Lowering step height


Very interesting thread at VF about lowering your step height and still getting a good workout. I've always automatically done workouts at 6 inches (I'm 5-1) but last night for Body Max step I went down to 4. And I loved it! I could do ALL the power moves with the gang, which is the first time ever. In the middle of it I realized I felt more comfortable at 4 inches, and it was more fun as opposed to exhausting and worrisome (one of these days I'm gonna topple over the board). I was still sweating buckets after being done, but I was invigorated and didn't curse Cathe once :). My knees also didn't complain for once.

What are your experiences with lowering/raising your step height?

Hi Rose

When I first started working out like you I went to 6 inches and then noticed that my thighs were starting to get very bulky so I went down to 4 and viola my thighs got lean.

I am able to do power moves much more easily I am 5ft so the lower height means I get a great workout and I stay safe.

Babs :-jumpy
Last time I did a step tape, which was Step Fit, I started out with 6", and lowered it to 4" on the last section. I still got a good workout, and didn't feel as wiped out.

Gone are the days when I felt I had to do the workout on a 8" step or nothing.
I always look at BodyMax and decide not to do it because of sheer dread. You have inspired me to try it at 4 inches.
I am tall, so I feel that if I don't do workouts on 8" I am a worthless weenie.

Nonetheless, I have often lowered to 6" when I was really really dreading a workout (IMax, BodyMax) and it's like throwing myself a bone. "OK, I'll do it, I guess." I still feel like I got a good workout, after all in IMax, the dreadful stuff is all on the floor anyway!

And sometimes, when I'm just a tad sick, I'll lower to 6", so I think of it as a treat.
I always use the 4 inch step. My knees thank me and I find I can REALLY push it without being afraid of falling off the step. I still get an intense workout and I'm in one piece when I am done!....but I still curse Cathe from time to time!!;-)

If you are short, it sure makes a real difference to cut that step atleast to 6". I tried 8" for Body Max and it felt so unnatural. I have never done 4". Is that with no risers?? But it is amazing how videos you dread somehow become manageable when you lower that step..just work your way up..or, er, down!!! Hey, IMAX right now would seem impossible at 8". I think with my little legs I would be jumping just to get on the step..LOL!!!
When I first started stepping, hubby made me a 6" step. Eventually I needed an 8" step for my cardiovascular needs. (I'm 5'1") Well, I think as short as I am, my knees can't really take the 8" (nor my FEET!), so I had hubby make me a 7" step! 6" just doesn't do it for me. In the words of Goldylocks...."7" is JUUUUST right!!" ;-)

I'm 4'11" and used to do 6" too, mainly for intensity. Then my knees started to ache on occassion, so I reluctantly lowered it. But you're right, you can do a lot of the power moves better. Now 6" seems so high and hard on my knees!

Better to be safe, especially when you're short! Besides, on the Cathe tapes, almost everyone (except the tall girls) use the 4" height.

I use a 4 inch step too, every once in a while I'll do 6 but I always find that I'm having to really watch that I don't trip. So in the interest of not breaking any bones, I just stay at 4, and I've seen great results. I figure its like what Cathe always says 'Whatever works for YOU!'

Is 4 using just the board? I thought thats what it is but after reading through all of the posts, I think I confused myself! I just read an article that mentioned that raising/lowering the step height provides a MAJOR change in the cardio benefits/calorie burning of a step workout.(sorry but I don't remember where I read the article, I think it was the Wall Street Journal, I am going to try and find it again and I will post it) I currently use 6? (1 set of risers)but agree with what you said about being unable to do all of the moves "full out" and I may try your suggestion. Thanks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-02 AT 08:36PM (Est)[/font][p]Yes, 4" is without risers. I also always use a 4" step for Cathe and, now that I know I'm not the only one, I can come out of the closet!!! I'm thinking that I really need to, at least, *try* a set of risers. Altho, I did manage to fall off my 4" step this week during RS. Maybe a klutz shouldn't go higher, but I think, in the a.m. I'll try it with Step Max. I'll have to make sure my kids know to dial 911 if Mommy busts her @$$.

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
After reading all these responses, I feel like an Amazon! I do all my stepping at 6" because that's the lowest my step goes.
i used to do all my step videos at the 8 inch level, since thats was all everyone on the video was using and i didnt want to be different. But i started have knee trouble plus pooping out earlier didnt help. I moved down to a 6 inch step and love it. I also have a rebock step so i couldnt go lower since it is only 6,8,or 10.

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