low impact series on off days

Tracy Sheehy

Active Member
I do weights three days a week, sometimes Cathe's weight dvds and other times my own program. I like to do the low impact cardio workouts on the every other day and was wondering if the little bit of weight training that is included in Afterburn or Athletic training or even Drill max is too much to do within 24 hours of completing a hard and intense weight training routine?
I think Cathe answered this previously and said that you can do any of them except Total Body Trisets. You might want to search around to find her old response just to make sure I'm remembering correctly!:p
It depends how you feel and what you are trying to achieve. Myself, I have no problem doing a Drill Max type of workout after doing Muscle Max. Just make sure you stretch and don't overdo it either.
I agree with JT on that it all depends how you feel. If I worked my UB and I have severe DOMS, I can't do AB or AT within 24hrs. I would never be able to go in all those plank positions or give 100% to my workout.

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