Low Impact Circuit DVD Premixes

Hi Cathe,

I suggest....(1)upper body, cardio, abs ......(2) lower body, cardio, abs.....(3) Cardio and abs......Thxs Cathe for all your great DVD"S....I love em'.....So glad your BACK!!!!! When are you coming to Cleveland, OH??????.....Love ya, Loretta
I would love to see more than 3-4 premixes.

Step only
Step and blasts only
Upper body only
Lower body only
Timesaver style with only one body part
Step and upper body circuit only
step and lower body circuit only
(oh, and of course cycles 1-4, (including the bonus cycle), followed by abs)

1. Premix #1 as described on your blog (a great premix!)

2. Everything as is, but without the lower body exercises (no compound moves). (is this called upper body circuit?)

3. Step combos, step blasts, and leg/cardio. (no upper body)

4. Step combos and leg/cardio. (no upper body)

5. Step blasts and leg/cardio. (no upper body)

and maybe,

6. Step combos and upper body,

7. Step blasts and upper body.

Add me to the list of doing the following as premixes:

Cardio Only
Upper Body weights only
Lower Body weights only
Total Body weights timesaver

Thanks for taking our suggestions Cathe.
Seems I got on the wagon here a little late. Was away for a week. I really like Annette's suggestions. (Aquajock)


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy by eden ahbez 1908-1995 (lower case letters as he wanted, because capitals is to be reserved for the devine)
>Premix #2:
>Upper body 2x's premix
>(Doing each upper body chapter twice in Chest, Back, Shoulder,
>Tricep, Bicep order - just to give it a different feel)

I like this idea, but would switch around triceps (which are worked when shoulders are worked) and biceps.

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