Lynn's 100 Day Challenge

Another good day for me. I am a little fatigued from the constant discomfort in my back, I often wonder what my spine will be like as I hit my 70's and 80's. Not much that I can do other than continue to take the best care possible.

Yesterday I did HSC and Cathe was killing me. Mind you it was the first time that I have done that one since last year so I knew that it was going to be tough but I was yelling at her to stop with those low end squats. I am only using 50% of her resistance so my progress will be nice as the months go by.

Dinner last night was just waaaaaaaaaaay too much food. I only had the salmon and some of the broccoli. I am having to force myself to eat to stay within my calorie and p/c/f ratios but I just couldn't do it last night.

Accountability Day 9
Meals: Waaaaaaay too much food but did my best. Love my Apple Cinnamon Bar though.
Workout: As planned but I was dying.
Water: 1 gallon
Rest: Bed by 9;30 and slept great
Mentality: It is going to take time to look like you want to. "I will never look like I do right now."

Day 10
Meals: As planned
Workout: Gym Style Legs
Water: 1 gallon
Rest: Bed by 10:00
Mentality: I am doing great and the workouts will get easier.
Nothing much is new, still feeling well although my back still feels stiff especially in the morning. That really is the only thing that is bothering me. Sleeping well and I can tell that I am much more alert and able to concentrate alot better than just two weeks ago.

Accountability for Day 10
Meals: As planned
Workout: GS-Legs Did aleast 50 to 75 of all reps. with 50% of the resistance that she uses.
Water: 1 gallon
Rest: Bed by 10:00 and slept great
Mentality: Get a tiny bummed out when I realize how much work I actually have ahead of me but then can remind myself that it took me a year to get here.

Day 11
Meals: As planned except my 2nd. meal was changed to cottage cheese w/blueberries because I don't have bananas in the house
Workout: Bootcamp--plan to be dead by the end but I will my best
Rest: Should be able to get to bed by 10:00
Mentality: I did it before I can do it again.
Thanks Katie for the encouragement. I have been feeling tired today and struggling to just do what I am supposed to do. I have no energy right now and decided to not workout in fact I am going to take a shower and get to bed. Don't even feel like having dinner.

So for Day 11-didn't eat as planned nor did I do my workout.
Hi Catherine, that is what I was thinking yesterday. I just wasn't mentally nor physically into the day in general. I did slept well and feel fine today. I think what is happening is that that inital motivation has weened (sp?) and now is when the mental work has to be done. I am okay though I realize that I have alot of work ahead of me, there is a part of me that wishes that I didn't have to do it but then again I remind myself of how proud I will be of myself once I reach my goals. The other thing is that the other option (not eating healthy and not working) is not a good one, how horrible to continue to gain weight and to feel like a slug--Not an option that I am willing to life with. I also remind myself that what I do today will benefit me 20-25 years from now. I see it with my patients, their life-style is either a curse or a blessing. Believe me those that smoked all of their lives can't take a breath just walking 7 feet and have to be hooked up to oxygen 24/7--very sad.

So yesterday didn't go as planned but today is another day and how great to workout on Friday and build on my sense of accomplishment.

The other thing that I decided was to "do what worked" for me before and that was to head out the door for my cardio. I am going to go for my hour walk from 6:00-7:00 on Tues., Thurs. and Sat.'s. It will be hot but I won't die. Besides this way I will get some color on this pale bod of mine. So I have Gym Style on Mon. Wed. and Fri.'s and cardio on Tues., Thurs. and Sat.'s. Stick with what you know works............oh and on Sat. morning I was doing a general RT which I will also do. Workout twice on Sat. if I have nothing else scheduled.

Day 12
Meals: As planned
Workout: GS - B/S/B
Water: one gallon
Rest: Can stay up tonight being that tomorrow is Sat.
Mental: Lynn it took you a year to look like this, be fair to yourself and give yourself the same amount of time, it takes time but you'll get there. Get through today and the weekend and enjoy that sense of accomplishment.
I so admire your dedication and enthusiasm!! You and I think alot alike. Do this now so that you will be healthy in the future. When I'm 80 I want to be able to get out of bed and do for myself. Heck when I'm 80 I want to still be doing chinups!!!! Take it one day at a time. As with everything else in life, the big picture can be overwelming. Don't go there. Focus on the present. Honestly tomorrow might not be there or may be totally different. So do what you can today. I hope that doesn't sound like doom and gloom.

BTW, just a reminder that a tan is not healthy either ;-) Sorry, Dermatology Nurse Practitioner here LOL!! Just protect your skin so that you age well with that body that you are sculpting!!

You know I fell off the wagon with my eating a couple of times this week. I do pretty good with exercising. Occasionally I'll miss a workout, but eating is another story. I just move on. We all have set backs and frustrations. Remind yourself of your goals and it makes it easier to stick with it. Now that's not EASY by any means, but just do it!! Sorry to be so long winded. Guess I'm philosophical today??

Take Care
Hhehehehe Catherine I was only joking about the sun while walking. I wear sunscreen along with the iPod......never fear I know what skin cancer looks like and when I'm 80 I don't want holes on my nose. Oh and I must be honest when I'm in my 80's I will thrilled to ease up on the strick eating. Gonna have the ice cream and enjoy it........:7

Today has been a much better day. I did sneek a few twislers but otherwise I did just fine. I finished my workout and must admit that it was the perfect workout for a Friday. This week I didn't actually push myself with the heavier weights, just used the week to judge where to start. I am looking forward to next week to start with a little heavier and then the muscles get used to that.

Eating? How about if you plan a few cheat meals a week and have what you enjoy? Do you have that "oh well I blew it" mentality? That will get you every time. If not then you'll be fine. I still have to work on that but surprisingly I haven't beaten myself up for not following my meals to a tee. In fact there have been a few meals when I can't eat all the food. The big picture that is what I agree with you.

Hey it's one day a time and somedays are better than others.

>>Eating? How about if you plan a few cheat meals a week and have what you enjoy? Do you have that "oh well I blew it" mentality? That will get you every time. If not then you'll be fine. I still have to work on that but surprisingly I haven't beaten myself up for not following my meals to a tee. In fact there have been a few meals when I can't eat all the food. The big picture that is what I agree with you.

Nah, I don't get too excited when I go off track with my eating. Manly because I know I am still eating better than most do. Plus I have maintained my wt for almost 4 years. I would like to lean out a bit more on my lower body and I know that is strictly diet. But I obviously like to have my cheats :+ :+ Overall I am happy with my shape, so I don't get to upset by getting off track.

Glad to hear you were joking about tanning. Too many people don't take it seriously enough (of course including myself when I was younger)

Have a great weekend!!

Hey Catherine a off topic question out of bad is indoor tanning in those booth? I haven't gone in one of those places to ask and of course no one in there would be honest anyway.

You know this subject of ours - eating - I have had big time struggles with carbs./sweets/fried foods for a long time and it hasn't been until recently that I have changed my mindset. Trust me I was one and suppose that still am if I am not careful that you could lock me up in a bakery and I would be thrilled. But as time has gone on I have realized that the worse I felt about myself the more I would eat and then of course it's the guilt/eat more/feel more guilty/continue eating pattern would be the result. What I am working on is losing my fear of those foods and just making them a once in a while thing instead of keeping the mentality of "you can NEVER have them again otherwise you will go into a year long binge." It takes time because I have been dealing with this for a very long time and it has done a duzzi on my self esteem but as each day passes now and I treat myself well it is getting better.

So for today Day 13
Meals: As planned, will change meal 2 in order to use up the bananas before they get too ripe
Workout: Kellie Roberts Kickbox/Bootcamp
Water: one gallon
Rest: Will stay up again tonight later than usual
Mentality: Just do the healthy thing and the results will come on their own.
Tanning beds and booths are also bad. They have UVA rays which penetrate deeper into the dermis and damage the collagen, elastin among other things. This is what causes photoaging. They also cause skin cancers too. I get my tan from tantowels ;)

I actually like to eat healthy. My DH doesn't though. We eat seperately LOL. And it does sometimes make it harder on me. I would still say I am clean about 80% of the time. Which I think is good. I do like my Tiramisu though YUMMY!!

Have a good day!
Catherine I figured that they weren't any better than the sun. Atleast you get your Vit. D. from the sun and can enjoy the outdoors. I will confess that I tend to like how I look when I have some color but not at the risk of my skin.........

Okay yesterday was a good day for me. Although I wasn't able to follow my planned meals I made some smart choices which is a big step for me. I feel that I have crossed that touchy time period for me and I can now go through my days without that fear that I am going to blow it. I went to get my nails done and it was a super busy day in there which meant that I had to wait. I went to GNC and bought a protein bar, had half then saved the other half for a while later. Unheard of for me two weeks ago. Then get to Wal-Mart and when I got everything put away I had a protein shake and dinner as planned.

I am going to make an observation which is in no way meant to insult or hurt anyone's feelings. While waiting to get my nails done I was just people watching and I was so sad to see so many women young and old so overweight. I don't mean this is a critical manner because I can sympathize that most if not all are hurting in some way and they are self medicating with food but without a doubt there are many who just eat so poorly and don't exercise. What made me the saddest was the younger see their abdomens so large, having difficulty walking and trying to wearing clothing that just doesn't look good. Again I don't mean this in an insulting or critical manner but it does amaze me when I see them eating those cinnamon bars which are larger than the size of their sad and may they not have to deal with poor health as they age. Okay enough of that observation.

Accountability for Day 13
Meals: Not exactly as planned but still very smart choices without a struggle.
Workout: As planned
Water: One gallon
Rest: Bed by 10:30 and slept fairly well, did wake up around 2:00 after going to the bathroom (darn that water) but was able to fall back to sleep and woke up at 7:00. Hheheheh stayed in bed until 9:00 watching Fast Times at Ridgemont that movie and what a treat.

Day 14
Meals: Won't be eating the 5 meals being that I had my first meal by 10:00 and won't be thinking about eating until 2:00 - 3:00, MIL will be coming over for dinner being that my DH will finally be home for a few days. Plan on having salmon with broccoli for an early dinner.
Workout: Nope not today.
Water: One gallon
Rest: Should be in bed by 10:00--work tomorrow

Have had another great week, next week I am planning on uping my workouts being that I have been gradually increasing the resistance. I am also planning on going for an hour walk on Tues., Thurs. and Sat. afternoon instead of doing a DVD. I feel that it would be more beneficial to start with the steady state cardio and by the time it starts to cool down a bit I can re-start jogging.

Actually I was a teenager during the 80's. Had alot of fun!! Born in '63, how about you?

My day has been really nice. My MIL and I watched the World Cup and had a blast then my husband got home and was able to watch the end when Italy won. That stadium was amazing. We grilled (salmon for us and T-Bone for DH) with a salad for me and green peas w/Mac & Cheese with apple pie for them. I didn't touch any of that stuff and don't even feel like having it. Big time ACCOMPLISHMENT for me.

So the end of another nice weekend for me, looking forward to the week ahead especially since the boys come home on Sat. Oh I took Friday off just to enjoy my last day of quiet.........;) and I plan on working out of course but it will be nice just to bum around until my two noise makers come home.

Hope you had a nice weekend and I will talk to you soon,
Yep, I am an 80s person. Born in '66. I went thru so many styles from preppie to punk LOL!!

It sounds like you had a great weekend. Mine's been good too. Although my vacation is coming to a close. It's back to work tomorrow after a week off. We didn't do anything special, but that was just fine by me.

take care
Day 15 for me and feeling good. Looking at the fashions in that movie just cracked me up. Remember the leggings and the headbands? Lordy it looked ridiculous but I wore them.........oh and those wrap around skirts? :7

Accountability for Day 14
Meals: Did not have a my 5 meals due to a late start to the day, did have three good meals as I posted last night.
Workout: Nope, rest day
Water: If not one gallon then I might've been off by one bottle.
Rest: Bed by 10:00, again awake at 2:30 but only for about 1/2 hour, otherwise slept well.
Mindset: No struggles and very proud of myself.

Okay ready for a new week..........Day 15
Meals: As planned. May have to have a bowl of bran cereal due to these clogged pipes of mine.....ugh!!!
Workout: Gym Style-Chest & Triceps
Water: 1 gallon
Rest: In bed by 10:00
Mindset: It is going to take time, but you can do it.
Yikes for me yesterday. NOT a good stomach day. I had my breakfast and apparently it was not enough food because about 30 mins. after taking my supplements I had that nauseous feeling alllllllllllll day long. Only had a bowl of cereal and a turkey/low fat swiss sandwich. Oh how gross to feel like that. I swear it felt like my stomach was torn up. But I did workout inspite of it!!!


Accountability for Day 15
Meals: No way was I able to eat as planned, barely got what I did eat down.
Workout: Done
Water: Had 7 bottles instead of 8 - not too bad
Rest: Bed by 9:30 and slept well
Mentality: Thrilled that I didn't use not feeling well as an excuse to eat crappy. Apple pie still in the house and I could care less.

Day 16
Meals: As planned
Workout: Walking for 60 mins.
Water: 1 gallon
Rest: Might stay up until 11:00 to watch Rescue Me--I LOVE that show.
Mentality: Feeling so much better
Hi Catherine, feeling much better today. And wonderful for you for making healthier choices.

Get this my husband is surprising me with dinner including dessert. Soooooooo just need to make some adjustments. Cut back on my other meals and have promised myself not to stuff myself like I used to. Actually I am not even worried like I would be.

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