Low bodyfat with diet alone?


I don't think I am going to attempt this....I am not sure it would be effective, but wondering what you guys think. Do you think it is possible to get a low bodyfat (I suppose it depends on how low) through eating habits alone? If all that matters is calories in being less than calories out. Assuming you cycle calories some, to make sure your metabolism doesn't slow too much. Or are aerobics essential to this goal? Just curious what others think.

"Aerobics" is not necessary to burn calories. Some pioneer types chop wood all day but never do aerobics. It depends on how active you are in daily life.

If you are sedentary then it would be really difficult to both get adequate nutrition and lose fat at once.
Hi, Jen, I have a sister who doesn't workout and she's very lean and has very pretty muscles. I also read an interview with Elle MacPhearson in which she said when she doesn't work out , it doesn't change her gorgeous body so she does it for the wonderful way it makes her feel. The lucky dog! :) Some people are naturally lean without exercise but who can say how healthy their hearts are or if they are cheating themselves out of a slightly longer life and who doesn't feel better after a 5 miler or a tough strength training workout? I know I feel great and while naturally lean, I look anorexic without strength to build these little muscles of mine!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

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- Mary Oliver
Goldie Hawn is another good example of that. Over 50 & looks fabulous--saw her on Oprah & she said she never exercised.

I do think it's possible to get low bodyfat w/diet only. It definitely can be done w/Atkins. Still not recommended though--there are too many health benefits lost if you don't work out.
>Goldie Hawn is another good example of that. Over 50 & looks
>fabulous--saw her on Oprah & she said she never exercised.

But she must be active: skiing? hiking? It certainly looks like she exercises, even if that's not what she calls it.
Thanks everybody. Don't think I'll be chopping any wood any time soon (grin) but the skiing part sounds fun. Guess I will stick with the cardio tapes for now. Thanks for the info. :)


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