Well, that was fun! Today on the rotation was a 30 minute low impact HIIT, and not what I wanted to do at all. So I used the workout blender and made up a cardio that wound up being a blast:
Cardio Party (CP) warm up, through to the end of Blast #1; Step Boss Intermediate Step (SBIS) combo 1, finished combo 1; CP Blast #2; SBIS combo 2, finished combo 2; CP Blast #3; Cardio Party Calorie Crush (CPCC) in its entirety. Step Sync (SS) cooldown and stretch. This was a 62 minute workout that gradually amped up, with the blasts becoming more challenging and closer together. I'm a sweaty mess. Fun music, fun moves, fun choreography. Frankly, CP Blast #3 came at the 44 minute mark, and that would have been a thorough workout had I stopped there. The CPCC was an extra 15 minutes that could be dropped, if one doesn't have or want a full hour.