lower back pain during lat barbell rows


I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I did PS vol 3 last night and my back did not like doing lat rows with the barbell. Should I switch to one arm lat rows? I do not think the weight was to heavy, I could have even gone heavier but I do not have any more plates for my barbell. It feels like my lats are strong enough, but my back is not strong enough to give the right support. I am not sure what to do to aleviate the problem
Hi Michelle!

There is definitely a little balance involved in this exercise. You need to have your legs straddled and your upper body in just the right forward angle to master the contraction in the muscle. Unfortunately, I can't tell you where that point is. You need to experiment a bit to find/feel that perfect stance. Try making sure the base of your barbell is anchored securely so that you do not lose your form trying to compensate for a "sliding" barbell. Also try to keep your arms close to your sides as you pull the bar up to target more central back.

If you would like to focus on your lats more directly and specifically you may find it more comfortable to do one arm rows(as you have suggested).
sorry to mis-lead you

I do not have as much trouble with the exercise where one end of the barbell is on the floor. It is the exercise after the single arm bent row. You are bent forward with the barbell in both hands, hip width apart and you row the barbell along your legs.
The recommendations you already made are probably the same with both exercises.
Hi Michelle!

Sorry about that. Yes, the recommendations are similar(except for straddling your barbell, ha!). You may also find that as your strength improves on Quarter Dead Lifts, barbell rows may become easier.
back pain

I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this right, but do you have back pain/strain in your lower back when doing this exercise? If so, you may be doing one of two things: not supporting your lower back with your abs, or rounding your back (and thus putting some strain on the ligaments). When you bend over to get into the row position, make sure you keep the normal arch in your back (a slight "butt out" curve and hold your abs in). Hope this helps.
another thought

I have also found that when i don't have a slight bend in my legs, it shows up in my back. Sometimes my mind wanders a bit and I "forget" proper form.

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