Looking for Lower Body/Ab Rotation


I know that spot reduction does not work, but I am looking for a 5-day rotation for my legs and abs that will whip them into shape by the summer and maybe lose a little fat as well. Has anyone had success working legs 3 days a week work? My upper body does not carry much weight so probably working it once a week heavy will be sufficient for them. I am hourglass shaped if that helps and own almost all of Cathe's DVDs. TIA for all of your help.
How about a Kick, Punch, & Crunch/Legs Glutes premix three days per week and 30 minute cardio plus upper body the other two days?


I think that the Smaller lower body rotation would be great for you to follow. It is posted by fraffy. Abs are hit 4 times during the week. Check it out and see what you think.

Day one: Push/Pull premix of two sets of upper body plus PLB floorwork and BC core work.

Day two: Imax2 and if feeling energetic BC cardio

Day three: Legs & Glutes or L&G Extreme

Day four: PS Upper Body or PUB

Day Five: KPC

Day Six: Step jump and Pump

Day Seven: Rest.

Since you only want a 5 day rotation you could take one of the upper body workout days out..

Thanks Beverly! Funny, right after I had initially posted my question the smaller lower body rotation appeared. I'm willing to try anything to see how my body responds.


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