Low Ends


I've been working out with a rotation of Cathe DVDs for the past month and I really can't believe the results - I'm actually seeing a difference, more of a difference than I've seen the entire last three years that I've been working out with assorted other exercise DVDs.

Anyway, my question for Cathe has to do with the dreaded low-ends. I'm finding that I am able to handle these one of two ways - I suffer through to the low-ends, actually complete all the low-end sets but then I am unable to finish the singles. If I break during the low-ends then I am usually able to jump back in for the singles to end the exercise. I'm sure this isn't uncommon and I'm also sure that eventually I will work up to being able to do all of the sets, but I was wondering if, as I'm gaining strength, one of the options is better than the other. So far I just kind of rotate what I do.

I'm actually referring specifically to Muscle Endurance. But I also use Boot Camp, Pyramid, HSTA, and Legs & Glutes and I can't remember which of those has low-ends off the top of my head. I do know I seem to be running into them all the time though!
Way to go, mountaineer! This is a great question. I find the same thing, especially during Power Hour. It's either low ends and burnout or a break and then singles!

Mogambo makes a good point, but I was interested in this question because, ashamed as I am to admit it, in the beginning of an endurance rotation, I often don't use any weight for lunges and I still reach failure before the end of the set. :-(

I've outted myself as an endurance weanie. :(
I've thought about lowering the weights but honestly, I'm already pretty low (generally 20lb, including the bar, or course) as working out with Cathe has been my first experience using heavy weights and barbells, so I'm hesitant to go lower, especially since I can make it so far with the weight I'm using. However that may just be the best option for now.

Thanks everyone for the feedback!
I'm a weenie on lunges too, Nancy! I usually try to do one set with a barbell at about 20 lbs, as mountaineer does, but my next set, or sometimes even halfway through, I don't use any weight. My upper body seems to gain strength much more quickly than my lower. I feel like a wimp using no weight at all, but maybe that's what I need to build up some strength.
Hi Mountaineer! You can rotate doing any of the following:

1) Lower your weight slightly so that you are able to do the entire duration of the exercise.

2) Take a break during the lowends (or at any point that you no longer can continue) and join back in when you are ready.

3) Push yourself as far as you can (with good form of course) and then stop. Each time you do the workout, try to do just one or more reps past where you stopped last time.

Keep up the great work!
I have that problem too!! Just seems like I have an easier time heavying up on the upper body than the lower. I definately feel like a weanie using no wts for lunges, but I keep telling myself this is temp till I can increase my lower bod strength.

HSTA=High Step Training Advanced...one of Cathe's newest workouts that uses the High Step. It is GREAT and ADVANCED! Whew!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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