Lost Fans

Right, but Ben is so manipulative and had it planned, I wish Sayid could´ve seen through him.
Alright, does anyone know what "rules" Ben is talking about? After they shot his daughter, and also when he was talking to Mr. Whidmore, he kept saying "they changed the rules". What rules??? Is this some kind of game? And Ben also said to Mr. Whidmore "We both know that we can't kill each other" (or something to that effect). Why can't they kill each other?

This show always leaves me with more questions than answers... :p
>Alright, does anyone know what "rules" Ben is talking about?
>After they shot his daughter, and also when he was talking to
>Mr. Whidmore, he kept saying "they changed the rules". What
>rules??? Is this some kind of game? And Ben also said to Mr.
>Whidmore "We both know that we can't kill each other" (or
>something to that effect). Why can't they kill each other?

No idea!

But I was thinking that Widmore was part of the Dharma initiative (or the big cheese behind the whole thing?) so the island was originally in his control (but how did he lose contact with it? hmmm).

The time/space travel thing in last week's episode was interesting. I was surprised there wasn't a thread about it here.

What year is it supposed to be on the island? Anyone remember? It was 2005 in the time Ben travelled to to kill the guy, which was 'post-rescue' time. But why travel to the future to kill someone? I was sure he'd travel to the past to kill the guy who killed his daughter, before the guy got to the island, so the whole thing wouldn't happen.

Also, what IS the smoke monster?

I agree: the more questions are answered, the more new questions get brought up.
>What year is it supposed to be on the island? Anyone remember?
>It was 2005 in the time Ben travelled to to kill the guy,
>which was 'post-rescue' time. But why travel to the future to
>kill someone? I was sure he'd travel to the past to kill the
>guy who killed his daughter, before the guy got to the island,
>so the whole thing wouldn't happen.

In the "real" time of the show, the survivors have only been on the island for 40 or so days, so it's still the year 2004 there. I think the scenes with Ben/Sayid/Whidmore are flash-forwards.

What I'd like to know is how the heck Ben ended up in the middle of the Sahara. It looked like he was just dropped there.
>What I'd like to know is how the heck Ben ended up in the
>middle of the Sahara. It looked like he was just dropped

Yes, I got the same impression... it's almost like he apparated there (for those of you familiar with Harry Potter ;) ). Does the island (or Jacob?) give him the ability to travel across time and space instantaneously?

And Kathryn, I almost forgot about the smoke monster! What IS that??? Apparently Ben is able to call on it when needed... but what IS it?? lol - I ask that question so many times for so many different things on this show. WHAT IS IT??? :p
>Yes, I got the same impression... it's almost like he
>apparated there (for those of you familiar with Harry Potter
>;) ). Does the island (or Jacob?) give him the ability to
>travel across time and space instantaneously?

I had the impression there was "something" in that back room of Ben's that allowed him to travel in time and space (but he seemed a bit perplexed about when/when he was, so maybe the choice isn't up to him? Maybe the "something" takes him to where/when he NEEDS to be to get a task done?
I think Widmore was the financial backer of the original Dharma group that Ben killed off, and was perhaps on the verge of discovering what made this island so special when Ben eliminated them.

I also think Ben had Nadine killed by that bald dude, then set it up so Sayid would kill the bald dude, and enable them to "connect" so that Ben could use him as his assasin.

All I can figure is that the Island will not let Michael, Ben, or Widmore die at this point. Maybe Claire as well, after all, how could she have survived that explosion with just a few scratches???

Nothing happens on this show without a reason...I try to catch everything that I can ( thanks to TiVo!)
>>Yes, I got the same impression... it's almost like he
>>apparated there (for those of you familiar with Harry Potter
>>;) ). Does the island (or Jacob?) give him the ability to
>>travel across time and space instantaneously?
>I had the impression there was "something" in that back room
>of Ben's that allowed him to travel in time and space

I got the same impression.
<<<I give up guessing and will just enjoy watching now>>>

ME TOO .. I have had so many theories it is not even funny ...

the one that I keep going back to no one else has even mentioned .. so I must be waaaaaay off base ..

I keep thinking they are in some sort of "purgatory" for their sins ... they are having to relive decisions they have made in the past .. to give into the "bad" part of themselves or have the chance to redeem theirselves ...

The smoke representing "evil" aka: the devil ..
Ben and Lock representing some sort of guides ... and evil v/s good .. etc ..

I know I am probably WWAAAAAAY off .. but I keep coming back to that one theory .. a theory of the history of their choices and mistakes in thier lives .. a new chance .. sacrifice for a better cause .. and hope!

aahhh .. and don't ask me to explain why .. b/c I don't know .. LOL!!

When they did the episodes w/the pop ups that explained the little things .. it confused me even more!! ....

so I agree w/Beth .. I am just gonna watch and enjoy!! :7
>I keep thinking they are in some sort of "purgatory" for their
>sins ... they are having to relive decisions they have made
>in the past .. to give into the "bad" part of themselves or
>have the chance to redeem theirselves ...

This is a good theory that I've heard tossed around a lot, but I believe the show's producers have already said that the island is not a purgatory or hell or the afterlife, etc. *sigh* Back to the drawing board...
I think maybe Ben and Widmore are eachother's "constants"...like in that episode with Desmond and Faraday...and perhaps that is why Ben and Widmore can't die. Just a thought. Or maybe Widmore IS Ben in some time/space continuum. Oh, and a bit of trivia I read somewhere...the couple that Ben tells the doorman he's going up to see...Mr and Mrs Kendrick? Kendrick is the name of the doctor in "The Time-Travelers Wife" if you've read that!

>I think maybe Ben and Widmore are eachother's
>"constants"...like in that episode with Desmond and
>Faraday...and perhaps that is why Ben and Widmore can't die.
>Just a thought.

I like this idea Aimee...it would certainly explain why two apparent enemies would have to refrain from killing one another...it fits in well!


p.s. that's interesting about the Time Traveler's Wife. I read the book a while back and would never have remembered that the doctor's name was Kendrick.

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