Lunges are still tough


As I've mentioned before, I've been doing PS now for close to 3 months, 1-2 times per week (mostly 2x per wk.) But I still can't complete an entire set of lunges. I usually have to miss beats or stop early to recover from muscle failure. Does anyone else still experience this after several months? I keep my barbell weight pretty light for the lunges for this reason. How do you make progress with lunges? Thanks guys.
I have the same problem. Do you have Power Hour? I find the lunges in Power hour to be even more difficult. I can hardly make it through the warmup! I find it heartening to hear Cathe admit she's feeling them too!

One way I work it is to do the lunges with no weight at all until I can do all the reps. With fewer reps I can go heavy, but watch out for those low ends! Arrgh!!!
Try doing walking lunges. They don't seem to "burn" as bad. When I'm struggling with lunges in leaner legs - I take a "walk" down the hallway and back!


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