Lunacat's Compendium

I have to add my most sincere thanks to Lunacat too. I use her compendium all the time, in particular her information about the premixes. It was a life-saver just this morning. I had a hard time getting out of bed and had a very limited amount of time to work out. I wanted to do an upper body workout but had not even a half hour. Well, I found just the workout I needed after checking the compendium. I was able to do a warm up, an 11 min. upper body workout, a brief ab workout and a stretch and was still able to get to work on time!! Without Lunacat's information at hand, I probably would not have worked out. So thanks again Lunacat. Your hard work is greatly appreciated by many Cathe fans.

A question - How often do you update your compendium? Have you added information about the newest beginner/intermediate workouts or will you wait until the new advanced workouts are available?

Again, many thanks!!

Wow! Thanks for your kind words, Nancy! You're making me blush. :)

I will update the compendium when the four new DVDs come out. It will include the last two DVDs that were released as well. Everyone who gave/gives me their email address for the first compendium will receive the revised version.

Again, I'll be sending out copies of the first version tomorrow!

Thanks for the info! Will look forward to my updated compendium in a few months. Gots to have my compendium!!!!

Becky-I just wanted to say how awesome it is that you are taking the time to e-mail so many of us. I know I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate you and your hard work!

I think mine got lost :-(

so, trying one more time...Lunacat, may I please have a copy? *bats eyelashes*

thanks in advance!


jcwingate at OR win1jam7 at
I sent out copies today! :)

If you sent me your email address and did not receive a copy, please PM me (with your email address in the PM). Sometimes an email will get bounced back to me if your account doesn't accept the attachment or your inbox is too full.

As always, if anyone still wants a copy, please post your email address or PM it to me. I'll send out copies on weekends.

Have a lovely day,


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