Long and lean vs. bulky

More bumping! ha ha!

Hopefully Cathe will see this one - it may be after the Road Trip! She sure is super busy these days!

"Life is short so be the best you can be every day of your life!"

"Running feels great for my soul!"

That bump sign is too funny. My husband won't buy me heavier weights -- I currently have 6, 8, 10, 15, & 20 lbs and for the new DVDs I want to get 12s, 25s, and 30s....he said I'll have to start cutting my shirts because my arms won't fit I'll be too bulky.
lol,I feel like a little mouse http://tyuuko.kir.jp/img/mouse_ani.gif behind all of you tough cookie ladies, because (don't laugh at me now) my heaviest dumbbells are 5 pounds :( , respect to all of you and Cathe above all

I am just a little cardio freak who loves to jump and sweat, and therefore I only use Cathe's cardio and circuit workouts, but I certainly would like to get stronger and I definitely will with new workouts that I preordered :9

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