Lunacat's Compendium


I'm a little belated in saying this, but Lunacat:

My hat is off to you, and my skull gleams for you.

I just now read through the Compendium you created, and it is an immensely thorough and well-thought-out detailing of Cathe's workouts. I can only imagine the amount of time you put in to it.

I did want to thank you for creating it. The time breakdowns and "equipment needed" sections are especially helpful.

Thank you so much, Aquajock! I've gotten a lot of positive feedback about it and I'm happy so many people have been able to put it to use.

And you deserve a big thanks for sharing your mish-moshes! Those are tough on a level that's beyond me! :D

At last count, there are 150 people in 6 countries who have copies! I hope everyone enjoys it!


I completely agree A-Jock....Lunacat did an awesome job!!! I especially liked your added mish moshes....}( at least I think....:)...Carole
I also wanted to express my gratitude to Lunacat's for sharing a wonderful resource to so many people. My copy is already getting dog-eared it has been referred to so much! Will a hardback copy be published soon?!? LOL!
Thank you so much. This is a VERY handy document. I find myself referring to it often. I have to drag out my equipment and knowing which pieces is extremely helpful. Also knowing how long the routines are assists me greatly.

People like you that want to help others is what drew me to this board (and keeps me here).

You are much appreciated! :7

I want to say THANK YOU too. I replied to your email that included the compendium, but should have stated it 'in public'.

T H A N K Y O U!!!!!!!!!

I have printed it off, and also saved it to my PC at home and my PC at work, JUST IN CASE. LOL I have referred to it a lot since I got it, and it's gotten me intrigued with all the premixes now....never knew I was missing out on so much!

Hi Fitguy,

I sent you a copy this morning and noticed that your email address was already in my system for copies I had previously sent. Please let me know if you don't get this one. I don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring their requests! :D
I hate to ask this but, can anyone submit a copy of the compendium on this forum, for some reason I can't open any attachment's on my email account. There is something wrong with my email account, and nothing works. So please can someone post it here, if possible. I dont know how many pages, but one page is all that I am asking, so that I can at least see it. Thanks, Chap
Hi Chap,

It's 32 pages long and most of it is in table format that wouldn't translate well to this context. I'm also not entirely sure if I would be 'allowed' to submit a copy on the forum. I've never had any contact with the site moderators but maybe someone who is familiar with them would see if they can make a place for it.

Do you have a different email account I could send you a copy to? Yahoo has free email. You could just set up an account with them for receiving attachments. Or gmail. I have a gmail invitation I could send you.

I ditto all the sentiments...Lunacat did a fantastic job! I couldn't begin to imagine the time and effort that was put into this. Someone posted a thread on this forum titled "Why are you staying?"...well, to me it's obvious. It is because of people like Lunacat, and A-Jock and everyone else that posts here. I have never found a board that has such a close "family", with so many intelligent, motivated people that are ALWAYS willing to help anyone!

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