Lunch! Help!

How about Carls Jr. plain baked potato and chicken breast plain topped with salsa? That's one of my favorite fast food meals.

I am a little late here, but i second what Clare said. Why does it have to be "fast food"?? You can go to a grocery store just as fast!!! Remember that!!!
I read in a magazine article about a year where a woman said that she makes it a rule never to leave the house without two pieces of fruit in her purse. I now do the same because hunger can strike at any moment, I refuse to buy junk food on impulse like this, I refuse to spend $6 on a sandwich in some cafe that I know I could have whipped up at home for less tahn 50 cents... call me stingy, but I'd rather save my money for Cathe videos or great Fall sweaters!

Do you have the space to keep emergency rations at work? I do that, and it gives me a sense of security that I won't get stuck hungry. Plan, plan, plan...that's what it's all about. And I agree about the suggestions to go to a grocery store instead of a fast food place.

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