LMR: Low Impact Cardio 1-month rotation for January 2025

Today was Day 11 of the rotation: Functional Upper Body. I went 1 - 2 increments higher than Cathe in all of the moves and found it a better challenge than the first time. This morning I also did some yoga: Blissology On Demand's 19 minute "Lean and Serene in Just 19". It's a great one for opening you up first thing in the morning and getting you ready for the day.
I am with you on adding a little extra weight in the LMR Upper Body workout. I'm always careful though & increase weight slowly.
Yesterday was Day 12 of the rotation: Functional Lower Body. Again, I went one increment higher than Cathe for the whole routine. That required me to work a bit harder, and it felt like a good level. This is my favourite workout of the whole series, so far. Today is supposed to be a rest day, but I may do some fun cardio.
Yesterday wound up being pretty much a rest day. I did some very relaxing yoga before bed, but that could hardly be considered a workout. Today on the rotation was Cardio Party, but I chose Rev'd Up Rumble instead. I love this routine so much. The music is great and coordinates extremely well with the choreography. Whoever put those two things together was having a peak day, that day!
Today was the first time I tried Functional Pilates Fusion, and I loved it! I haven't explored pilates very much, so I wasn't sure what to expect from this routine. I will absolutely do this one again!
Today was the first time I tried Functional Pilates Fusion, and I loved it! I haven't explored pilates very much, so I wasn't sure what to expect from this routine. I will absolutely do this one again!
I love this one too! IT's such a feel-good routine. I love the lengthening pilates takes advantage of. I feel like it helps my joints & ROM.
Today on the rotation was LMR Functional Total Body. I went at least one increment higher than Cathe in all of the weighted exercises and feel like I found the right spot for me. My heart rate was up for the whole routine, I had to concentrate to maintain good form, and I'm quite sweaty. But I don't feel exhausted or stressed out by it all. This is my sweet spot.
Well, that was fun! Today on the rotation was a 30 minute low impact HIIT, and not what I wanted to do at all. So I used the workout blender and made up a cardio that wound up being a blast:
Cardio Party (CP) warm up, through to the end of Blast #1; Step Boss Intermediate Step (SBIS) combo 1, finished combo 1; CP Blast #2; SBIS combo 2, finished combo 2; CP Blast #3; Cardio Party Calorie Crush (CPCC) in its entirety. Step Sync (SS) cooldown and stretch. This was a 62 minute workout that gradually amped up, with the blasts becoming more challenging and closer together. I'm a sweaty mess. Fun music, fun moves, fun choreography. Frankly, CP Blast #3 came at the 44 minute mark, and that would have been a thorough workout had I stopped there. The CPCC was an extra 15 minutes that could be dropped, if one doesn't have or want a full hour.
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Functional Core Fusion - this is the core workout for me! Fantastic! I'm surprised at how long she keeps us in the reverse plank with our feet on the ball, but I guess that's an area I need to work on.
Today was a rest day on the LMR+LIC rotation, so I decided to give LMR Mobility Fusion a go. I love how all of Cathe's mobility routines make me feel, and was disappointed to see that Mobility Fusion isn't anywhere in this rotation. My goodness, that's a fantastic routine! For me it felt like 40 minutes of gentle chiropractic adjustments! My upper back and neck haven't felt so good in years. I'll be using this one often!

I also did a 20 minute indoor walking youtube video, just to get some movement in, this morning.
Functional Upper Body was on the rotation for today. I went higher again in weight, over the last time, and I'm reaching the point where I feel like I'm putting in an effective level of effort. My upper body feels a bit fatigued, as well. I think this is where I should be working, with these workouts.
Functional Upper Body was on the rotation for today. I went higher again in weight, over the last time, and I'm reaching the point where I feel like I'm putting in an effective level of effort. My upper body feels a bit fatigued, as well. I think this is where I should be working, with these workouts.
I also went higher in weight the last time I did this one. Fun moves in it!
I finished the third week of the LMR+LIC rotation today, with Functional Lower Body. I like this one so much! It feels so effective without an endless number of reps and pulses to get the job done. My heart rate gets up there, I sweat, and I feel good when I'm finished.

Today Cathe shared a 2 month LMR+STS2 rotation, which I'm quite excited about. I'm going to move on to it next, but where I'm undecided is whether I should finish the final week of this one, or just move into it. I don't think I'm losing out on anything by moving onto the new rotation. The same workouts are in the new rotation, so I'll be doing them anyways. I do like that these last three weeks have allowed me to do the LMR workouts enough that I'm finally able to hone in on the right weight load for me, I've wrapped my head around the moves, and I've come to know what to expect from each routine. Hmmm....sounds like I've made my decision :-D

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