Lunge modification


Cathe and others,

I’ve got some things going on with my knees. In 10 days I’m going in to get my left ACL reconstructed after blowing it out two years ago. I’m on restriction from my doctor until after the surgery and some of the recovery period.

However, I’m in the very early stages of arthritis in my knees. So I’m banned from running and other hard jarring activities. Lunges are also on the hit list for not to dos. I need a modification to lunges that will obtain the same result but less impact on the knees.

Any suggestions?
I have a knee problem too and just finished some physical therapy. Here's what I'm doing to modify things for knees, so far it's working well and my knee seems to be tolerating it.

All of the modifications are variations of a wall squat using my stability ball wedged btwn my back and the wall. For regular and plie squats I substitute with regular and plie wall squats, making sure my knees are in line with my ankle even in the downward position, in other words, position your feet out a bit more in front. I was told to first start with no weight but then I could try holding a 10 lb weight plate in my hands, or during regular squats, squeezing a soccer ball btwn my knees to get in a little more inner thigh work. For lunges, I start out in the regular wall squat position but raise one leg, keeping it straight, so it's a one-legged squat variation. When starting out, you may just raise the leg a few inches, then more as your quad gets stronger.

Hope that's such a bummer to have bad knees!! I have arthritis in my big toe so doing lunges not only bothers my knees, but the leg that's in back, that foot/toe hurts too. Getting old is wonderful, isnt it?! Hehe.
I too have a knee problem from an old injury and surgery 20 years ago. I recently injured it again and have been going to physical therapy. Here's the program: sitting on the floor with your back as straight as an arrow, tighten the front quad without locking your knee and lift and hold for a count of five do 3 sets of 10 to twelve, or follow the counts for the lunges in the videos. You can do it with weights too. I have worked up to 10 lbs. Be sure you sit up very straight because it's HARDER. Plus it's great for your back and abs too. Other leg exercises included seated hamstring curls with a band or cable weight machine, lying side leg lifts, and side lying inner thigh work (holding a weight on upper thigh depending on your strength. My knee was in bad shape so I was OK with doing this type of work. I found the New Firm Lower Body II tape is basic floor based without stress on the joints. So far, my legs have stayed defined and actually slimmed and streamlined more than when I was doing heavy squats and lunges. More like a ballet dancer. I also lie on my stomach and lift my legs up or you can do this on a stability ball with weights on your ankles to activate the hamstrings.

Be sure you get into a good physical therapy program (even before the surgery) so you will recover safely and quickly. Keep focused, work hard, and know we care about you!!
Thanks so much for the suggestions. I have to read them again and give them a try to see if I'm doing them right.

I have a personal trainer now who's certified in PT. I've been training for five weeks now hard to get ready for the surgery. Then after, I'm out of the gym and into PT. But that kind of concerns me because they're going to be more concerned with only my knee and not the rest of me.

Getting older and injured really does suck!

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