that one was for Trevor!! LOL!!)

:) :) :) :) :) :)
Bush on race:

"What I am against is quotas. I am against hard quotas, quotas they basically delineate based upon whatever. However they delineate, quotas, I think, vulcanize society. So I don't know how that fits into what everybody else is saying, their relative positions, but that's my position." (San Francisco Chronicle, 01/21/00)

Bush on Civics 101:

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." (Washington, DC 12/18/04)

"As you know, these are open forums. You're able to come and listen to what I have to say." (Washington DC, 10/28/03)

Bush on geography:

"I was raised in the West. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to California. In more ways that Washington, DC, is close to California." (Los Angeles Times, 04/08/00)

Bush on world history:

"For a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times." (Tokyo, Japan, 02/18/02)

Bush on ?!?!?!:

"It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet." (Arlington Heights, IL, 10/20/00)

(attribution previously noted, or neviously proted)

Yes, I get it that her decision was uninformed, no matter who she chose. But whether you intended it or not, your post did have a particular slant, because you only listed reasons why Bush would be a good choice.

Also, I find that personality is not such a superfluous reason to vote for someone. We wouldn't want a president with a violent, crazed personality any more than a president who is lazy or nebbish or whatever. Personality is important, as is character.

Susan L.G.
Trevor - you're nuts. I'm sorry, but I think what you think about Kerry is wrong. Most of us Kerry supporters don't expect the troops to come right home. We KNOW that we can't leave the job half-done. But we also don't agree with the way Bush has been handling it. He's creating more terrorists, he's alienating the rest of the world against us, he's messing with our civil liberties. His cronies are trying to mess with freedom of speech. He's given tax breaks to the ones who don't need it and created a huge deficit. He's hurting the cause by blocking stem-cell research. He's making it illegal for people who don't have prescription coverage to get medications from Canada (under the false excuse that they aren't up to our standards).

I agree that the "Bush dumb" line is growing old, and yes - he can't speak and makes a fool of himself everytime he tries - we know you can't get elected without some sort of intelligence. But, the Kerry "flip-flop" line is really old, too. I prefer someone who changes his mind when he learns that a mistake was made instead of one who will never admit that he was wrong.

Whoa! Cool your jets woman. There are too many people who make choices based on emotion or partial information. Trevor is saying know the facts before you make your choice... geesh.
OMG- This thread is really getting a little out of hand. Trevor is not pushing anyone to vote for Bush. People should vote intellectually, not because they hate this or that. I think a lot of people vote with feelings more than brains. That is stupid.

Candi-You're a real ball buster, aren't you? We're not in no frigging Vietnam, ok? No one was drafted to go to Iraq and these young lives knew they could get killed but still joined the military. What the f**k is the military for? Picking their asses? These young lives has a lot more guts than us civilians because they went into the military to serve and protect. Why don't you just go to frigging middle east and become a muslim? That way you can shut your trap. You know what I am surprised about with you is you're married to a GUY. I feel for your husband. Damn!
You proved my point Candi. Thank you! You voted for Kerry for the WRONG reason, EOS. You cannot give me ONE reason why you voted for the guy, other than you hate Bush. Very irresponsible way to vote.
Umm...shouldn't the subject line read, "Make an Informed Vote Today!!" rather than "and"? Just thought we should focus on what's really important - proper grammar. ;)
Donna, see the difference is I respect your views on Kerry, because they are solid views from your perspective. And I am glad you have those convictions to make your vote for Kerry with.
The whole point is to get more people to vote responsibly, which you have done. And I respect that alot. And I would hope you'd respect my views as well. As for calling me nuts, welllll......:)
I do agree with you, I don't care who a person votes for as long as they have a good reason for their vote. When I asked my sister why she voted for Bush she said it was because, "He is a kick ass kind of guy". I don't care that she voted for Bush but the reason, grrrr!x( Since hearing that from her, I've been grrring for days (we have early voting) People on both sides are of the vote are frustrating!

see my post #2 on how I messed up the title......Geez!
>Why don't you just go to frigging middle east and become a muslim?
>That way you can shut your trap. You know what I am surprised
>about with you is you're married to a GUY. I feel for your
>husband. Damn!

That was so uncalled for. I'm so sick and tired of individuals telling those of us that don't agree with the way things are handled here in America to move elsewhere. I was born and raised here and have just as much as a right to critize my government and the obviously horrid way they are running things. That's why I vote and why everyone votes to produce change. *crosses fingers* Here's to hoping to get Bush the hell out of office.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Aquajock! I put a new Bushism on my door everyday. I am a Professor of English, and yes, I think Bush is really, really DUMB! As Philip Roth said recently, "Bush isn't qualified to run a hardware store."
RE: Bobbi----

Just trying to lighten the mood! I have a weird sense of humor! I voted with a 2 year old and 4 year old in tow, so I agree how important it is. I can't wait to watch it all unfold tonight!
That WAS really uncalled for, Hotspur, and, I feel, a lot nastier and mean-spirited than MY post about the finger-flipping. What I did was stupid, for which I am heartily sorry, but this is just mean.

Here's to closing this thread too.

Susan L.G.

P.S. How DOES one request locking and/or deleting a thread?
Well, I'm so sick and tired of people like you. We're even. Why do you want Bush out? Is it because he's a good guy? Can't stand good people?
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