Lose 10 pounds rotation - Help?


Active Member
Hi everybody,

This is my very first post! I'm so thrilled.

I'm just beginning my Nov 06 Rotation, since I received Cathe's brand new series 4 days ago. I will use the 4 week version, and my goal is to lose the 10 pounds I've gained during the past year. I graduated a year ago, and changing my daily routine from going to college to getting a new job has really changed my metabolism. I'm trying to watch what I eat, but I want to find what rotation to do next, after I'm done with Nov 06.

Which rotations have been more effective in losing weight?

I would like to have a rotation with the videos I have, which are the ones that come up on Fit TV, plus the new series:
New Series: DM BM2 BG LIC
Intensity: BC CW PLB PUB ME IM2
Hardcore: LowMax CoreMax StretchMax
Slow & Heavy: LS ChB TB
Rythmic Step, Power Hour

So... for those who know their way into coming up with new rotations, could you help me create one with these options?
I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for your input, either with a new rotation, or recommending one from the ones previously posted. And thanks for being a great supoport in my fitness goals. I certainly do not feel alone!
I'll let the rotation queens help on that part but I just wanted to say that I am happy to "meet" you and hope you find your posting & workout experience as awesome as mine has been this past year. 10 pounds for Cathe is nothin'.........It'll be gone in a snap! She has a body blast & Intensity Series rotationin that forum that is killer! You might really enjoy one of those.
Hope to see you around often!

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