LuvCardio new name FitNut!!!!!


HI everyone! Just wanted to let you know I have changed my user name! I renamed myself FitNut! There are many reasons why! A few are below......

I use to think Cardio was the only way to lose weight... I would do hour after hour of cardio... only to eat more and more and see NO MORE results! I have finally learned that weight training is just as if not MORE important (thanks to Cathe and BFL!) Cathe has taught me the skills to successfully lift weights in the comfort of my own home! She has been a blessing in my life as have many of you.

I think that FitNut better describes me now! I admit... I am a nut and a SUPER nut when it comes to fitness! I may not look like Marilyn Monroe but who cares! I work hard! I play hard! And most importantly I pray hard! There are so many other important things in life than looking "perfect" or hours and hours of cardio a week.

I have also realized that being "fit" is way more important to me than having a perfect "10" body! Being fit is more than your looks... It is your cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength/endurance and simply being able to make it thru Imax2 with or without modification. Being "fit" is a feeling more than it is a "look." It is what makes you feel good about yourself! You ladies have really helped me improve my self-perception. You have taught me to be happy with who I am and that as long as I know I am doing my best that is all that matters.

I thank you for your continued support, your friendship and for helping turn LuvCardio into the new improved FitNut!

p.s. I Had to setup a new name entirely because I couldn't figure out how to edit the old one???
WOOHOO! FitNut, I love your attitude. It is great to hear you say that being fit is more important than the perfect "10" body. Being fit is about mind, body, soul & spirit! I don't believe you can have one without the other. Get your mind, soul & spirit in shape & the rest will follow.

You go girl!
"Being "fit" is a feeling more than it is a "look." It is what makes you feel good about yourself! long as I know I am doing my best that is all that matters. "

I totally agree with you & I like your new name!! I believe you "look" as good as you feel! If you feel strong and healthy and good about yourself, others will see that too!!!


Pleased to make your acquaintance, FitNut. :D

What good is it to look great, if you don't feel great or if you are very unhealthy?
I saw an actress on TV the other night. She was showing a picture of herself in a magazine and telling how they airbrushed it so much that it wasn't really herself. She said to look at her behind, as they had stretched her legs so much in the picture that it was unnatural. She had 3 kids and she said that no way does her stomach look that flat. Her image was in a mirror in the background and she said this is what she really looks like.
The point is, these pictures we see of the 'perfect 10' models, aren't always what they Really look like.
For people to fuss and fret trying to look like them, is an impossiblility because even They don't look like them. :D

I'm happy that you have the attitude that being fit is more important than the looks. After all, looks fade over time, being fit can last a lifetime.
Hi, This is my first post in this forum and I couldn't think of a better way to say hi. Your outlook is fantastic!! It is wonderful to read the postings of such motivational people!

Hey Fitnut,

Thank you so much for posting. Everything you said about being fit vs. looks really hits home with me. This is something I really need to remember. I get so hung up on the looks, on not looking the way I want to look, that I forget how much better I feel. I realize, reading your post, that I need to formulate entirely new goals. I know I won't ever stop caring about looks, but I can at least stop focusing on them.
Way to go FITNUT! Love the new name, and even more your attitude! Sounds like your mind is very fit too :D I think we all can use reminders of what being fit does for us outside of our outward appearance. Thank you.

Glad ya' all like my new name. I even have a new e-mail to match! Thanks also for all the sweet comments.

Ya' know... the nice thing is I really meant everything I said. It is such a good feeling when you reach these moments in life:) Moments that take you to a better, healthier state both mentally and physically.

Like I said before... I sincerely do have many of you to thank for my new name and the realization that I need to just be happy with myself and who I am. Being fit, leading a healthy, long life and being a good friend, mom, wife etc. are the things that matter most in life! I have learned so much about fitness since I found Cathe and joined this Forum. I think back to 6-7 months ago and I was "clueless" about exercise. I thought the more hours you put in, the skinner you would be etc. etc. I thank all of you for your support, education and most of all friendship.

It was all of you and Cathe that helped teach me that fitness is about many, many things... It is about discipline, dedication to get up at 5:00 a.m., eating nutritious food, working out SMART, recovery, feeling good and being there for others that takes you to that next fitness level. There is nothing that makes me feel better than after a 5:00 a.m. workout! Who cares if I lose a pound off of it...??? All that matters is it makes us start our day off right knowing we accomplished something that is good for our bodies, mind and soul!

Anyway, thanks again for your friendship:) Have a happy Friday!
I LUV it! I think it's a great name :) Ialso love what you said about what true fitness is. It's so easy to get caught up in trying to be as skinny as you can get. What really matters is how fit/healthy you really are :)

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