love cardio kicks

I did my first Cardio kicks workout just now. I have now become a Cathe addict. I definitely think that the moves are better and more intense than Billy Blanks, however the "sweat factor" is better on the Bill Blanks videos. The fact that Cathe became breathless during the workout showed that she was working as hard I was. I knew when two minutes into the warm-up I felt a few beads of sweat drip down my chest I knew I was in for a treat. Forgive me but I just love the feeling of sweating really hard, it is so theraputic (favorite activity actually). I think I want to try Maximum Intensity Cardio and see how I do. YOu can all now call me a true Cathe fan!!

Hi Stephanie! Glad you are enjoying Cardio Kicks so much. My favorite part is the drill section when the guys come up front with me. I remember filming on the set and being pretty wiped out but when they got up along side with me and their sweat went flying across my view this whole other level of intensity came over me and I suddenly was able to drive my punches really hard. It was absolutely euphoric! Keep up the great work!
Hey Stephanie,
Way to go. I love Cardio Kicks. I am a big Kickboxing fan. I also agree with what you said about he sweat factor. I am dripping when I get done with Tae-bo, but I feel like I have worked every muscle with Cathe's CKs. I have not tried MIC yet, let me know how you do. I tackeled Interval Max and Body Max this week. :-wow :-wow. Need I say more? Amy Jo
I agree - this is a great tape! I've only recently gotten into Cathe's tapes thanks to recommendations from the Firm Forum and this was the first tape I tried. I love it because of the excellent workout through creative (and constant) moves. I also started doing tae bo but this tape remains a favorite. I've now gone out and bought other Cathe tapes with kickboxing routines in them and would love to see a Cardio Kicks II in the future. :)


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