Make and Informed Vote Today!!

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If you vote today please make sure you at least know who the heck you are voting for and why. And make it a good reason.
I met another uninformed person yesterday. She's a friend of my neighbor and she was getting loud outside making it obvious she was voting for Kerry. Too bad she was as uninformed as she was loud. Her reasons were "Bush is dumb" and "I don't want my hubby in Iraq"
LOL!! Sorry but those aren't good enough reasons to vote Kerry.
First off, if elected John Kerry will NOT be bringing troops home anytime soon. Not sure where that got started. It's strategically impossible people, unless you want civil war in Iraq. We will not, and cannot allow that soooooo forget that plan. I then proceeded to tell her if she wants to vote for a guy who considers her husband(the military) in the lowest terms, then go right ahead. If anything, her husband will be in more danger under Kerry since he will cowtow to the UN before he makes any moves. You know, the same UN that lost 380 tons of explosives, accepted bribes from Saddam Hussein, and is basically a corrupt and inept organization. I also asked her why her husband joined the military if he didn't want to fight.
The "Bush is dumb" line is tired to be honest. You don't get to be president by being dumb. Simple fact. And just because someone is not "college debate material", and stumbles for words when he speaks, doesn't make him unintelligent.
It may be obvious who I am voting for, and I am not here to stump for Bush. But I have yet to hear a good reason to vote the other way. And I mean a SOLID reason. If you have it, fine. Here's my SOLID reasons to vote Bush----I want someone who can make a decision and not change his mind daily. I want a strong intelligence and military. I don't want to have to answer to the UN. I want a proactive effort in dealing with terrorists. I don't want a self-admitted war criminal as President and Commander-in-Chief.
So in a nutshell, if you have solid reasons for your candidate, then please vote accordingly. But don't vote on myths and crap reasons like I heard from that lady yesterday.
Basically we know 2 things are certain---whomever gets elected will see these things during the next 4 years...bigger government and larger taxes.
Good luck! Let's hope the new touch screen voting systems are not tampered with...

Gee ... don't hold back Trevor ... tell us how you REALLY feel! LOL!!

Should be interesting to see if this thread sticks around ... ;) not that it skirts near the violation of guidelines or anything ... (he-he!)

Hey C!
You know me better than that my dear! The worst thing is I blew the title...."and" where "an" should be......
I don't think this post really violates any rules. I'm not making a case for either candidate in my post. I just stated a few facts, and I just used an example of someone voting for Kerry for the wrong reasons.
My message is just that I hope people vote intelligently instead of using emotionally clouded thinking to make their choice. If people have solid reasons to vote for Kerry, then great. And vice-versa. Just don't hand me the old "Bush is dumb" line and then go vote for Kerry basically because he's a warm body who isn't Bush. This decision is too huge to be voting like that, especially in the day and age that we currently live in.
I think it is incorrect to equate "voting for Bush" and "making an informed vote", and insinuating that voting for Kerry is an "uninformed vote". If you've done your homework, and have decided based on what you have found out about either candidate, then you are making an informed vote.

A person who votes with his or her conscience, whether they vote for one candidate or another, is making an "informed vote". And guess what - their decision may be different than yours.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to vote I go!

BTW, if you think you can guess who I'm voting for, you're probably right. Or are you?

Susan L.G.
I made no insinuation. It's how you perceived what I said, which I cannot control. I used as my example, a person I dealt with yesterday, who happens to be voting for Kerry for the wrong reasons. And I explained why they are the wrong reasons. And it was obvious the woman had not done any research on this and was just being emotional about the whole thing. If she was a Bush voter, I would have felt the same way. If someone votes for Bush because they dislike Kerry's personality, or whatever, then that's wrong too, IMHO. The point is to vote based on something substantial and not superfluous, as Americans are want to do in this day and age.
I then ended the post by backing up my vote for Bush with reasons other than looks, personality traits, and other common nonsense or MYTHS that are prevalent in this election. If you have similar solid reasons for Kerry, then that is great! Vote for the guy.
With all due respect, I'm not interested in who you are voting for Susan. I just hope you have something solid to base your vote on. That's all I wish for today for all who vote. :)
Good morning,i got up at 5 this morning and got to the polls at 6:15 and was so happy to see all the people there that are taking there responsibility's as an American citizen seriously and voting !! Please make your voice heard ,one vote can make a difference !
Hey T! You knew I wouldn't be able to leave this thread alone!! LOL!! I'm teasing you!!

Hey ... seriously ... I was VERY happy and surprised to have to wait 45 minutes this morning to vote!!!!!!!! In my small city !!!!!!!!! I have NEVER seen that many people there at one time!! This is very encouraging and I'm so happy to see so many people out exercising their right to vote!! We have an emergency school levy at stake today, so I was glad to see my neighbors out there voting!! Hopefully they all felt the same way I do about that levy! LOL!!

I agree this is a VERY important election, Trevor. Thanks for starting the thread!!

:) :) :)
>I think it is incorrect to equate "voting for Bush" and
>"making an informed vote", and insinuating that voting for
>Kerry is an "uninformed vote". If you've done your homework,
>and have decided based on what you have found out about either
>candidate, then you are making an informed vote.
>A person who votes with his or her conscience, whether they
>vote for one candidate or another, is making an "informed
>vote". And guess what - their decision may be different than
>Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to vote I go!
>BTW, if you think you can guess who I'm voting for, you're
>probably right. Or are you?
>Susan L.G.

I couldn't have said it better.

You just blew it! Another condescending "I know it all" post.

I voted for Kerry cause he's taller. That's an informed decision.
OK ... This is an athletic forum right?
Bush is a marathon runner, Kerry is a windsurfer, who do you pick?:D :D :D
Knowledge is power . . .

Bush on the economy:

"The government is not the surplus's money, Vice President." (Washington Post, 11/05/00)

"A tax cut is really one of the anecdotes to coming out of an economic illness." ("The Edge" with Paula Zahn, 09/18/00)

Bush on education:

"You know, sometimes when you study history, you get stuck in the past." (Wall Street Journal, 06/25/01)

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" (Florence, South Carolina, 01/11/00)

"(T)he illiteracy level of our children are appalling." (Washington DC, 01/23/04)

Bush on family values:

"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." Lacrosse, WI, 10/18/00)

"I know how hard it is to put food on your family." (Greater Nashua, NH, 01/27/00)

Bush on whatever the h*ll:

"There's no question that the minute I got elected, the storm clouds on the horizon were getting nearly directly overhead." (Washington DC, 05/11/01)

"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" (Concord, NH, 01/29/00)

(Reprinted from The Deluxe Election-Edition "Bushisms", edited by Jacob Weisberg)

Vote Early, Vote Often
A-Jock, you made me chuckle again.
I was going to list a few million Kerry flip-flops but am too frigging tired......
Oh, the guy DID attend a meeting in KC in 1972 where assasinations of U.S. Congressman was discussed....does that count for anything?
T. :)
How is this condescending? Where did I say I knew it all?
Your last sentence says quite a bit about you you have a real reason why you voted Kerry?
Thanks A-Jock...a little humor is called for!

Trev, I DID vote my conscience & informed myself first. I agree with you totally.

I didn't read Trevor's post as an endorsement for Bush. I read his post as being sure you are an informed voter. But, I could be wrong.;-)

Everyone has a right to vote for the person who they fill will do the best job, but like Trevor, it is scary when someone says that Bush is dumb. I personally feel that both candidates are very intelligent men. Kerry obviously is the more articulate speaker.
Hey C!
Thanks for the update. LOL! If you happen to see any of the more than 30,000 members of various al-qaeda supported groups and illegals that reside in your neck of the woods showing up to vote, let us know. ;)
T. :)
Kepi, you are right on target. And that's because you know how to comprehend what you read and others do not.
It's very scary that some people are even allowed to vote quite frankly. But, that's the way it is and it's still a better system than any other country has.
T. :)
Just to keep this on an even keel and avoid a truckload of flames, I will list a few things I dislike about Bush----

1. The Mexican border is largely a sieve, allowing many illegals to walk in scot-free.
2. Our government's relationship with the Saudis.
3. Some of the way the Iraq war has been handled. Note that I agree with the war, just some of it's management I don't like.

T. :)
Trevor, with you it's not only what you said, it's what you imply. Like, YOU have to tell us how to vote. We are not all cut from the same cloth. The reasons you make your decision are not the same reasons other people make their decisions ...but, yours is the right way. If you can't see that in your writing....I don't know what to tell you. Your posts have a very authoritarian tone to them IMHO. I have never responded well to this tone, especially coming from the male of the species.

I voted for Kerry because I want Bush out. Pure and simple. If you don't like that, I don't care. I'm tired of being back in Vietnam. Do I know Kerry can't pull out Iraq right away...yes. But that he would even consider pulling out sooner than Bush would is okay with me. I'm sick of seeing all those young lives being taken...and for what? I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam body count every day for years and years. It's sickening to me and I don't even have any one I personally know who is fighting in Iraq.

It's one thing to have a president that stands by a GOOD decision and not waver, it's another thing to stand by a BAD decision and not waver. That IS just plain stupid.
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