looking for weight loss ideas/rotations

My diet consists of lean meats (beef, pork, chicken, seafood) fresh fruit (especially berries), fresh and frozen vegetables (no corn, potatos, pasta, or rice), nuts, bread no more than 3x a week. That's it. I also stayed away from ketchup, bbq sauce, teriyaki sauce and any other condiment with added sugar. I know this was extreme, but my eating habits had gotten really bad, and I needed to do something to straighten myself out.

You may have noticed that I left out dairy products, but I think it's okay to add this in moderation. Since I've never been a big fan of anything dairy except for ice cream (figures), cutting this out was not a big deal for me. Occasionally I would eat a slice of cheese or a half cup of cottage cheese. I also occasionally drink diet soda or tea flavored with splenda, stevia, or nutra sweet. Between these drinks and the fruit, I managed to conquer my sugar cravings. Every morning, I take a multi-vitamin. At lunch I take a Calcium w/ Vitamin D pill and a super B-complex.

Have you ever seen the Scarsdale Diet? Try using that as a guideline, but I would encourage adding some additional protein to the breakfast. They only allow a piece of toast and half a grapefruit - I would be starving by 10 a.m. Also, if you go heavier on veggies at dinner, then you can go lighter on the meat and not be hungry. And finally, no eating within 3 hrs of bedtime.

That should do it. After the first few weeks I managed to stay sugar free, I found it empowering that I was able to exhibit such great will power, and this made me more determined to continue. I felt that if I cheated, even a small cheat, then that would diminish all that I had worked for up to that point. That may sound silly, but it kept me inspired. Good Luck!!!
Hi Karen-
Thanks for responding to my post!

So...for the record...is it ok to use artificial sweetners or not? I'm thinking that oatmeal would be really, really yucky by itself.

The sugar addiction I have must be extreme....I wake up tired and feel sluggish during the day.

It seems that the foods I'm eating tend to make me bloat...so I don't drink carbonated beverages anymore..I switched to tea and water. I also drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

I guess this way of eating just takes time, huh?

This kind of sounds like The Zone...which people have stated works great, but if you have to lose 10-20 lbs it comes off very slowly...any opinions?

I'll be sure to post my progress....WHEN I have some! :))

BTW - an off topic question. Do any of you lose your motivation to exercise around the time of your period? I'm just dragging about a week before mine is due.....which is now.

Thanks -
I've not used the Stevia but it sounds like you could use it on oatmeal. Just be sure and eat some protein with the oatmeal - egg white omelet is great. I make it with chopped vegetables, spring onion, maybe a teaspoon of shredded cheese and then put salsa on it.

That 40-30-30 book talks about over-consumption of sugar causing water retention and gives an example of a woman who dropped 7 pounds in one day when she finally stopped eating it. I understand that supplements are a taboo subject on these boards but you might do some research because there are some which help in that regard. Also drinking a gallon of water a day is important. Supposedly, you're supposed to drink enough water that when you go to the BR, it's clear. If there's any color, you're not drinking enough.

And with regard to the pre-period thing, yes, that was very difficult for me too and still is if I've been sloppy in my eating habits. Again, there are some supplements, such as the efa's and the Bs which I think help that but check it out yourself.

I don't think it's all that bad to transition from sugar by using the artificial sweetners if you do it with the idea that you're using them as a bridge to wean yourself off.
Mine is due any day now, AND I'm fighting the onset of a headcold. So, I cant decide whether to push myself and go workout or not. Also, I did MIS on monday for the first time, so I'm still a little sore (but nicely so). I skipped yesterday, so I think I'll put a nice light cardio tape in and see how that feels. I should probably do another strength tape tomorrow, but I'll wait and see whether I beat the cold, or it beats me. VITAMINS!!!!

I've never heard that the Zone is a slow weight loss process. But then I'm pretty new to it. Doesnt sound like K60's journey was very slow tho, so I'd wonder about that! (77lbs in 5 months!) I think your results will vary tho, based on a ton of different factors. I'm going to check out some of the other books mentioned here myself.

I'm so glad you reminded me of that egg white omelette thing with the oat meal, K60. THAT part of this way of eating, balancing carbs with proteins, is the foreign part to me. All the more reason to check out the other books.

Thanks again, and Good luck Deb!
There is so much information here and I am somewhat confused. I understand the no flour and no sugar but then I saw also no on a bunch of other carbs (corn, potatoes). What would one eat? Honestly, I crave sugar, carbs and salt. I know how bad all of those things are for you and I actually feel myself get tired and sluggish after I eat carbs. I want to do this but am wondering how realistic this is for me and my family. We eat a lot of pasta and rice. Would brown rice be okay?

I also work out 5 -6 times a week with different tapes but have been doing mostly Cathe's wedding tape (I am new to Cathe) but plan on getting her Step jam, stepworks and rythmic step. Is this enough of a variety? Also, do you all have suggestions for toning tapes (using dumbells only). I know this will supplement my program. I use Cathe's wedding tape which has a toning section and then I have a Kathy Smith toning tape that I really like. I don't want to put more than an hour into my working out. An hour seems to be doable and something that I can continue even after I lose the weight.

You are all an inspiration. I have been on e-diets and am doing okay. I have lost 6 pounds in about 5 or 6 weeks but I am feeling like it is very slow and feel like I need something else. The craving of the sugar is really difficult for me.

Is kashi the same as Fiber 1? I like to eat kashi in the morning and Barbara's puffins. Also, I like egg beaters better than just egg whites. do you know if there is a problem with that. I had one other question. Do you eat regular cheese or low fat cheese? The regular cheese has so much fat in it that I try not to eat it. I am also 42 and weigh 144 and want to get down to 128. Just want to do it right.
I'm fairly new at all this too. It can definitely be overwhelming.

For starters, why dont you just do the no sugar/white flour thing? That's a HUGE step, and will show you fast results on the scale and with your energy levels.

Some people stay away from all starches, but perhaps that's too drastic for you (and me) at this point. I think brown rice is just fine, as well as oatmeal and whole grain breads (in moderation)and I eat 2-4 sweet potatoes every week too. They talk about them all the time in Muscle & Fitness His and Hers, and they're loaded with nutrients! Pasta is a question mark for me right now, so I'm trying to limit it to no more than once/week.

Another good guideline for yourself is to not do anything to lose weight that you arent willing to keep doing afterwards. Everyone says it's harder to keep it off than to get it off, so, keep that in mind now.

And let's not forget WATER!!! I shoot for close to a gallon daily, and yes, that's alot. But I really enjoy it! And I keep hearing how much it helps with weight loss and overall health. I've read the following in several different places: water helps the kidneys flush toxins out of the body. The more the kidneys flush out, the less toxins are in the blood stream, and that frees up the liver more to do its job better: metabolizing!!! So, drink that water!!!

Good luck, to all of us!
Kaybell, thanks for the advise. Today is my first day off white flour and sugar. I have had a lot of grapes. Made my family pasta and I am having a greek salad. I drink tons of water so that is not the problem. The last time I lost the weight and felt great, I was exercising tons. I then sprained my ankle and couldn't keep up with the vigorous exercise and put the weight plus some on. It was so frustrating. I now have taken the first five pounds off easily, have 15 more to go but am pretty stuck. I am doing the wedding tape about 3 times a week plus other workouts but haven't started rigorous weight training. I am going to purchase my next series of Cathe tapes so that should help. Any recommendations. Someone suggested the series that does cardio and then focuses on a different body part each day but I'm not sure how I feel about kick boxing (which this series includes). I may opt for the rythmic tape and step jam.

today I did great. I'm not sure how I will be able to keep this up, one day at a time is my motto. If the flour and sugar thing works, that will be great. How long have you been without the flour and sugar and how mmuch weight have you lost?
Thanks for your help. This is a great forum!!!
I have started doing this too. I had a funeral yesterday, and at the lunchoen I had some baked beans, which might of had some sugar, but oh well, there was not alot of choices. They had a huge pan of some great looking potatoes, but I passed. I really don't eat alot of sugar, or refined flour. I have just focused more on eating Yams, and beans. I made a huge black bean salad last night. It is very good. I will munch on that all weekend. My one question is popcorn??? I have heard it is low-glcemic, and then some say it is medium. In a book I have it says it is low. Is a bag of Healthy Jolly Time a poor choice??? Thanks.
P.S. I also gave up my beloved raisins on my cereal and bought some raspberries and starwberries yesterday.
Lori and Sandy-

Great starts! It's not always easy, but then, it's not always hard either! Lori, I dont know about the popcorn. Would be great to hear that it's low glycemic, but something tells me it's not. I'll check on it. I have not yet given up raisins. But I'm committed to taking off 5 lbs this month, so, I'm going to have to shift to better fruits to do that. So, I'm right there with you. It's not going to be easy!! They're like my chocolate or candy substitute!!!

Sandy - the CTX set has the cardio followed by 1 body part. The kickboxing isnt bad. I'm a novice at it and was able to get thru it. In fact, it was kinda fun! I dont have Rythmic Step or Step Jam (yet) but I think I've heard that they are a more steady state aerobic workout as opposed to interval. A GREAT weight workout would be MIS. I'd definitely get that one. You can start that one out as low on the weights as you need to. I just did it for the first time this week and really liked it.

I've lost 4 lbs on this diet. My loss has kind of plateaued for the last few days, but I attribute that to a few things: I have a bad head cold, I havent worked out since Monday, my period is due, and I did fall off the clean eating wagon pretty badly on saturday when we had company over. But I've gotten all that weight off and am looking forward to getting off the next 5.

Maybe we should start an egroup or a weekly checkin thread for clean eating. Anyone interested? If so, do you have a preference on emails or just keeping it here?

Yes! I am interested in a check-in group. I;ve been reading the posts about clean eating. I'm a Weight Watcher, too, but clean eating definitely fits into that plan. There's just something about that accountability that motivates me to stay on target.

I'm fairly new to Cathe and am trying to decide which videos to purchase. I have lost 17lbs and need to lose about 40-45 more. These are the videos I am considering. Let me know if you all think these are good choices and will work in a do-able rotation.
Mega Step Blast, Cardiokicks, PS Series, & Circuit Max.

I look forward to checking in with you and learning more about clean eating.
Count me in for the check in group! Where shall we meet? FWIW, the newest Prevention Fit and Firm (you buy these at the grocery checkout) has a 5 day plan that (pretty much) stays in this plan. Just a few alterations needed and it has some good ideas in addition to the Daoust "Fat Burning Nutrition" book mentioned above.

This is day 3 for me. I'm really excited. Tonight is video night for me and DH. I usually chomp on popcorn and candy, but tonight will be peanuts (1 small bag) and a diet caf-free coke. YUM!!

Hey everyone!

GREAT Thread and YES let's start a check-in. Funny last Saturday I too gave up sugar and white flour (I'm doing it with my daughter)... Find I really eat a lot more fruit and veggies. I didn't eat poorly before just didn't eat enough good stuff.

I've upped my drinking water too. Lots of visits to the ladies room ;)

My goal is to get into AWESOME shape for a bunch of reasons - some superficial - but health as well !

Can't wait for the check in !!
OOOOHHHH! I am so bad!! After posting today to be in the check-in group, I ate Choc chip cookies and ice cream!!! I can't believe it, I've been so good. Oh, well, now that is behind me (no pun intended) and tomorrow is a new day.

Good luck to all you clean eaters out there!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-02 AT 10:33AM (Est)[/font][p]ok... Let's call it the clean eating club then, ya think? I'll put a post out on the Open Forum for a clean eating check-in. We'll wait and see if a weekly thread is all we need. See you out there! (on the Open Forum, not this one, cuz this one is for Asking Cathe questions! Thanks Deb!!!)


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