Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

Catherine, dinner was wonderful. Grilled chicken, fettucine, bread, fruit salad and key lime pie with frozen pineapple and strawberries. I made sure not to stuff myself but I definitely enjoyed it. Not the evening would've been better if someone hadn't stolen my husband's wallet and much of a pain. Now he has to spend the day getting everything redone and hopefully he can get back to work by Friday. Why some people do these things? All I can say is bad karma......

Accountability for Day 16
Meals: Not as planned but very enjoyable, didn't pig out at all.
Workout: Didn't go for the walk, was helping with dinner and it was so bloody hot.
Water: Got that in.
Rest: Stayed up late because of what happened.
Mentality: This is not an excuse to get off track.

Day 17
Meals: Not as planned but within my guidelines and healthy for my benefit.
Workout: GS-legs
Water: 1 gallon
Rest: Hopefully in bed by 10:00
Mentality: Feeling really good and very proud of myself.
So Sorry about your DHs wallet and checkbook. I would be mortified!!

Sounds like a wonderful dinner.

Have fun with Gym Style Legs. Today is YogaX for me. I like it but dread it because it's 90 mins long:eek:

have a great day!

Hi Catherine, it wasn't fun knowing that his id was stolen but he took care of everything today.

My day hasn't turned out as I wished but that is what life is sometimes. I have apparently strained my back today and I am not a happy camper. I have scoliosis and have noticed that my back is susceptible to this sometimes inspite of what I do to make sure that it doesn't happen. This morning I was trying to get a patient out of his wheelchair to go walking (his Alzheimers is very advanced), I was trying to get him to stand up and he was fighting me with all of his might. It didn't bother me at first but this afternoon I was able to watch Dr. Phil and when I went to stand up..........go ahead and fill in the blank. So using my coconut I didn't workout especially since it was legs day I didn't want to make it worse.

Just having a bummed day but I am not too upset, these things happen.

I had my husband work on it but it didn't help very much. So now I'll have a couple of days with this and then I'll be fine. I am seriously considering ordering Cathe's stretching and core strengthening DVD's and make them part of my weekly workout routine. Figure that I can do them on my cardio days and it will help with the strength of my back.

Anyway it will be okay.
Day 17 didn't go very well and today isn't starting out as I would wish but sometimes I just have to go with the flow instead of trying to change the direction of life. Yesterday I obviously strained my back and this morning it is not any better, in fact I am thinking about getting it x-rayed.

I really don't feel like posting much right now..........
Hi Catherine, thanks for the happy thoughts. My back is feeling much better but I have had to come to the realization that I can't do certain things that I was able to do and that I must drive with the lumbar roll that I made. The curve in the back isn't going to get any better and that is just the way it is. I have also had the confirmation that core strengthening and stretching are a must in my routine too so I spent most of my day watching the Cathe DVD's that I have and putting together a new routine and included three days of yoga or pilates which will benefit my back.

I haven't felt up to working out nor to eating as planned. My husband got back to work as of last night and between helping him get ready and have a super busy workday I just grabbed whatever was available. Today I had the day off and to be 100% I choice to be as lazy as possible. Won't deny that I have loved it. My boys come home tomorrow and today has been my last "to myself" day and I can't hide the fact that I have just had a blast. This weekend I will get myself re-organized and then as of Monday I will be back to where I was. Probably gained a few pounds but I really don't care because I focus on inches and being that I just recently started there aren't any changes.

I must say that what I quoted on my first post is so true.........
That losing weight is not SIMPLE but if you want it bad enough then you will whatever it takes no matter what. I sure didn't follow through on that. Hard to face but I have promised myself that I would be only 100% with myself.
I say good for you for taking a day for yourself. I didn't feel like working out yesterday emotionally or physically and so I didn't. I got back on track with exercising today.

How old are your boys? I'm sure you'll be glad to see them.

You know you've got your head on straight and that's sometimes half the battle. That attitude of I'll get back where I was as of Mon will keep you going !!

Okay time to face the music here. I promised myself on my first post that I would be 100% honest. This morning I heard my thoughts as I was walking the dog and what I heard loud and clear was "Lynn you haven't changed your lifestyle, you went back to eating crappy and now you have to restart. Aren't you tired of this restarting business? What are you waiting for? Quit wasting time."

That is exactly what I have done. Used the last four days as an excuse not to eat healthy and not to workout. I know that my PMS isn't the easiest time for me because I do feel more tired but I can do it if I really want to.

So I took my calender and counted the weeks until my 43rd. birthday and I have exactly 12 weeks until then which is a perfect time for me to incorporate these new habits. It does take time but it is doable. There is a part of me that is supremely lazy, the one that just loves to do nothing but there is also the other side to me that truly enjoys that feeling of accomplishment and that is what I focus on. What I am going to look like, how great it is to just grab anything out of my closet without having to worry whether it fits or not, be able to get rid of the "fat" clothes and never buy them again, to finally stop this rollercoaster ride that I have been on for years now and to just get on with living a healthier life.

No beating up on myself, just do what needs to be done!
Oh yeah I want this. I am tired of my body looking older than what I feel on the inside. This flabby stuff has got to take a hike!!!

Thanks for sticking with me......
Oh yeah I feel much better and had a very good day yesterday. Hope that you are doing well. Cardio day for me today hopefully it won't be 100 degrees this afternoon though.
Glad you are feeling better. I am doing fine. Did PlyoX yesterday after work and boy is it hard to workout when it is this hot. Even in air conditioning. The heat just drains me. But I did workout and just paced myself. Drink plenty of water if you do cardio this afternoon.

Hi I am not in the best of moods today. I should be getting that not-so-nice visit in a day or two. I wish that I could just go back to bed and hide under the covers!!! I usually have one or two days of just 'don't talk to me' and then I am back to my ol' self.

It is super hot here too but hopefully we will get some rain this afternoon. I have someone coming over this afternoon to inspect our hurricane shutters and sign an affidavit because we had to get new homeowners insurance and they require this. Then to be totally honest I don't know what I am going to do about working out. I don't like to feel this way but it happens and it will pass.

Hope that you have a great day and that the heat eases up a bit. Where do you live that it's so bad? I'm in South Florida so we are used to it. It is surprising to me that it is hotter in South Dakota than it is here. I feel so bad for folks who don't have air conditioning.
Hi Lynn,
Sorry you are having a bad "mood" day. Been there, done that. Just respect what your body is telling ya and you'll be fine.

I live in KY and we have been right in the middle of that big ole heat wave. It is supposed to cool down some later this week. But till then temps expected nearing 100. I stay indoors mostly, but even driving to and from work affects me. It doesn't usually get hot and stay hot hear for long. We just have alot of humidity. Makes for lots of bad hair days.

Remember to smile, it makes ya feel better!

Just thought I'd let you know after talking myself out of working out all day long, I finally did workout!! I did feed myself negative talk all day- it's too hot, it's too late, I'm too tired. I came hear read a few posts and got motivated!!! It's amazing how powerful the mind can be!!

Hope you had a day full of positive thoughts!


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