Low Max Choreography


I finally ordered this DVD along with Kick Max and Muscle Max and I'm waiting for collage to ship them. Yippee!!! Anyway, I was wondering how long will it be until I learn all the choreography? Is it hard to learn? I've been exercising with Cathe since the late 90s so I know a lot of her classic moves, but I don't know how Low Max is in terms of choreography if it's all new moves, or a mix of old and new. I'm planning to put all these DVDs into a rotation as soon as I get them so I won't have time to preview them more than 1 time. Thanks in advance.
It shouldn't take long, esp. if you have her more recent workouts like Step Blast. I see a lot of similiar moves in Low Max. I think she has a step only premix in Low Max that you could do until you get the choreo down. The step routine in this workout is a lot of fun.
Lowmax's to me isn't hard. The leg work you do is the challenging part. One or two of the Intervals are kind of tricky, but just a time or two and you'll have it. When I first got LM, I took a few intervals at a time. And I finally was able to complete the whole workout. It's like a leg workout combined with cardio.

Hope you enjoy it.

I got the LM choreography almost all down the first time I did the workout, and usually it takes me a while to get the choreography. I think because you're not doing any high impact, there are no spins or turns and so it makes it a bit easier. Well, the choreography is easier. The workout is NOT easy!:p
I do the All Step premix most of the time, and I just love it! It's definitely my favorite cardio workout. the music is just great!

At any rate, it only took me a couple of times to get all the moves down. I quickly previewed the workout (fast forwarded through a bunch of it), and then did it and was astounded at how quickly the moves came to me. Cathe did an excellent job with this one.

And it moves so fast, I can hardly believe it's finished when I get done. Love that last step routine!!!
I'm a complete choreography klutz. Pivots and mamba's etc. always have me confused. I have done Low Max like 5 times now and I'm starting to get the hang of it. And I'm still trying it at a 6" step.

I am pretty new to Cathe AND to step (since December)...and it wasn't hard for me to pick up the lowmax chor....there were a couple of parts that I had to do a few times to get but it really wasn't bad at all! You'll do great! It's a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05

Didn't take me long to pick up the choreography, either, and I only do Cathe's step workouts occasionally. I think I had it by the second time I did the workout. For me, the hardest thing about Low max is getting through it--I did it in an ice-cold room this week (our heat is automatically turned off in May, yet it was about 45 degrees one morning) and halfway through the workout the sweat was just pouring off me and my legs were screaming. Gotta love it. :)
I agree with the others who said some of the moves are similar to Step Blast...there are a couple of new ones in there, but all in all, the choreography is fairly easy to pick up, imo...I can't say enough about how good this workout is...really love it. :)
Thank you all. I don't know why I'm so excited to get this dvd! I can't wait. We'll see how long it takes me to learn the choreography.
The choreo is definitely doable, but when I did it the first couple of times, I found some late cuing and some "not-quite-right" cuing to be frustrating. After you learn what Cathe really means (ie: a "knee slam repeater" isn't three knee slams--which is what it sounds like-- but a "knee, kick, knee"; the "triples around the step" are actually "step-step-triple-triple"). I recommend viewing the workout at least once before you do it so you can catch these more confusing cues (and figure out how to do the "step sweep") and know what you're going to be doing.

I always preview workouts, and am usually able to get Cathe's choreo abut 85% the first time out, with rest of it coming after we do the move 2 or 3 times. With LM and IMAX3, there were places I found very frustrating the first time out.
I love Low Max! I frequently do the Step only premix. The only part that presents a choreo challenge for me is the last segment (#7). I can't quite seem to nail the sequence of "touch the step and then side kick" and always wind up doing the opposite of Cathe! As a workaround I tend to do the sequence just prior to it with the "jab, jab, knee up and a side kick over the step" instead.

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