
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-02 AT 12:42PM (Est)[/font][p]I don't know what the heck is wrong with me! I have come COMPLETELY unglued this past week in regards my eating!
And I'm not talking about "splurges", although I've done that too, I'm talking about even the "good for you" foods like fruits and veggies!
For example, if I grab an orange for a snack, I'll go back immediately for a second one! If I'm eating carrot sticks, usually (prior to this week) I'll eat maybe 6-8, but this week, I'll grab my 6-8, then go back for 6-8 more! It's like I've been a bottomless pit all week, and I won't even tell you about the "sudden carb attacks" I've gone through! I missed my calorie mark every day this week! And I'm not on some "restrictive" eating plan, I usually fall in between 1800-2000 cal/day, but EVERY day this past week I've come in at 2200-2500 and no matter how many "pep talks" I give myself, and no matter how many mornings I say, "okay Donna, new day, clean slate, let's get it under control!" By days end I've done it again!
Has anyone experienced this? I did increase my weight limits this week on most exercises by 3-5lbs., but I do that all the time with no adjustment needed to my diet, and the only other thing I've done differently is my cardio. I've added more kickboxing and changed to doing step and hi/lo that are 45-60 min rather than 30-45 min., but could increased cardio make me eat like a lunatic?
I know I'm about 6-8 days away from TTOTM, and I usually have some cravings for chocolate a few days before and during, but I'm use to that and have learned to "compensate" within my daily calorie intake, but like I said, it's not just chocolate, it's everything, like I couldn't stay full!
I am scared to death to weigh in tomorrow! I just broke the 200lb barrier, and if I've eaten myself across it again I will lose my mind up in here tomorrow morning!
What is wrong with me and can I fix it? Has anyone else had a whole week of this before? I'm use to a bad day, or even a bad weekend, but an entire week of eating like Ms. Pac Man has got to have an ending!
And who the he** overeats on oranges, apples, bananas and veggies? Even my binges don't make sense!?
I know one of you has a logical answer,
thanks guys :)

****this is an OLD post from April of this year, it resurfaced somehow? But thanks for the additional support! :) *********
Hi Donna, It sounds to me like the increased intensity in your workouts is making your body speak to you (that, and where you are in your monthly cycle.) You're responding by giving your body nutritious fuel which seems like the best plan of action. You shouldn't feel guilty, rather, you should give yourself a pat on the back for having the wisdom to listen to your body!
Hi Donna,
I'm all too familiar with that "bottomless pit" syndrome and I know how frustrating it can be :-rollen . Don't be too hard on yourself, though. What you describe is only an increase of about 500 calories a day. I think your longer, more intense workout could easily justify this increase in hunger. Since your additional food intake comes largely from healthy food, the negative impact will probably not be too bad (digestion of fiber-rich foods require more calories... hey, if you think that's far-fetched, you should hear my reasons why calories from chocolate don't count :D ).
Don't stress... You're doing great!
Hi Donna,
I've had days/weeks like that too, with the bottomless pit aspect. Just ate & ate & ate. Didn't matter what I ate, as long as I was eating.
I always thought it was a mental thing, but I agree the increase in intensity of your workouts and/or hormones could have triggered it.
I agree that your choices are apparently predominately healthy ones, so wouldn't worry about it.
I also agree you should pat yourself on the back for listening to your body without using it as a reason to pig out on anything & everything that isn't healthy!
Also, you should pat yourself on the back twice for your accomplishments so far, which are phenomenol, and your continued commitment to a healthy life. You're an inspiration to me and others. Don't forget that!
This too shall pass.
I know the bottomless pit syndrome as well.

I'm in martial arts and when I get a tough practice, I cannot get full come save my life. It's awesome that you're sticking to choice foods that are healthy for you.

I really do think that if you're challenging your fitness level, your body responses with more food to fuel it. Once you get to that level, your eating will level off too. When I started Martial Arts, there were days that I just could NOT, no matter what I did, get full. I was always hungry and not emotional eating, I mean stomach pains, grumpy, dizzy, I would eat ALL the time.

When we go 100 minutes, that's when I cannot get full for two or three days, OH MY! On those days, I wonder if they are trying to kill me. But I keep going back and want to do it again.

Listen to your body, it is out to protect itself and make sure that you are healthy enough to support your activities. As long as it's not emotional and your body is talking to you, don't worry about it and give it what it needs. This will even out when you get past this point.

Just my thoughts.

Keta. :D

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Weren't you the person who didn't eat ANY candy over the Easter holiday? I remember that. If you're like me (and I know I am - just kidding) I always (subconciously, psychologically, whatever!) make up for super clean eating by binging a bit the next week or so. Don't know why - but there it is. I love the Ms. Pac Man comment. You are too funny Donna! I often feel like her too! Well maybe Mr. Pac Man, I don't wear a bow. I bet next week you will post a thread called "LOSING IT!" but this time it will refer to the weight you've shed. I know from your prior posts that you are a human with will power and motivation! And remember the most important part of that sentence - you're human. I will shut up now.
My "rational brain" hears everything you guys have said, and can accept it, and since I go grocery shopping tomorrow anyway, I think I'll add some extra "good choices" to my list so that I'll have some other options besides oranges and bananas (my daughter says, "geez Mom, between your farting and the fruit scarfing the whole house smells like ass and oranges!")
But my "other brain" is still on the verge of panic! I guess it's been such an emotional ride downhill from the 375lbs., that my brain hasn't gone through the plateau my body did a few weeks ago. It's like a little voice says to me, "you'd better be careful Donna, you could eat yourself back up there again in no time~just a potato chip hear, a supersize fry there, and you could wake up back there again!" I know it sounds crazy, and "rationally" I know that can't happen overnight, but I'm beginning to think I'll never be able to just relax and enjoy food without writing down every calorie, every fat gram, etc.

I guess it's just going to take time for me to get comfortable with food. Either it's my "best friend" or it's my "enemy!" I don't mind feeding my body all the fruits it wants, but what's up with the salty cravings? 90% of the "extras" I'm consuming are extra servings of fruits and veggies, but about 10% are salty carbs and/or chocolate. Then that's when the guilt sets in!

But I'll ride this out and hopefully it will even out.
Thanks, Donna
jillybean~you're pretty remarkable yourself!

Thank you jillybean, your posts always make me smile! :) And while you're patting me on the back, you should be patting yourself! I read your profile, and "WOW!" If I had not read all you've been through I would have never guessed by your "always upbeat" attitude in your posts.
So I guess you probably understand how I feel about being afraid of losing control over my eating. Did you find any particular books helpful to you in building a relationship with food/eating?
You know what? When I was reading your response, I wanted to know if you were inside my head? It's amazing the messages that we send to ourselves.

Mine was 254, not any more. I thought when I read yours about 375, I thought was an accomplishment! That is a long road to travel. Congratulations.

One thing that did help me was the day that I finally gave into my body and decided to trust it. It was one of the scarest things I had ever done. Mainly because I couldn't play the "Let's beat up on Keta with the guilty stick." I don't play that game anymore, I just make myself a promise that I'll be back to it as soon as I can and nothing can stop me. I always come back.

For the salty foods, your body is trying to retain water. That's common to keep itself hydrated. When I want salty things, it's usually nuts and seeds. I cannot get enough of those things. There was one time . . . another thing I'll never forget, I had a bad craving for mashed bananas with crushed up sour cream and onion potato chips mixed in. Yes, it's gross, but at the time it was better than ice cream. Why, I have no idea except that I needed the potassium, salt and fat. As soon as the craving broke, I lost 3 pounds. My body is a goofy thing to live with. My mind is even worse, that thing talks back and tells me stupid things.

The chocolate . . . that's your brain telling you it needs the chocolate to produce more chemicals. That's common and it's common with TTOTM. Isn't it grand that we are such chemical emotional creatures. :-rollen Not, that's why men will never figure us out. ;-)

Work on trusting your body.

Oh and I just about died with what your daughter said. That was way to funny. But guess what? Everything's working the way it's supposed to. :7

Keta. :D

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I like what Keta said about allowing herself to trust her body, including its varying demands for food in various quantities.

For myself, I have found that as I increase my strength-training focus and capabilities, while maintaining "upward mobility" in the cardio department (enabled in part by increased strength) my relationship to food completely changed. More muscle mass, and the increased performance capacities attendant to that, means the need for more good fuel. Trust that, and don't beat yourself up that your body is telling you what it needs, rather than meekly obeying when you try to impose a pre-set regimen on it.

I've had my Ms. Pac-Man moments as well; have 'em at least once or twice a month. They always pass!

As usual~you were all right!

Good morning everybody :)
You all were right as usual. I was afraid to step on the scale but I reminded myself, no matter how much damage I did, it can be undone, so just step up and face the music.
Well, I lost 2lbs! :)
Go figure, but now I am really confused on this whole calories in/calories burned thing!
I ate like food was about to be outlawed last week, and still lost weight? Plus, I thought the purpose of increasing cardio, whether length of duration or intensity was suppose to burn more fat, and although it obviously did, it also made me eat more!
I wish I could find a truly accurate method of determining how many calories/day my body needs. I guess my body is trying to tell me, but because I've battled with my weight for so long, it's hard to trust my instinct, I'm more apt to trust science!
But thank you all for your logical reasoning (which I really needed!) And if anyone has come across a really good book on eating/weight loss, I'd appreciate some recommendations.
I do have Liz Applegate's book "Eat Smart, Play Hard" and it gave me great insight on when to eat and what to eat, but nothing really on how I can determine the number of calories my body needs.
Thanks again,
RE: As usual~you were all right!

That happens to me every time too. I've realized that if my body didn't do that, eat like a pig while dropping a boatload of fat, it'll probably spiral down and it's trying to regulate itself.

That's one of the reasons why I believe so strongly in listening to your body's queues. It will take care of itself in spite of us. Especially when it comes to weight. The mind can control our weight but it's usually in the extremes. Starvation, emotional food depravation and obesity, again emotional food medication.

That’s of course there is no medical condition going on.

It would be really nice if our bodies truly were like machines. Just take in the calories and burn off the calories too lose this amount of weight per week. Ha, no way would our bodies be that dog gone cooperative. Not a chance.

Just my experiences.

Keta. :D

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RE: As usual~you were all right!

Donna, you are at 174! Wow! You are incredible! Don't panic about the upped intake. Believe in your body's wisdom, listen to it and then stop it! LOL! I get, shall we say, bingy sometimes too and can't figure it out so I work on balance. If I over do it one day, I under do it the next. Did you know that TTOTM actually increases your metabolism? And food is to be enjoyed! I have been out of touch. Last I read, you were just about to get under 200 and now you have! You are so amazing! Remember that and don't get scared of your cravings. You know what to do. You are an expert at this and I stand in awe of you!

http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
RE: As usual~you were all right!

At first I felt bad because I was the one who recommended you go for more of the less intense types of cardio, but I'm glad to see that you lost a couple of pounds. Whew!
I do. (I guess you could say that) I overeat vegs and fruits. And air popped popcorn, too, which is the only 'binge'-y food I allow myself. This is my way of thinking: I've been a compulsive overeater my whole life. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, and a struggle every step of the way. So, I let myself have as much as I want of the healthy stuff, fresh fruits and vegetables, and I just eliminate the unhealthy stuff from my daily diet. Starchy stuff I am very careful about as it stays with me. About once a week I will have a hot fudge sundae or something like that (You gotta live, too).

I *do* think that your body might be calling out for more calories due to your increased cardio (esp kickboxing I can relate to: I did Cardio Kicks last week and had the hungries all the next day). But I also think your body and mind are at odds because you are trying to lose fat so you are restricting your calories ( very healthfully I see, according to your calorie counts :) )but you aren't 'full' after eating. It's hard getting used to not being 'full' after a meal, I am used to it now. I mean, I'm full, from all my veggies, but that is a different world from full from a bowl of pasta, if you know what I mean. So hang in there. Stick with your healthy diet even if you have a few more carrot sticks. This is a lifetime thing you want to stick with forever, so it has to be something you can live with too. I lost the fat and began exercising regularly 2 1/2 years ago, and I'm *still* tweaking my diet :). Your body's constantly talking to you.
eek! I hope I didn't confuse you even more!!!

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