gosh, i just "had to" post re: cathe's 30 minute cardio workouts. first off, no matter how old her videos are, they are timeless. not only are they fun..but you can ALWAYS COUNT ON A GOOD WORKOUT WITH CATHE.
i love her ctx tapes, b/c of all the 30 minute cardio segments. often times, i don't have time for a whole hour of cardio, but 'do' want to get some in..other instructors/tapes, i do for half an hour, and after i'm done, often feel like i wasted my time.
with cathe, i ALWAYS KNOW i'll get a good workout, sweat and feel like i made the most of my time. i get the most 'bang for my 30 minute buck!' 
all that being said...oh, how i would LOVE TO SEE MORE 30 MIINUTE(ish) cardio workouts by cathe in the next series!!!! or at least chaptered so we have options of doing just portions of the cardio that would be about 30 minutes or so. with the classic cathe intensity!!! PLEASE!!!!
gee wiz, as it is, i'm 'rebuying' all cathe's tapes in dvd to get that great chaptering!
a gal's gotta do, what a gal's gotta do, right?!!! 
keep 'em coming cathe!

gosh, i just "had to" post re: cathe's 30 minute cardio workouts. first off, no matter how old her videos are, they are timeless. not only are they fun..but you can ALWAYS COUNT ON A GOOD WORKOUT WITH CATHE.
i love her ctx tapes, b/c of all the 30 minute cardio segments. often times, i don't have time for a whole hour of cardio, but 'do' want to get some in..other instructors/tapes, i do for half an hour, and after i'm done, often feel like i wasted my time.
all that being said...oh, how i would LOVE TO SEE MORE 30 MIINUTE(ish) cardio workouts by cathe in the next series!!!! or at least chaptered so we have options of doing just portions of the cardio that would be about 30 minutes or so. with the classic cathe intensity!!! PLEASE!!!!
gee wiz, as it is, i'm 'rebuying' all cathe's tapes in dvd to get that great chaptering!
keep 'em coming cathe!