LowMax - Step Suggestion


So, I did LowMax last night for the first time, and while I generally liked it I did find one aspect very discouraging/annoying. With several of the sequences (I believe 3 and 4?) the step patterns are quite complex for someone who has never done your aerobics before. Additionally, they move very quickly, changing direction, jumping on/off the step, etc. I nearly sprained my ankle slipping off the step while I was trying to simulateneously count the steps, figure out what steps I was supposed to be doing, turning round and round, looking down to locate the step, trying to see what's on the TV screen while my back is to it, etc., all at high speed. Add to that, that all the bloody pivots and backwards and change of directions left me getting rather dizzy. (I've seen other people post they've experienced this same effect). While I understand you don't want to oversimplify the sequences or break them down too much during the video, a chapter within the Chapters section that breaks down the sequences and goes a little slower so new-to-Cathe users can actually get the sequences before they are required to do them at high speed would be useful. I ended up just standing there watching you do it, completely annoyed and prepared to chuck the DVD out the window; rather than motivate me it discouraged me. Let it be known that I am actually very coordinated, have had 12 years of dance training, and generally pick this stuff up pretty quickly. Again, the problem is that the sequences move so fast in the video one never has a chance to figure out what is supposed to be happening. I can't watch you when I have my back to the TV and I'm spinning in circles, etc. Otherwise, I think the DVD could be a lot of fun and provide a great workout. Just a suggestion for future DVDs.
On the plus side - I absolutely love the Gym Style workouts!!
I personally love the fact that not too much time is spent breaking down moves for the advance exerciser which is who these were geared towards. If you're not familiar with Cathe's moves it would be a good idea to watch it through a couple of times and maybe practice without a step first. Cathe also has said on some of her videos to rewind until you get it. Keep trying, the challenge is worth it when you finally accomplish the moves!
I understand that part - but that's why I'm making the suggestion of a separate "chapter" that I can replay, where it is slowed down and/or broken down. Then I watch just that chapter until I get it and then move on to the video. Just figured it would be a useful addition to future volumes. I do admit - I frustrate very easily.
have to agree with this last poster completely. Please no dumbing down. It doesn't take long to learn the moves, and once you have them, it would annoy the hell out if you if Cathe had broken down the moves any more. Seriously: you want a workout that will challenge and motivate you for the long haul. Yes, there is a short learning curve, as there is to most things in lfe. Come on: rise to the challenge!

I am not a dancer, hopeless at it in fact, yet I have no trouble wwith Cathe's choreography at all beause it is very logical really. You just keep switching feet. Give yourself another chance and try out that rewind button!

Is anyone actually reading my post? I'm not asking for "dumbing down" within the workout. I am suggesting A SEPARATE CHAPTER FOR INDEPENDENT VIEWING. Thereby, the viewer can watch just that segment - at the slower pace. Then they can do the video in it's entirety without having to stop and rewind, stop and rewind.
As Cathe states in Cardio Kicks, "If you got it the first time you would be bored." You really need to give more complex choreography a chance. I bet by the 4th time you do it, you'll begin to love it. But like previous posters stated, I also don't like a lot of repitition in my choreography. I love most of the moves and variety Cathe has to offer, no dumbing down for me either.

Have you tried watching the segments with which you are having trouble in slow motion. I would try this during a time that you are not doing your regular workout and practice along with the slow motion until you get the moves. I bet it will take you no time before you are going right along with Cathe!!
Good luck,

I think the separate chapter is a good idea, even though I like complex choreography with little breakdown. I know Christi Taylor has optional sections for that kind of tutorial on her vids, also.
Maybe you should enter this idea in the Suggestion folder.
I get what your saying...And it could be a good selling tool to make cathe's product user freindly for those who are new. And because the actual workout isnt "dummied" down...it will still challenge them as they advance. I guess most users when faced with the tricky steps tend to do this repititional breakdown on their own. Good luck with the steps!
I get what you are saying NY...you don't want the actual work out itself to be slowed down or simplified...you want a separate chapter that is dedicated to "teaching" the moves. Then when you are ready, you can tackle "the real thing".

I think that's a good idea...it would basically give everyone a fair shot at doing any of her step work outs without needlessly boring the gals who are very good at following her choreogrpahy already.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


As a relatively new Cathe-ite, I'd like to chime in here and say that I found it easiest to learn Cathe's earlier step workouts where she breaks the moves down a lot and learned "the basics" before I felt I could "graduate" to the workouts with more challenging choreography.

Now that I'm familiar with Cathe's style, I can (almost) do a new workout without previewing it first (although I heartily recommend a preview - I just get too eager) because I'm comfortable with Cathe's excellent cueing. I rewind and retry from time to time, but after you get used to it, responding to her cues seems to become automatic because you know the moves - and to me that's when the workouts get really FUN!:D
NY25, I posted a similar suggestion in the "Suggestions for new workouts" forum (down below). You might want to add a vote there.

*I* read your post and understand what you meant!
I read your post and I know exactly what you are saying. You do not need to shout. But, I still think it's unnecessary and that you are underestimating yourself. We were trying to encourage you actually, but perhaps you did not understand that?

Kathryn, I did notice that "suggestions" section and have posted there, too. Noticed a few people had already had the same suggestion/observation. I also noticed a similar posting in the Open Forum. At least I'm not alone! hehe Thanks and thanks to my supporters!! :D :D
How about using the "AB" button on your remote? You press "A" at the beginning of the section that you wish to learn and then press "B" at the end of it and it will continue playing in a loop until you press the AB button again. This helps a lot!

See what I mean?:)
Wow, I never knew that!! I just tried it and it works...what a great tool! I wish I had known that a long time ago, but at least I can use it from now on. I think it will be really handy for learning some of the more intricate choreography so when I do the workouts I won't need to stop and try to figure out what I'm doing.
That was a great suggestion...Thanks!!
I agree with the original poster of this topic and have nearly tripped over my step as well. While I can understand the lack of teaching in the main portion of the workout, I think a separate learn the step section would be very useful for at least the steps cathe refers to as being a little bit *tricky*. What I can't understand is the late cueing. Sometimes cathe actually bunches up a lot of cues because she is so late in saying them. I could point to specific examples of this in IMAX 3 and LowMax. That is my biggest issue with the choreography. I know I've posted this point before, sorry for the redundancy but it really bothers me with this series.
Thanks for the support Ducky. I know what you're speaking of, as well. I think that sometimes even causes me to get my steps goofed up. Just when you think you've got it, she starts cueing a bunch of steps and it's like "what?" And you suddenly have to stop to process what she's saying as it relates to what she's doing. Very frustrating. If I ever get the choreography down, it will probably be a fun workout. I particularly like the kickboxing stuff at the end.
Thanks Runathon!

I'm not very good at figuring out my DVD player, so this info was very helpful for me!

I appreciate it!


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