Low Max - EXACTLY what I had in mind!


I'm a 57-year-old intermediate to advanced exerciser, and I have been having symptoms of arthritis for about 2 years now. While I ADORE step, I'm realizing that step and arthritis don't always get along so good...until now, that is.

I did Low Max for the first time last night and it impressed the daylights outta me. OMG, I like it even better than IMAX2, and I'm totally addicted to IMAX2! :D

I can modify just about any step workout and make it comfortable for my old joints while still kicking my bootay, but I didn't have to modify Low Max. (Well I did modify a little during the last blast when I just couldn't breathe any more. :D)

So today, my legs are SORE, SORE, SORE, and my joints are not bothering me at all. I'm so happy with this workout -- Wow, it's FUN!
Low Max is a gift! It is an excellent workout and doesn't sacrifice my joints in the process. I love IMAX 2, but it tortures my knees. I swear they do Genie Hops in Hell.
Okay ladies, how difficult is the choregraphy in this workout? I'm really tempted by it, but I've comments that the moves are rather difficult to master.
Don't be intimidated by what you have read. Before doing Low Max for the first time, I previewed it once. I also practiced a couple of the trickier moves , just using the step, without any risers. If you are used to Cathe's choreography, you'll get this. The way I look at it is: If these new workouts didn't pose any challenge at all, you wouldn't get the thrill from mastering them. Go for it! Have fun:)
Thanks runningal! You have a good point -- challenge is good! I think I'm going to have to just go for it!;)
I did Low Max for the first time last night and it was exactly the workout I needed after not working out since July. I found some of the choreography a little tricky, but I could modify and do my own thing until I caught on. I thought it was alot of fun and smiled alot through this workout.
My knees are extremely thankful for Low Max. I wish Cathe would make more workouts like this in the future.

i love this one! i have done it 2 days in a row for fun factor. the moves weren't challenging for me, but i think i have christie to thank for that. fun, fun, fun!

I'm so glad you liked it. It arrived for me today too, along with The Classics and Imax2 and Cardio & Weights. I'll preview it pretty soon. Thought I'd get a little more used to Cathe's cueing by doing the Classics first.

Can't wait for hubby to be gone for a bit so I can preview...}(

I too love this workout. It is just fun and it is a nice lower body workout as well as a lower impact cardio workout. I have to resist the urge to do this one and Imax 3 too much!
This is my new favorite! I am loving the "All step premix" which is just perfect for me right now. This is exactly the workout I was wanting!

I was thinking the EXACT same thing today when I was doing LowMax! Christi and Seasun Zeigler have prepared us for anything! Bring on the Reverse Mambos!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~

I was thinking the EXACT same thing today when I was doing LowMax! Christi and Seasun Zeigler have prepared us for anything! Bring on the Reverse Mambos!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Yes, Low Max is brilliant, and I am a true high impact lover - give me tuck jumps and plyo jacks any day and it is a happy one. Everything "works" in Low Max from beginning to end, and it is generating a lot of creative ideas for classes. I like it because it really caters to the folks who want true high intensity without the impact and this is a large part of the general apparently healthy adult population. I do this one on a six inch step height and still feel it at the end!

I just did it this morning and am extremely impressed! I don't know how Cathe keeps doing it! The choreography is creative and challenging with a variety of moves. I also love high impact but had a feeling this might challenge me as much because many of the low impact/high intensity moves on her other workouts are more challenging to me than the high impact moves. This workout is a must-have!

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