Hi Susan. Before I respond, I must first emphasize that my opinions are mine alone and I make no claim that anyone should think the way I think or change what they are doing. I can only speak from my own personal experiences or from witnessing others who have been helped through non-traditional means. I'm just trying to thwart off any potential back-lashing as it is not my intent in any way to condemn other people’s choices. O.K., that being said, chemo is a heavy duty toxin that is entering your body and being distributed throughout. One's body is already weakened due to the cancer and now it has to deal with the affects of the chemo on the body. I know many people who have never been the same since chemo. Again, I know everyone is different and I'm sure there are people who have had absolutely no lasting affects. Just living on this earth, eating the foods we do, breathing the air we do, which all have chemicals and pollutants in them, puts a stress on our organs. Now, one will say, but that's their job, to filter out toxins, which is true, but logically speaking, as I mentioned in my previous post, we can't expect our bodies to easily clean out ANYTHING we put in it. Our bodies can only do so much. We have to be responsible for assisting it so it may work for us the best it can.
I think a cleanse is most helpful for any adult but what type of cleanse and how often depends on one’s own personal situation. Cleansing can help the body detoxify more quickly and efficiently. Keep in mind, the longer any toxins stay in our body, there is greater chance of having future ailments. I guess relating it to a car might be a good analogy. We can decide not to change our oil since the car seems to be running well but the longer we put it off, the more damage could be happening to the engine, etc. (I’m not a car person but I know people who’ve had problems because they were remiss on changing their oil.) This also brings up the case for proper elimination. I know there was a thread on this not too long ago but let’s just look at it with common sense. If one doesn’t urinate on a regular basis or have healthy bowel movements daily, what happens to all that waste that needs to be eliminated? (I could say a lot more on this subject but that’s perhaps for another discussion.) Our bodies were designed to have healthy evacuations daily. Technically (and I know there may be opposition) our bodies were designed to eliminate after each healthy meal, up to 3 times a day. I don’t mean immediately after, but when we eat, signals are sent through our digestive tract alerting it that food will be processed and after all nutrients are excreted, will be ready for elimination. Now, to be honest, I think I know of a couple of people who’s bodies actually do this but again, logically speaking, if we are ingesting food throughout the day, we should be eliminating the waste products in a timely manner. Hey, I’m happy with one good elimination a day!
I believe using well-researched cleansing aids along with a truly clean diet, will help your body restore itself. Again, this is not an across the board guarantee. There could be other issues that also need to be addressed but having a healthy internal environment is a precursor for “optimum” health so how could you go wrong with that?! As far as how do you know if something is working, some people just plain feel better. They may look better, sleep better, subtle pains may disappear, etc. Sometimes, you may not know. I had elevated mercury in my system and I had quite a few symptoms (not solely due to that). I went on a protocol and my mercury level came down significantly. Can I say that I felt better? Actually, no, I couldn’t. I knew my levels were down but apparently other issues still needed to be addressed so I continued on my path to eliminate those symptoms. The bottom line is to do your own research and do what feels right for you. Our bodies are amazing and if we truly listen to what it tells us, we can get that much closer to feeling our best. I hope this helps!
KristaO, I will respond to your post in more detail a bit later. My body is talking to me now saying “Feed Me, Feed Me!”, lol.