Love my Vitamix and then I read this!!

Ha, timely post, I just chugged half a blender of spinach w/ a little bit of juice in order to quickly up my veggie intake for the day.

I have a friend who thinks that even a vitamix doesn't do a good enough job, that ideally you need a (whatever that other super mixer is) and the greens and veggies and fruits have to be "miconized".

That, at least, sounds like BS to me. I mean, does it make sense that our bodies can only benefit from food prepared in an appliance? What did the cave men do?

I've never bought into juicing as a lifestyle, but am interested/surprised that whole blended spinach can be "bad" for you.
I am vegan, and I love Dr. Campbell, but I will never give up my green smoothies. I think he has a point if you tend to only get your greens in a smoothie or you always drink one instead of eating breakfast (or whatever). You should be getting your veg in its whole form whenever possible. I think he's speaking to those that want the shortcut instead of putting forth the effort to do it the right way. I have one a couple times a week as a small afternoon meal.
I am not into green smoothies, but I would just take this with a grain of salt! (I read the article) If you like them, just be sure that you are getting veggies that you eat whole as well as your green smoothies. Anything done in excess is bad for you just like exercising. It's good to exercise everyday, but if you go over-board then it becomes destructive.

There's always something that is good for us that the media then focuses on the bad in it... when it is taken to excess. Sometimes it seems their job is to scare us :eek::confused:... the turkeys! (no offense meant to anyone who works in the media)
I am vegan, and I love Dr. Campbell, but I will never give up my green smoothies. I think he has a point if you tend to only get your greens in a smoothie or you always drink one instead of eating breakfast (or whatever). You should be getting your veg in its whole form whenever possible. I think he's speaking to those that want the shortcut instead of putting forth the effort to do it the right way. I have one a couple times a week as a small afternoon meal.

I agree - I read the article and had the same thought. Some days, a smoothie is all I want and all I have the time tolerance for. 3 meals a day? No, bad idea. Once in a while, or even once a day? Fine, especially if the rest of your diet is really good. I eat a TON of veggies, so I have no guilt or see no problem with my morning blended breakfast.

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