Looking for these new dumbbell wraps?

I saw these - someone at my gym was using them -they look like neoprene i think - they wrap around dumbbell handles and I could really use them - they are made by Fiaro - I sent them an email after finding them on google but they say they only sell wholesale at this time - I am waiting to hear about dealers - gymcor and jumpusa said they may have them soon but I keep checking and still no luck - any help is appreciated - thanks
Hi Kali--not Cathe but I have a friend at my gym who actually has a patent for these, his website is:


I've never worn gloves b/c I don't like the way they feel plus they get too sweaty & smelly after a little bit of use. After 18 years of exercise these are the first things I've used to prevent callouses that I actually like. :)
Hey thanks for that! I have never seen those and they are pretty cool...I liked these other ones bec they actually went on the dumbbell handle not on your hand....yeah I agree with you about gloves (yuk)...thanks for the tip - I will keep everyone posted if i find these other things
I didn't like the grippers on my new dumbells, so i bought tennis raquet tape.Bunch of it and wrapped the chrome part of the hex bells.
It starts out sticky and then i used some 2 way tape on the end. It works great and i don't need the gloves.You could even use some electrical tape on the ends. The tape is soft and grippy. Love it.
Dicks Sporting has it. I think 5 bucks a pack.I bought 4 to do 3-40# bells.

Another idea is to use "cohesive bandage". This is the stuff they wrap you arm with after you give blood. It is not sticky, very stretchy, but sticks to itself. I have used this to cover the rough part on my barbell and it works great. (Stretch it out as you wrap it around.) I have been thinking about using this too to cover the grip area of the dumbbells. I use gloves (which can be washed when they get sweaty), but those don't cover my fingertips which get sweaty too.

I found a good deal on cohesive bandages at (of all places!)


Just seach on "cohesive bandage". They are only 93 cents for a big roll! The great thing is you can color-code your dumbbells this way: yellow = 5 pounds, pink = 8 pounds, etc.
Cohesive bandages are what we horsey people call "vet wrap" and if you are wise, you keep at least two rolls in your tack closet. It comes in incredibly handy for doing all kinds of horse repairs - wrapping a foot to keep a loose shoe on long enough for the farrier to fix it, covering bandaged legs (horse legs) or an abscessed foot, joining two reins together so you can handle them as one, putting extra grippiness on whips and such (for the hands), etc.

In fact, I think vet wrap and duct tape are long lost cousins who have reincarnated into this life just for the horses - LOL!

Susan L.G.
wow you certainly know alot about horses - way cool - i just went on horse.com and really like the cohesive bandaging - lots of colors - thanks all

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