>**Remember when Claire went to the psychic in her flashback
>and the psychic said that she MUST raise her child--bad things
>would happen if she gave Aaron up?? I wonder what that means
>now that we know Kate's got him......Is Claire going to die or
>did they kidnap Aaron and that's why Jack is so
[font color=blue]I doubt very much that Claire would willingly give up Aaron, so I think she will die. There are going to be a lot of deaths on this show before all is said and done.[/font]
>**Also, remember that Desmond is not on the flight manifest,
>so he could get off the island with them and not be part of
>the Oceanic 6.....
[font color=blue]I definitely don't count Desmond as one of the Oceanic 6.[/font]
>**Remember that at the beginning of this series all signs were
>pointing to Aaron being connected to the island and crucial to
>the plot, that's why they kidnapped Claire......
[font color=blue]I don't think Aaron was ever considered connected to the island. That was Walt. They kidnapped Claire when she was pregnant to give her medications (to fend off the "island curse", perhaps?), but no mention was ever made of Aaron being particularly special to the island. Walt, however, was kidnapped and practically worshipped. What's up with that???[/font]