Low Carbers and Friends - 1st quarter 2015

Hi Fit Babes!! Thank you for starting the New Year's thread Lita!! I've popped on early because it's been too long since I've posted and I miss you all! I hope you all had a very nice, peaceful Christmas and wish you the best for 2015!

So good to see you Melinda!!! I was worried about you too! I'm so sorry about DH's rescinded job offer and hope something comes up for him soon! I'm also happy for you getting a new job AND seeing the light at the end of the tunnel regarding your studies--yippee!!! :):D:cool: You definitely have had your hands too full lately!!!

Hi Rhea!! Where did you go out of town for Christmas this year?

Thank you for all of your reviews Lita!! I've done 3 of the workouts so far: Upper Body Circuit, LIHI Legs and today was LIHT. Not sure if I got the name of that one right. I find that these are done at a faster pace and I can't always keep up but I do what I can. :) They are challenging but I love how short they are! I've done both ab workouts and probably like the one with the weights a little better but only because I love using weights in ab work. Call me crazy! :p I'm going to do the upper body weight workouts tomorrow and Weds. I was surprised to find that I don't have to pause the workouts quite as much as I usually do to catch my breath and that makes me happy. :D I've been trying to increase my cardio capacity. Oh! If you haven't gotten the guide yet, you can go to www.cathe.com/rwh and get it. I think I will try Plyo workout 1 but not 2. At least not at work. Nor will I ever use a step as high as Cathe does! :eek: I'm also looking forward to doing RwithH rotations that include X-Train or the LI series. They are each for 30 days so no burn-out factor!

The calf is doing better since I bought new workout shoes. I try to do that every 6 months but went almost 9 months this time. That was not good! :( And I've signed up for another stair climb in late January. My friend is awfully pushy about it! :D

Take care sweet babes!
Tracy - So glad to "see" you! I am so glad your calf is doing better! I need to replace my shoes too - I've been putting it off for months now :eek:... You are a glutton for punishment with those step climbs, my friend :eek:!

I find some of the moves too fast too (not just on the circuit workouts, either) - but that's par for the course with me :rolleyes:. Oh - I prefer the ab workout with the weight, too :D. I still can't do banana holds or long lever lifts from the other one. Maybe one day... But even if I can do those moves in the future, they're same-old moves to me. I like the wt workout 'cause it's different - just like me :p!

For the guide, unless they've fixed it, the ab workouts are reversed. WO 1 uses the weight - not WO 2 which is what the guide says. Had me puzzled for a day or two until I caught on ;).
Tracy, thanks for that link. I looked "somewhat" to find the download and didn't find it. Also, good luck with that stair climb. If we lived close to each other, I think I might like to join you. I'm not aware of anything like that here.

Lita, thanks for starting the new thread. I saw it and the light bulb went off that it was a new quarter. It's a good thing you are keeping track of this!

I think I have done most of the workouts. My favorite is the upper body circuit, I really liked it, but did have to pause a bit and back up, it did move quickly. I just finished the lower body circuit today. Unfortunately, I had done a cardio workout yesterday and my legs were a bit tired. With all the jumping in this, it was a strain to do. Tomorrow I will just do some pilates.

I do think I'm going to try the 30 day rotation with the XT mixed in. I'm not sure if I would like doing this new series every day, even if they are only 30 min workouts for the most part. I don't like the speed of them, wish they were a bit slower.

Rhea, I hope all is well with you.

Happy New Year! Some how, hearing 2015 makes me feel old, I don't know why. I feel like I'm moving into the future and can't believe I'm here. I don't know if that makes sense or not.
Hi babes! I haven't done all of the new workouts but have done most of them. And I broke my biceps and triceps this week doing the upper body weight workouts--ack! :eek: They still hurt from Tuesday and Weds. :(Maybe I haven't done such concentrated upper body work for awhile. Yeah, that's it! (Even if it isn't, hee hee!) I really like the Upper Body Circuit workout too Melinda.

I think stair climbing is country-wide, and it's been around longer than I thought. 15 years I think. My friend challenged some of us on FB to do a stairclimb yesterday and 4 of us showed up, including my friend. We were lucky it wasn't raining but it was 27 degrees out--brrrr! My calves feel it today which is par for the course. :)

I think a new year can sometimes feel like a birthday--the time flew by and we hoped to get more done by the time it got here!

Have a great weekend and week!
Tracy, when I was in 6th grade in social studies class they taught us that all the oil in the world would be used up by the year 2000. I remember doing the math and thinking that at least I would get to drive for a few years before I could not get around any more. Isn't that crazy? 2015 just sounds like a high number, it is weird for me. I guess it is kind of like a birthday, certain numbers sound higher than others. I feel like I am living in a movie in the future, didn't one of the "Back to the Future" movies go to the year 2015? I saw someone post on FB that they wanted a hover board in reference to that movie.

Oh, well.

So the Pilates did not happen. I was thoroughly exhausted from the new job AND feeling like I was getting a cold. My body did not want to move, so I didn't! Just sat on the couch and watched tv, then went to bed very early. Was in bed for 11 hours, but with that, the nettie pot with extra salt and zinc rinse, and Eucalyptus essential oil, I am feeling much better. It has rained here all day, we even had a bit of thunder and lightening. I was happy to stay inside and not do much. Got to get back to school work beginning tomorrow, so rest is up. Going to Chuch E Cheese tonight with my 5 year old niece. Do I know how to have fun, or what?!
Melinda - Sounds like you needed the rest more than a workout! So glad you listened to your body :D! Hopefully the trip w/ your niece was fun. I've never been any place like that - and I'm pretty sure I can make it the rest of my life without the experience :p.

Tracy - Jeez, for a minute I thought you broke the DVD :eek:. Guess that's cause I'm challenged getting them out of the cases they're in :eek:. Anyhoo... I am always amazed the CTS workout gives me DOMS - esp when it seems tris aren't given much attention... And you know me, I never slack off on upper body weights! I hate to think what would happen if I tackled S&H or GS uppers if I get that sore on RWH!

This week is the circuits twice plus LI cardio 1. I must say, this was my 3rd day and my back is getting a bit cranky with all the forward motion. I do plan on modifying tomorrow (upper circuit again) with the lunges (on carpet, I can't turn safely and get a proper lunge done, esp not as fast as Cathe is going) so I'm gonna come up with a new move. I think on the last lower circuit (Weds) I'm gonna modify some of the forward moves and make them side moves.

Rhea - We miss you :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you are well and had a splendid holiday :)!

I think I'm gonna do the 30-day rotation again - just the RWH workouts. After that I should be strong enough (lower body wise) to move on. I'll then do XT or LI. Somehow I don't like mixing the series.... Guess I'm far too stuck in the mud :eek:....

Okay - enough blathering.... :p.... Happy New Year, all :cool:!
Good morning everyone! Sorry been MIA, but just haven't been at the ipad or computer (okay, except for playing frigging candy crush....) I do have to bannish myself from the games sometimes or I would never get anything done.

I finally started working out again. I had been getting little stuff in, but not enough to be considered "workout." I did the first two workouts in the RWHIIT "beginning?" rotation. It starts out with the leg workout and the very next day is low impact. Not too bad except that I did do some extra treadclimber to get my steps in....mistake...my legs are so darn sore I'm groaning every time I try to sit or stand! LOL Anyhoo, better today, I took yesterday off instead of doing what was on the rotation. ( I think it is the chest/shoulders one.) I'll do that one today when I get home.

I was off for almost two whole weeks during the holidays. Slept a lot and cleaned and entertained. My darling DH forgets how much work it is to have company. But this New Years eve, he figured it out. We had almost 40 people over at our house! Lots of fun and I even managed to stay up past midnight.

Well, I had better get back to work. Haven't even paid the bills yet this month. I'm behind on everything. Talk to you later!

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Rhea - So happy to "see" you! I think your holiday sounds exhausting :p. I am waiting the day you realize it's okay to loaf off now and again and ignore that list ;)!
Does anyone else use the calendar in the workout manager? Just wondering if I'm the only one not displaying the symbols for the new series :(....
Hi fit babes! So good to see you Rhea!! I am very happy that you had 2 weeks off!! Not surprised you had a big party though you social butterfly!

I've never used the calendar in the workout manager Lita, so I'm sorry I can't help you. :( I realized that I may have done something with the new upper body workouts I shouldn't have--I did them 2 days in a row. Any rotation I've seen gives a break between the 2. So I plan t try that this week. If I'm still just as sore oh well. A friend of mine who got this series thinks Cathe has gotten stronger and she may be right about that! :D And yes, the dvds are a bit challenging to get out of the case....

Melinda, I'm glad you listened to your body and took a rest!! I feel like I'm doing that but not because I am really exhausted--I'm just sick of our gray weather! :mad: It makes me feel less energy, and less motivated to do anything. So it takes awhile to get anything accomplished around here in the winter! :p I don't recall hearing predictions about our world for the year 2000. And if I did, I probably couldn't fathom anything so far into the future! :cool:

DH and I may get out of the gray here in Feb. It's a big maybe though. The Seahawks have to go to the Superbowl, I'd have to get plane tix to AZ that won't cost an arm and a leg, and get tickets to the game! We'll see. :)

Have a great week babes and here's to being sore-free!!
Good morning everyone!

Lita - I use the calendar in the workout manager and I put in the rotation. My symbols appeared. Sorry. Can't help more than that.

So I tried to do Plyo last week when I just wasn't up to par. Don't know if I didn't like it or I was just too tired and not enough food in me. I stopped it, and got on the treadclimber and didn't even last long there. And I haven't worked out since!! LOL I think it was that bit of a cold my body decided to have., not much of one, just a little bit. Enough to make you feel just a bit off, know what I mean? So Lita, you would have been proud of me.....while dh was hunting on Sat....I did absolutely nada. Played Nintendo, watched movies, didn't even pick up my knitting or crocheting. I did have to get out of my jammies and go pick up our bikes from the bike shop, but that is about it. I need more days like that, but darn they go fast.

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Rhea - I am extremely proud of you :cool: :D :cool: :D!!!! I hope you soon kick whatever crud you have and can feel all perky and energized again :)! Huh - I first tried the rotation and it didn't work then, either. I posted in another section (don't know what it's called) and I see someone answered so hopefully they know what my issue is :p.

Tracy - Fingers crossed for you and DH! I think it would be awesome if everything comes together and you and DH get to go watch the Bowl in person (with your favorite team playing, of course!) :D! I wouldn't want to do the uppers back to back - too much shoulder work :eek:! And while the circuits don't seem too tough one at a time, my legs were fried last week when I had to do the upper twice and lower twice (along w/LI HiiT cardio 1). Ain't doing that again! I have a lot of problems with the "pop ups" in the BBS workout :( - my arms don't move that fast or in that range of motion so it ends up being yet another shoulder move :rolleyes:....
Btw I just stood and watched while they were doing those one armed burpees.....are you kidding me? I can't even do two armed that well.

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Rhea - In my world, it's always a case of modify, modify, modify ;) :p! I actually modify ALL burpees by using my step (with 4 risers) instead of the floor. Then I can modify from there if need by (like by using 2 arms). Modification isn't just for HI cardio, you know :D!
So yesterday I did Low Impact #2....loved it. I like that one. The only exception was the burpee type running one, I more walked the feet back. I'm hoping my back loosens up so I can do those better. I'm so tight that I can't jump the feet to my hands, they don't make it that far!

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Rhea - I don't think I "gallop" back either - I just go for getting both feet behind me :p. As for the feet coming to the hands (I assume you mean on the burpee and not when you're standing upright ;) ) I just try to get them beneath me. But then I AM the modification queen :cool:.
Hi fit babes! I was so exciited last week to start the Rw/H rotation and got one workout in before I came down with a a really nasty cold! :(:mad::eek: So I'm back to the drawing board next week I'm thinking. This week will be the build up to it! I also have a stair climb this Sunday and won't be expecting too much of myself! :D

Rhea, it sounds to me like you had an awesome day doing nada! Good for you!! I've had a couple of those days recently but they would have been better if I wasn't sick! :p

At the risk of boring Rhea and Melinda if you saw my post on FB about the game yesterday, I am posting it here too. It was the kind of day I just had to share! So here goes:
OMG! What a day! Our power went out at 12:30 a.m., Basil had to go to the vet and got the cone of shame. (Licked his paw till it was raw.) Back home, still no power. Greg got the radio on and the game was, as we all know, horrific. Did not want to go somewhere and watch it just to get depressed. Turned the radio off at halftime. Greg then decided to watch some stupid war show on his laptop while I had a cone-headed dog sleeping on my lap. Turned the radio on again after that. Score 7 to 19. Radio stayed on. Still no power. Got the TV on for a few minutes on battery. Saw Wilson's touch down throw in overtime. I could not be happier or more emotionally exhausted!! :):):)

We looked into going to the Superbowl before yesterday's game and figured out that we would need to take 4 days off to attend, just due to travel. Then again, I only looked into one airline. There were no flights available already! We can fly into somewhere else and rent a car but it wouldn't save us any time. And DH and I both have deadlines at work so we decided we'll find a great place to go watch it around here.

Take care sweet babes!
Tracy - I figured you'd be pretty darned happy about that win :D. Hope darling BB is doing better! What was wrong with his paw that he kept licking it?
Hey, there!

So much going on, I'm finally checking in. First of all, congrats Tracy that your team did so well. Of course, I'm an Ohio State Buckeye and I'm sure you also saw they won the National Championship with a third string quarter back! I know what you mean about the grey skies, Ohio has a perpetual cloud most of winter, it gets depressing.

Lita, I know what you mean about modifications, I do many myself. I also use the step to put my hands on for several exercises, it is because my legs are long and not very flexible. It's the only way I can get in all the reps with Cathe. I figure as long as you're moving you are good! I don't use the workout manager either, my manage is a pocket calendar.

Rhea, I'm not sure if I have done the workout with the burpees in the new series. I think I have skipped a workout, I can not do these back to back, it just seems like too much HiiT in a row for me.

I do think Cathe is stronger than before, she looks like it, more muscular. I have decided I won't use any higher wts than what I currently use. I also have to cut out overhead presses, they do more harm than good. We are getting a community center close to home that opens in May and I may join that so that I can do a little bit heavier wt work on a machine that is safer than free wts. My son works out and I asked if he would go with me and see what the place looked like and if he would spot me if we joined. He said he would.

This winter started out super cold, but has been pretty mild in Jan. We've done several 6 mile walks at the park. It's been nice to get outside. Almost done with January, then just 2 more months and I will have made it through winter!

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