Lower body every day??


Hi everyone,

I found an interesting comment in the Ask Cathe forum about training your lower body every day and wanted to get more feedback on it:

"Ever wonder why bodybuilders dont train the same muscle group daily? Over training sure, but because they lose size! BINGO!!! I have large legs and calves (i'm a male so aint so bad!) but my upper body is not as large, so i train legs every day, different exercises and i've lost 3" in size. Just a thought, but why not try doing something for them daily and see where is goes? This is, after all, how Figure Skaters train to be small, but also not gain large amounts of muscle, and they looks pretty good to me."

Has anyone else found working their lower body daily to be more effective? I'm a pear and really determined to lose inches in my lower body.

Hi Jen, This is called the Lower Body Solution. I have a pear shape and have tried this. It seemed to work, but for some reason I stopped doing it. Can't remember why now. I have thought many times of trying it again, but I have not. The concept is to work your lower body every day alternating with standing and floor exercises. Below is a sample rotation that I printed from a website about this.

Advanced Video Rotation:
Monday: Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength or Firm's Tough Tape followed by Kickboxing video of your choice.

Tuesday: Firm's Sculpted Hips, Thighs, and Buns followed by cardio of your choice.

Wednesday: Cathe's Pure Strength Legs/Abs (standing portion) followed by cardio of your choice.

Thursday: Cathe's Pure Strength Legs/Abs (floorwork only) followed by cardio of your choice.

Friday: Firm's Standing Legs followed with Cathe's Pure Strength Back, Biceps, and Abs.

Saturday: Firm's Lower Body Sculpting followed by Cathe's Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps.

Sunday: Rest, Yoga, or cardio of your choice.

This was printed a while back and can very easily be used with Cathe's newer workouts.

I am interested in this also but how do you fit it all in???
And I have major fanny lifter butt that I am trying to get rid of - Any suggestions???? (Sorry for butt-ing in Jen!!)

Thank! Cathy
Hi Cathy, Time can definitely be a factor with this rotation. I used to combine my workouts on some days instead of doing 2 separate workouts. On Monday I normally did not do any cardio, but just the full body workout. With Cathe's new Push/Pull, you definitely have time to do a full body workout (omitting the floorwork) and then tacking on 30 minutes of cardio for around 1 hour. You can also do Cardio and Weights or any workout that combines cardio and weights as long as you omit any floor work for that particular day. All of my cardio was around 30 minutes.
Thanks Kelley! I just might have to try this! I did Cathes PLB minus leg press followed by Lotte Berk high round assets on Friday and have been soooooo unexpectedly sore! Do you think I can use some lotte berks in there too?

Hi Cathy, I have no idea as I only use Cathe and Firm workouts. It's hard for me find workouts that I like, and Cathe and the Firm are the only ones I like. I have found many great workouts, but the fun factor is just not there for me. I sometimes wish I was not so picky with my workouts, but on the other hand it saves me money.
You really need to take a day off between workouts for safety's sake. You risk overuse injuries if you don't. When you strength train, you make micro tears in the muscle, which heal and make the muscle stronger. Healing takes place on those days off. You might retard your muscles, but it's not healthy to train body parts on consecutive days.
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
Hey Ladies...twas my post where i mentioned about everyday training. I train legs daily. I use lunges, squats, piles, High Step Ups (how good are they!) and i'm so happy with the results. I now do either squats or lunges, and the hight step about 5 days per week. I think you can order the book, The Lower Body Solution from Amazon.com it is very good and has some great diet advice. I will always train lower body daily as the results are fab and ... squats and lunges burn lots of caloires, so double good eh?!!!
There is an article about "Paring Down the Pear" in a recent issue of Oxygen Magazine. I will look for it and see which month it is. It gives details about decreasing your lower body.
I've been thinking of giving this a try with calves...do you think it would work any differently with the calves as to any other lower body work? I'd really love to reduce those babies.
RE: Lower body every day?? - another possibility

Hi! There's also something called high intensity training, recommended by a guy named Gary Snyder (I might be recalling this wrong, but at least the name Snyder is correct). Do a google search and you'll find his recommendations - which are, of course, to work legs every day. Not sure what he says about upper body.

I don't know though! I did Pyramid lower body last Friday, ran on Saturday morning, and wasn't able to do ANYTHING leggy for the rest of the weekend.

I have been training my legs six days a week. I have to say my legs are very defined (muscles popping up everywhere) but my legs are still very slimmed down - they measure 18 1/2" at the very top.

This has worked for me since I had my last three children ( I have 10 children). It has always amazed me when people say to take breaks or you won't have any muscle definition - but legs are very defined.

After the babies, I have been able to whittle my legs down quite well.

I know alot of people will dispute this and say you need rest days in between, but I KNOW WHAT WORKS for me! I have been doing it for 6 years now with no injuries or any problems!

Now, with Cathe's new videos I do Legs & Glutes (MWF) Supersets and Push &Pull on Sun and Thurs and Step Jump & Pump on Tuesday.

With her last series, I did similar rotations. This might be too much for some people, but it hasn't been for me. They can just try it and see what works for them.

Obviously, you are adults and you are going to do what you want whether it flies in the face of conventional wisdom or not. Still, it's good to know what to expect if you do overtrain. "Know the Signs
It's important to be able to recognize the signs of overtraining before they become chronic. Physical signs of overtraining include:

* decreased performance

* loss of coordination

* prolonged recovery

* elevated morning heart rate

* headaches

* loss of appetite

* muscle soreness/tenderness

* gastrointestinal disturbances

* decreased ability to ward off infection

Keep in mind that not all of the signs of overtraining are physical. Much like regular exercise has a positive effect on mood and stress levels, too much exercise can do just the opposite, leaving the exerciser irritable and depressed, particularly as the quality of the workouts declines. Psychological and emotional signs of overtraining include depression, apathy, difficulty concentrating, emotional sensitivity and reduced self-esteem

Understand the Cause
Once you recognize the symptoms of overtraining, it's important to understand and honestly confront the cause. For some, overtraining occurs as a result of an upcoming competition. Increased training prior to an event is understandable, but if it's interfering with your health and well-being, you have to question its worth. The solution? May be as easy as reducing the rate at which you increase your training intensity. The body needs sufficient time to adjust to your increased demands. Triathletes don't start out running 10 miles, cycling 100 miles and swimming 1,000 meters all at once. They gradually increase their training to allow their bodies to adapt."

By the way, I checked out The Lower Body Solution at Amazon and if you are doing complete and intense lower body workouts each day, you are not following the author's program which recommends working the lower body each day but doing different exercises, such as squats one day, lunges the next.

I personally always follow the advice of the experts who have scientific studies to back up their claims. One or two upper and lower body workouts on non-consecutive days and a clean diet.

Whatever you do, be careful and listen to your bodies! Your good health is more important than thin legs!

Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi

It was nice of you to post your thoughts on over training - but since I do not have any of those symptoms you stated for overtraining it does not pertain to me. I very rarely get sick - I have a physical exam every year faithfully with full blood work and the doctor says I am in excellent health. He says all of my internal organs are working quite well.

I have been working out like this for over 6 years - this has made my body stronger - even when 4 or 5 of my children are sick, I don't seem to get it. But on the occasion I do get a bladder infection or whatever, I do not exercise at all - for that is when I have no energy to do it. I do listen to my body, in the case of feeling like I am not up to something on a certain day, I do not do it.

Many times, as in Legs & Glutes, I don't use as heavy of weights - some days I can give it my all other days I do a lighter workout. So, I will stick with what I am doing for it has worked for over six years, but thank you for your concern and your great advice.

If I do get any of the symptoms of overtraining I shall heed your advice - for I do really try to listen to my body. For I do know you can have too much of a good thing!

Hi everyone,

Wow, I haven't been able to get back on the forum for a few days, and I was surprised at all the responses! Thanks for all the info. I'm going to have to check out that Lower Body Solution book, sounds interesting. I definitely don't want to overtrain, but if changing my approach will work better, I'm all for it.

Thanks again,
Cheryl, I don't know how you do it! My legs are so fried after lower body training, I have to take a day off. Plus getting in upper body and cardio and raising three kids, it's hard to find the time. And you have ten! Wow! You must be Wonder Woman! (I have 9 sisters and three brothers and my mom is also Wonder Woman. She always made it look so easy.) You have quite a constitution!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
Many years ago when I was an aerobics instructor and before I knew about the no strength training 2 days in row, I used to workout daily doing the same thing each day. For years I did 30 minutes of weight training followed by 30 minutes of cardio. The weight training was not heavy weight work, but more along the same lines as the Slim Series. I looked better than ever then with only 15% body fat. I was in my late 20s, however. I have never tried this way of training since as I now use heavier weights.

Also, when I was doing the lower body solution method, I did not do the same exercises daily. I did lower body standing one day followed by lower body floor work the next day. In my original post about this type of workout, if I remember correctly, I did say that you alternate standing leg work and floor work.

Cheryl, I am interested in the rotation you're doing right now. Are you only getting in 1 day of cardio or do add more cardio to your weight days? Thanks, Kelley
Bobbi, thanks for posting this. I'm not thinking that what I have planned is "intense" but it sure is nice to know what to look for just in case. Thanks again.

I always read all of your posts faithfully, because I find your responses so great and uplifting, that is why I did appreciate your input on overtraining - Hey, plus I am from Michigan and I remember your posts that you come here every summer to be with your family.

The thing with me is I home school and I have 7 children at home now and my workout time is my ME time that I cherish - I leave all my problems with my husband and I go downstairs and that is what really relieves all of my stress! If I didn't do that I don't think I could be able to handle everything especially with homeschooling - that is six different grades to plan and do. Plus, I have a 2 year old who is the most stressful kid I have ever had. He throws major tantrums!

In response to the leg workout, my legs are used to it, now. When you get your DVD's you will see that Legs & Glutes is a different than her other videos. It is not intense like lets say LL.

Keep your posts up for they are truly inspiring and I can tell you really are a caring person!


I forgot to mention I also have a 26 year old who has a traumatic brain injury, he was hit while a pedestrian in April of 2002, infact he was hit the day after Cathe had her second son. I was on this Forum when we got the call. We will have to take care of him for the rest of his life - just the mental part, for physically he can do all his care.

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