Low Max


I would love to see more work outs like Low Max - I just did it yesterday after not doing it for a while and it is really a great workout - I can really get my heart rate up there without a lot of jarring to my 45-year-old joints. It also feels like I'm really working my legs. I hope to see more of these in the future!

I like Low Max alot. I think Cathe should always include at least one low impact workout in her new series. There are always people just starting out or those of us who want a workout with less impact to mix it in with the higher impact stuff.
I have to jump on the Low Max bandwagon and BEG Cathe for more of these types of workouts.

Those of us with "issues" (I have plantar fasciitis) NEED these kinds of workouts. Most other instructors just don't challenge me like you do.

I LOVE your high impact stuff, it just kills me. ;(

Heck, I'd be thrilled to the teeth with ANY low impact workout you can put together.
Count me in on this one, too! I am 60 years old and I modify ALL impact moves to deal with a very bad knee. I do all of Cathe's step tapes on a 4 inch step now, because I just cannot risk more damage.
I'd add one caveat however, make it more fast-paced in terms of cycles, like 10 cycles instead of the 7. The Low Max cycles were a bit long, hence, get a little boring.
I, too, would love a low max 2! I was thrilled at the LIC, and also need lower impact with high intensity that these WO's give!

I would consider this a sure preorder!!!
Yes, please!! I love the suggestion of a low impact workout with every new set of workouts. I only have Basic Step & Body Fusion, Low Max and Low Impact Circuit because I can't do high impact aerobics. I would LOVE to see more low impact, high intensity workouts. Please!
It's my all time favorite. I agree. More workouts like this. Some of the music is really great too. I often wonder why when they hit on a really motivating song they only use a small section and are off with a less desirable one. I find if I get into the music it helps to tune out that voice in my head screaming "stop....this is hard" :)
Another vote for a low impact, knee friendly, workout!!!! I haven't done low max yet... I will do that one tomorrow :) I love LIC and most of Cathe's high impact I have to modify because I don't want to hurt my knees *more*

I would be wonderful to have another like LIC or Low Max!!
I'd like to see a Low Max lower body circuit workout set up something like this:

Warm up
Step combo 1
Blast 1 (like the blasts in Low Max or Low Impact Circuit - moves that really tax the quads and glutes)
Weighted lower body segment (squats, for example)
Step combo 2
Blast 2
Weighted lower body segment

Something like the lower body circuit premix from LIC only longer.

(Note to Cathe: Please reprise the 'core repeater' from blast one of LIC - I LOVE that blast!!!)

Another idea might be to incorporate the med ball during some of the blasts...

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