Loved leaner legs!


What a great workout! I thought it was going to be similar to alot of the other legs workouts I have done with Cathe. I was smiling and sweating afterwards and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Okay wait~ We ARE talking about the CTX Leaner Legs? And you were smiling afterwards?
Beth, are you of this planet or are you from Cathe's? :)

I love LL too, but smiling I'm not! Unless I'm thinking, "okay, I don't have to do you again for another week!"

WOW! smiling huh?

I always smile when I feel I have had a good workout. I guess I was skeptical about this particular video. The leg routine in Power Hour just kills me. With Leaner Legs you get those little breaks when you work the calves and the dead lifts. Well, I don't really get a break when I work calves, but it is better than doing anymore leg lunges.


I'm with you. Especially the first time I tried LL, I certainly wasn't smiling. That was the hardest/longest I'd ever worked my flimsy little stick legs. It's no exaggeration to say I could barely walk when it was over.

Beth, you must be in great shape! It *is* a fabulous leg workout!

I definately wouldn't say I am in great shape. Just watch me do one of those cardio tapes and I'm sucking wind after a few minutes!
I love LL too, part of that is the music. I actually look forward to this usually, cause it's just a little different. My legs aren't always looking forward to it, so I don't tell them!! Ha ha.

Did you say LOVE??? That thing is MEAN. I stare at her and think,"You have got to be kidding!" or some unprintable stuff.
That thing is sadistic.
I'm with ya, sister! Isn't it fun?!?! I mean, you know, for a killer leg workout?? I was terrified to try it, after all the 'LL lore' I'd read...and what keeps me going in this workout is how often we switch exercises. I love that. Keeps me from getting bored and having my concentration wander off.
Which in everyone's opinion is a better "leg builder" (for a skinny minnie like myself), Leaner Legs or SH Legs??????????

Thanks Angela,

How do you coordinate your rotation? Which video is the dominant one weekly? Is LL more of an endurance based tape?
I was doing two weeks of "strength" and two weeks of "endurance," but - at Maribeth's suggestion - I'm going to try incorporating both into one week. The idea is to hit each body part twice in one week - once heavy and once light.

PS and SH would be the heavy weight, low rep workouts, LL would be the lighter weight, higher rep workout. I also do some gym-based training for heavy days on my legs. I can work my legs a lot harder doing squats on a machine, rather than using a barbell. I also use the leg extension/leg curl machine. I inherited really wimpy, flat hamstrings from my mom which are an odd contrast to my normal-sized rear. I have a dream of having a nice curve on the back of my leg one of these days...

Hi Angela.

Thanks for the info. Would the circuit portion of Body Max be similar to LL as far as the "endurance" day of my leg workout? I too prefer leg machines to the "barbell home based".


I love when people just "pop" in and give their opinions. Thankyou. Glad to hear it, because that leg portion in BM is pretty darn tough.


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