Lower Back?


Hi Cathe,

Glad to hear you're "back at it" & feeling good. How's that new little sweetheart doing?

I've always wondered why you don't do exercises targeted to the lower back after ab work. Do you consider them not necessary? Or are you sneaking in lower back when we're not looking in other exercises? ;-)

Thanks as always for EVERYTHING!
>Hi Cathe,
>Glad to hear you're "back at
>it" & feeling good.
>How's that new little sweetheart
>I've always wondered why you don't
>do exercises targeted to the
>lower back after ab work.
> Do you consider them
>not necessary? Or are
>you sneaking in lower back
>when we're not looking in
>other exercises? ;-)
>Thanks as always for EVERYTHING!
I'm not Cathe but I think there are some lower back exercises right after abs in the PS series, but which one? Legs/Abs or BBA or both? These are the ones where you lie face down and raise both ends upward- are they called Supermans? Also, planks work the low back as do dead lifts done with good form of course.

Also in PowerHour and... (?)

Now Cathe really knows the answer to your question but I just had to jump in here 'cause it is a thing that I noticed about the workout- good balance in the core region.
There is lower back work on PS B/B/A after the abs and in CTX's Power Circuit back segment right before the abs. Also, any time Cathe does planks or dead lifts, this is targeting the lower back. I am finally starting to get that cleavage thing going in my spine. I love it!

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