loose skin


Hi Cathe
I saw your pics from when you were pregnant and saw that you mention loose skin after having the baby. I've lost 75 pounds and have some loose skin. I was wondering if clean eating and continuing the workouts will get rid of loose skin or did you have to have cosmetic surgery? I could lose a few more pounds and eat cleaner than I am for an extended period of time but I was just wondering if you had to take extreme measures to tighten up that skin or if it was just exercise and clean eating.
I am not Cathe or a doc but, I would say it depends on your skins elasticity an your age and genetics.Also on how many children you have had and how big your belly got.
Good luck though.
actually, I never had babies. I was just really chubby for awhile.
I was just wondering if Cathe had to have surgery because her mid section looks so fantastic or if it was just hard work that got it to that point. My loose skin isn't terrible enough to have surgery so I guess I'll just work harder and see if it helps. I could be my own science project!
I am not Cathe but I am about 99.99999% sure that she did not have surgery to get rid of any loose skin. Her body is the product of training, clean eating and probably some pretty darn good genetics. I didn't really have much of the loose skin in my belly until after my 3rd baby-and he was a 9 lb boy! I will never be able to lose it and that's OK, I tell myself I earned it. It's not so horrible, I see teens with more loose skin than me (well, maybe it's more fat than skin)and I am 42.
Eating clean definitely helps firm up that skin. Also, you may want to do some research in dry skin brushing. This helps tremendously in firming up the loose skin.

Hope this helps.
Hi Deb! Congratulations on your weight loss. You obviously have worked hard to reach this goal and I'm really proud of you. Thank you for the compliment since I did not have any cosmetic surgery. But I will admit that I do have more loose skin then what might appear on film. Certain filming angles are just kinder so those are the ones I choose ;-)

Anne is right when she said how toned you can get your skin after it has been stretched out is strongly influenced by your age, your skin's elasticity, and your genetics. But another huge influental factor is clean eating and a focused fitness routine. Based on what you have written, you will still see continued progress in these areas if you continue to work at it. Keep up the great work :)
Hi, Deb,
I would add one comment to this discussion-
Skin can take a LONG time to shrink. The weight loss happens inside your body and the skin has to adjust, and it can happen very slowly. If you are considering surgery, you might wait a couple of years to decide. It can take that long to find out how well your skin will mold itself around your new shape. You just might be pleasantly surprised!! :)
Hi, Deb, and congratulations on your weightloss!

I know a thing or 2 about loose skin. I lost nearly 200 pounds (150 of that when I was in my 40s). I had never exercised or eaten clean up to that point. I have maintained my current 115 for approximately 8 years.

To maintain I exercise faithfully and, while I am not a TOTAL clean eater, I monitor my intake and count calories while trying to maintain a "mostly" balanced diet. At age 56 I am healthier than most of the younger folks currently in my life! (Genetics plays a large part in that, I must admit.)

Loose skin I have. Out of the 190 I have lost, what remains is a little handful of loose skin at the bottom of my belly. I have a bit of a granny-arm effect when I wave goodbye (no matter how much tricep work I do). I have numerous white stretch marks -- I suppose I could get depressed over them if I wanted to. However, I prefer to think of them as battle scars. It was a battle I won, so I don't mind them much!

The exercise helps a lot. My butt really doesn't droop at all (thanks to one-leg squats, glute work, etc.) and I am told I look good in my size 3 jeans. Not only that, but my little "belly flop" tucks away nicely inside them!

So, keep on working out. You may be bothered by some loose skin no matter what, but just think how much healthier you are! Your heart and other organs love what you have done.

Again, congratulations on shedding the pounds. Enjoy your new body -- loose skin and all. You have earned the right to be proud!
i've acutally been a size 6 now for a couple of years. I'm still
pushing for that size 3/4 and with the clean eating, I think
the skin will shrink some. I hate surgery for any reason.
I don't think I'd ever have surgery for the amount of loose
skin that I do have but I was just wondering if there was
thanks for your input!
thank you so much for your reply.
it makes me feel a lot better.
I'm going for that size 3/4 also.
I've been size 6 for a couple of years and it's time
to push for the rest!

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