Luvin' High Step Training


I did HST again this morning. I really like this workout. It's fun and challenging. With the different cycles, the workout moves along quickly. What I enjoy most is all the high steps/leg presses!! Love those! However, I still cannot do the one hand tricep dip. x( I'm determined to do them~some day.
Susan C.M.:D
I love HSTA. It is so fun and goes by very quickly. I love the leg presses too. Keeps the heartrate up!
Well, I haven't worked up to HSTA yet. But I love High Step Circuit,for all of the same reasons. That and Step Blast are my two all-time favorite workouts!
Hi Susan, I don't know about you but when I do the leg presses I can feel my HR climbing + she goes right into it. I love this workout too but hopefully 1 day I can go through without pausing, yikes}(
Hi Susan

I like HSTA also - it's very different from any of her other workouts - a little bit of everything and it really keeps you HR up there. Oh and don't worry you're not the only one who has trouble with those one hand triceps dips. They're really tough;( One of these days I'll get it though! Take care


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