Lower body every day??

Hi everyone -

This is a really interesting concept. I don't have enough time to do two workouts a day, so would something like this work:

M: Full body workout (omitting floor work)
T: cardio + floorwork
W: Full body workout (omitting floor work)
Th: cardio + floorwork

Also, how would this apply to PS series if we don't have time for two videos?

So many peoples comments. Truly great to get a good topic going. Clearly this once a day lower body training is not for eveyone, but i would like to point something out with regards to over training. Dancers. Skaters. Gymnasts all train on this high frequency basis and they don't show signs of over training nor do they have large lower bodies. The reps are kept in the 10-15 range and the weight used is 75% of your 10 rep max, to this is not a heavy weight to lift and can be done daily without any problems (providing you choose your execises wisely). I think before people start to dis this concept it mgiht be wise to at least "try it" so if it works or not, if not, then at least you've tried it and can make a comment on its efficiency. Too many times we (meaning everyone) make comments about "this won't work, or that wont work" and most times we don't even try it. Lower body training really does work, it works for me, has done for others and if given a go, might work for you.
Hello everyone,

Can I see an example of what Workouts I can use for this method of training?

I have...

Cathes: Pure Strength, Slow & Heavy, MIS, PowerHour, Pyramid Upper/Lower body and

Firm: Tough Tape

I would like to accentuate muscle definition as well in my legs. Thanks...

The beauty of these forums is there is so much info here but in the end, everybody is different and has to do what works for them. I had a serious foot injury a few years ago so I haven't been able to run the way I used to but when I was running alot, my legs often became perpetually pooped!

I must say when I read the post I thought "holy guacamole"! Six days of leg work would kill me! But as I said, our bodies are very smart about what works if we tune into them!

Cheryl, that must have been so hard! I can't imagine how I would deal with such a thing! I am sure he flourishes in your tender care! I think mothering is the toughest job you'll ever love! As I said, my own mama raised thirteen kids and faced hardships I cannot imagine but she did it with such compassion and patience and that ever important unconditional love.

Thank you for the kudos! I love the questions that come up whether they fall into my particular areas of expertise or not. Doing web research and trying to get up to the date information in one of my guilty pleasures. My husband says I am "fixiated".

Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi

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