lower body routines


I don't have a lot of Cathe's tapes yet (I'd LOVE to buy a whole bunch at once, but can only financially manage to get one at a time), and I'm looking for suggestions/advice on lower body routines. Most of my Cathe videos are cardio and upper body, and I'm wondering if anyone has a good lower body routine that isn't on a video that works well for them. I do pilates and have just purchased a stability ball, but I want to add some other routines/workouts as well. I know that I WILL be buying some of Cathe's lower body videos in the near future, but need something else before then. Any ideas???
Thanks! :)

p.s. my goals are to tone and firm this area (hips, thighs, glutes), and I love what Pilates is doing for me, but I don't want my body to "get used" to it, and want to add some variety.
I've been doing Winsor Pilates and using a combination of the following videos:
Abs Sculpting
Hips & Thighs
Advanced Body Slimming

The Advanced one is very fast-paced and you move right from one exercise to the next - and you really feel it! I also just started using Hilary Burnett's Advanced Mind-Body-Mat video, too. I'm someone who hates doing crunches, and I love working my abs with Pilates (and love that I'm actually seeing results in my mid-section, too!) I've heard good things about Keli Roberts' Quick-Fix Pilates for Abs (3 10-min workouts) and have just ordered it. I also want to get the Stott Advanced Matwork as I hear it's great, too.
I started doing Pilates about 6 weeks ago, and not only do I like the results I'm seeing in my "trouble areas," but my posture's great and my flexibility has really increased. I always feel good after a Pilates workout, like I've given my body a treat or something!

Sarah :)
The latest edition of Muscle and Fitness Hers (the one with a black cover) has an awesome glute routine in it. Many exercises are the same as those used in Cathe's lower body workouts.
Another vote cast for LL - the tape everyone loves to hate, or hates to love???? Let's just say LL and me have a love - hate relationship!!

Another vote for LL and PLB. I have been experimenting with doing both tapes each week. So far so good . . .
PLB!!! PLB!!! PLB!!! This thing is so time efficient...I can't believe she gets through all that in an hour. Plus the DOMS are absolutely unbelievable. This is my third time doing it and my hams and calves have awful cramps and make me walk funny. I should have done a yoga tape like I did the second time...that really made the soreness manageable. But this one has Leg pressess, lunges, squats and plies and calf work at a good pace...not fast reps. Plus a really good floor section. She gets better every new series!

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