I've been working out with a rotation of Cathe DVDs for the past month and I really can't believe the results - I'm actually seeing a difference, more of a difference than I've seen the entire last three years that I've been working out with assorted other exercise DVDs.
Anyway, my question for Cathe has to do with the dreaded low-ends. I'm finding that I am able to handle these one of two ways - I suffer through to the low-ends, actually complete all the low-end sets but then I am unable to finish the singles. If I break during the low-ends then I am usually able to jump back in for the singles to end the exercise. I'm sure this isn't uncommon and I'm also sure that eventually I will work up to being able to do all of the sets, but I was wondering if, as I'm gaining strength, one of the options is better than the other. So far I just kind of rotate what I do.
I've been working out with a rotation of Cathe DVDs for the past month and I really can't believe the results - I'm actually seeing a difference, more of a difference than I've seen the entire last three years that I've been working out with assorted other exercise DVDs.
Anyway, my question for Cathe has to do with the dreaded low-ends. I'm finding that I am able to handle these one of two ways - I suffer through to the low-ends, actually complete all the low-end sets but then I am unable to finish the singles. If I break during the low-ends then I am usually able to jump back in for the singles to end the exercise. I'm sure this isn't uncommon and I'm also sure that eventually I will work up to being able to do all of the sets, but I was wondering if, as I'm gaining strength, one of the options is better than the other. So far I just kind of rotate what I do.