Low Carbers & Friends - February 2010

Well this chick was so sore in her booty and her upper body that she opted for a rest day today! Oh yeah! I did nothing!
Tracy - I'm doing the opposite :). I went WAY too heavy the first time - and even the second time. I realized I wasn't always getting full ROM because I was pushing too hard on the poundage. So I'm lightening up this time & focusing more on form and full ROM. Boy am I feeling it :eek:!!!! Especially with dropping some of the push ups and adding flies/presses and adding on inner/outer thigh on the leg days. I am one hurting unit today, let me tell you :p! Anyway, I might do the June 09 rotation - that's where you do the first two weeks (pretty much) of Meso 1 then do a week of different endurance videos, then a final week of Meso 1. I may do that through the whole thing - subbing one week for Mesos 2 (gym style) & 3 (S&H), too. We'll see how I feel as I go - nothing carved in stone, for sure ;). I am supposed to do MM this week too but I'm telling ya, as achy as this ole bod is, I just don't know that I'l go there :eek:! [There was another month that used a pyramid system but it only had STS in the final week - that might have been October 09...now I can't remember]
Hey everyone!

I'm just pushing myself to finish the last of the rotation! I think the rainy weather is making me want to do nothing. I was actually up early today because DH left for a seminar in Sacramento at the crack of dawn, but did I work out? No, I snoozed in my chair! LOL It felt goouud. So I have to do Disc number 31? today and pylo legs tomorrow. Since I have the house to myself it is going to be difficult to motivate me. But I will get it done.
Hope you get to enjoy that breathing room, Rhea :D! As for repeating STS, I don't know.... I need to do something anyway so that might as well be it since I can't make up my mind on what else I would do this week :eek: :rolleyes: :p :eek:!
I have a hard time deciding on which workouts I want to do as well. I have a huge selection and its overwhelming sometimes because there is just so much to choose from. I want to do STS this month but I think I should wait till I move and am settled in. I've been seeing some nice results using PUB and B&G with cardio thrown in. I think I need more functional fitness though so I'm going to pull out core foundation tonight after some step cardio. Thinking about doing Step Moves again. That was fun.
Reece - Glad I'm not the only one with indecision on my mind :p! FWIW, I would wait on doing STS until after you move & get settled in. 3 1/2 months is a long time to focus if you're distracted trying to move & get settled into a new place :). Besides, it sounds like what you're doing now is working, so why mess with a good thing ;)?
So today ended up being a rest day. Had just finished the warm-up and the first weight section and I got a phone call from my hair person. I thought my appointment was tomorrow, it was today. So I ran over to get my hair done. By the time it was done, I was starving and not very motivated to do pylo legs on an empty stomach, yuck. So I probably will tack it on after my run tomorrow or even better....in the afternoon.

Have a great rest of the evening everyone!
Hi babes! Reece, I agree with Lita on waiting until you are moved and settled before tackling STS. I think it would add too much stress to try doing both! Hmm, B&G sounds tempting, I love that workout!

Lita, I realized right after I started STS the first time that I did all of the testing wrong and my 1RMs were calculated way too high. I knew I wouldn't have survived STS that way. :p So I sat down and recalculated a whole bunch of exercises and hoped for the best! The rotation I was thinking of with STS is June 2009. What have you decided to do this week? And maybe next week? :)

Rhea, I loved that you went back to sleep in your chair! You obviously needed it! DH thinks it's weird that I can fall asleep on the couch sitting up. Hey! If I'm tired enough, I have no problem with that! :D I almost have more motivation to workout when DH isn't around because I'll pause the dvd and go talk to him if I'm having motivation problems! Good luck on getting through the rest of STS!

I finished the last disc today. Yippee! I'm looking forward to doing different stuff. I can now try Travel Fit and the new Circuit Blast (I think that's the name of it) as well as Tracie Long's new workouts. I think I'm going to try one of the leg workouts from discs 37 to 40 sometime but I have to recalculate all of those numbers because their insane right now! :eek:

Later fit babes!
Rhea - Wise choice ;)! I am proud of you :D!

Tracy - I'd already gone down in # from the first time so this is an add'l decrease :eek:. But I just keep reminding myself how miserable I was thru it all both times because I was struggling with the # and straining my hernia. Hopefully that will keep me motivated to pay more attention :p. Anyway, this week ended up being:
Sun - Meso 1 Disc 1, CM 1 abs, 35 min walk
Mon - Meso 1 Disc 3, 40 min walk
Tues - Meso 1 Disc 2, 40 min walk
Weds - 40 min walk
Thurs - MM (but my legs are still super sore so only half the legs w/ very light, no wts)
Fri - 40 min walk
Sat - most likely a long walk

Next week is just the second week of Meso 1 except I'm NOT doing plyo legs. I'll either repeat Disc 3 (which for me is the hardest of all the leg workouts) and sub the ending work for Disc 6's work) or just do Disc 6. I'm not doing the second leg workout, though ;). I'll get in 4 - 6 days of walking, depending on the weather and how much banking I have to do :). I might put on an "overall" workout like it called for this week w/ MM - we'll just have to see where the spirit leads me next week.
Yep, it definately was a wise choice for yesterday. Well, except that today I'm exhausted since I did not sleep well last night. We only walked this morning, which is okay. I think I'll probably not be motivated to workout when I get home. Are you surprised? :rolleyes:;) I'll tack pylo legs on tomorrow and probably do the last disc Saturday. Then my last week next week.

Well, I had better get back to work
Hi girls!

I did Leaner Legs today. So I think i like B&G much better. LL just wasn't as challenging. I don't know why I was dreading it all day. Ha Ha!
Well I'm going to get dressed up for the symphony! I'm excited!
Hi Everyone!

Are any of you going to Cathe's weekend in San Diego?

I got the mailer for the discounts for her store. I am eyeing the tower, do any of you have it? Not sure if it's worth spending the money on it. I kind of wing it with stuff now. If I used it all the time, that would be fine, I'm just not sure.....

So we need a March thread, but I didn't feel like making one.

still have one workout for the second mesocycle week one. Lita, I feel like I don't want to do the weight work in the other dvds now because the reps are so much faster. I like the slower pace and fewer reps. I don't know what to do when I finish this cycle of sts again.

Does anyone have P90X? I've been eyeing that, would like to give it a try, but want some feedback from those that also do Cathe so I can see what they think.

Have a good week everyone!
So we need a March thread, but I didn't feel like making one.
I will go do that and then come back and post the link :).

Lita, I feel like I don't want to do the weight work in the other dvds now because the reps are so much faster.
That's exactly how I feel, Melinda :D! I've long been discouraged because so many of her tapes are far too fast-paced to use any "real" weight with them!

Okay, here is the March thread. Better late than never, huh :p ;)?
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