

I think that people who throw their disgusting cigarettes out the window of the car should be fined just the same as someone who throws garbage, etc. out the window. On my way to work this morning some girl threw her cigarette out the window as I was driving by. It was so close to my car that if I would have had the back window open it would've landed right in there - right where my 4 year old was sitting. Oh baby then you would've seen road rage!

OK, there is my gripe for the day! :p

Ladies I CONCUR 100%. I feel the same way about cigarette butts and matches tossed onto the ground. Just because you smoke doesn't mean you have a license to LITTER!!

I actually heard a smoker say one time that she had to dump her full car ashtray out the car window because "cars don't come with garbage cans." x(

Cigarrettes and cigarrette butts were becoming a serious problem in my area. They consitute about 1/4 of the garbage found in our beaches so a couple of years ago they started a campaign to get people to actually throw them in garbage cans. They are garbage too. I don't know where people get the nerve to throw them anywhere they want.
Wouldn't you like if someone threw a cigarette out there car, that you just ride up beside them and throw your shoe and hit them on the head. And pray it is one day you are wearing high heels. Hey that was a bit harsh. yeah right!!

I hate that, too. They should either keep the butts in their ashtray...or be made to eat them! (Fervent anti-smoker here, as well as anti-litterer).

It's so common for people not to consider cigarette butts as trash, and just throw them anywhere. I once had some people working on my gutters, and one of them, at least, smoked. I found several cigarette butts on my property.

I don't understand littering in the first place. Well, I guess I "understand" the mentality of the people who do it ("It's not my problem, let someoone else deal with it." In other words "I think of no one but myself." But I don't see how anyone could have that mentality).

I was once in line at the drive-up window at Taco Bell, with a car full of teenage-looking girls in front of me at the window. One of them just tossed the paper from her straw right out the window (instead of waiting two minutes until they drove off, where there was a garbage can on her side of the car, easily reacheable from her seat). I almost got out of my car to give her a piece of my mind, but I couldn't think of a non-hostile way to do it that would get the messgea across).

I've also been to PARKS, where someone had obviously opened a present, and left all the ribbon, wrapping, styrofoam, etc. just strewn on the ground. WTF is up with that?
I went to a fireworks festival last month & the ONLY litter I saw on the ground were cigarette butts. Honest. With all those people, I would have thought the park would be more littered but all I saw were cigarrette butts.

That is something that makes me grit my teeth everytime I see it. I'm a non-smoker and when I have friends over that smoke, they were banned to the outside. I would provide ashtrays, but for some reason they would never use them and I'd have to clean up their butts. I finally banned all smoking in my yard. At least one person tried to give me grief over this, so I've banned them from my place completely.
What really rips my knickers is when you have neighbors who smoke and throw their butts just out of reach of their property line and they land in ours. So - when we cut the grass, we pick them back up and throw them in their driveway!!! Evidently smoking cuts out the brain cells that it would normally take to figure out what's going on there!! They still toss them over!!


One day when DH was driving home from work there was a fire on the median. Apparently someone threw a cigarette out and it caught the plants/bushes on fire. It never ceases to amaze me how self-involved and careless some people are!
I know what you mean, I woke up late on a Thursday morning my usual day off, I hear weird noises outside, I open the door in my sleepers to find little kids smoking on my front porch. I scared the living daylights out of them, when I screamed. They haven't been back to hide from mommy and smoke their cigarettes since. But that's one thing I have to really watch around here. There is a tree behind my house, the tree isn't mine, but the kids crawl under/in it, and smoke. I'm waiting for that thing to become a flaming torch one day. I just pray it falls to the right. I've tuned in these kids, a dozen times, but they keep coming back. One day, I'm going to take chain saw to the tree, and cut all the branches that 6 foot or lower then they won't have a hiding spot. But annoys me, as I find cigarettes all over my yard. And I'm allergic to them, I actually have to go get the rake and rubber gloves. I think this is the most disgusting habit ever invented. You kill yourself, you kill other people and you litter.

In Indiana, it has become a ticketable offense to throw cigarette butts out the car window. If a police officer sees you do it, you can be pulled over and fined. I can't remember if the fine is $100 or $500, but I sure would like to see it enforced more often!
Oh, I can't stand it either! The way smokers use the Earth as their personal trash cans is abhorrent. A few weeks ago I was behind some guy who was opening a pack of cigarettes and throwing the cellophane wrapper out his window. No doubt he tosses the butts out, too. It's such piggish behavior. This touches a real nerve with me!
Does anyone else believe they do this because the drugs in the cigarettes have killed a few too many brain cells and they can't treat the earth or anyone else with respect? As when you toss a butt out, you can cause a fire, as that air that goes threw the butt for a moment as it floats down the highway, can light it back up again.

In California and Arizona, you toss a butt out, you can actually get jail time. Espeically in Arizona, they don't even allow you to shoot off personal fire crackers there. You toss a cigarette butt out and cause a fire, you will go to jail. I remember two people getting 5 years, when they toss a cigarette out of the car, it started a fire, but didn't burn the butt. So they used DNA tracked the two people who had passed it back and forth, and they went to jail.

I also remember when I was 3, we nearly lost our home to someone tossing out a butt and starting a fire. But 300 families that day did lose their house from that cigarette butt. As it was a horribly dry summer in southern California, and the fire got out of control, and the fire fighters had a horrible time trying to stop it. Had it not been for the volunteers, who stayed behind and watered down the houses around them, and beat out the fire, as it tried to jump on the plants and spread, there would have been many more houses lost.

Oh my goodness Kit that is horrible.

I wish that they would have some type of law like that here in Pa. Just think of the money that they would make from all the fines.

This is a bit O/T from littering but it does pertain to smoking. I remember when my son was about 4 months old and we were at a carnival. I was pushing him in his stroller and we stopped to get something to eat. While we were waiting in line this idiot was smoking right next to him, she had her hand down and he cigarette was level with his face. Not only was the smoke going in his face, she could have easily burned him. I started flipping out on her and my DH pulled me away. She just looked at me like I was nuts. I think smoking should be banned from public places - even outdoor events. It burns me up when I take my son to our local amusement park and he still goes on a lot of the rides in kiddie land. And these parents are in line with their kids smoking. I don't want to smell their second hand smoke! A few weeks ago my son said, "Mommy that man is smoking near you!!!" b/c I have taught him the dangers of smoking and also what could happen when people smoke next to me while I'm pregnant. OK, smoking in general is a major problem with me so I will get off my soapbox now. ;-)
I didn't think about my brother who smokes that when he comes over to work out with my dh he leaves cigarette butts in the yard. He won't smoke in his car, his apartment, but he will throw them in my yard. so I have to get those things up. I have told him that if he is going to work out that he needs to quit smoking anyway. Yes I would like to give him an old fashion big sister butt whipping!!

I wish not to make anyone angry but I must speak my peace...

Let me start of by saying that I am an ex-smoker. I smoked for round about 15 years before I quit a little over a year ago so that I could get pregnant. If not for wanting to have a baby, I would probably still be smoking today. It was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my LIFE! I am very proud of myself for it. Not so much because it's a nasty, unhealthy habit that I no longet take part in but because nicotine is extremely addictive and, as with any drug addiction, it takes every ounce of one's will power and committment to quit.

That being said, I just want to say that I am tired of people attacking smokers as if they are the root of all evil. I am not saying that littering the streets, beaches, etc with cigarette butts is okay. I am not saying that lit butts do not cause fires cause they do and it is awful. I am not saying that it is right to stand near a baby or a child and allow the smoke to go right in thier face and be so close that you might even burn them with the head of the cigarette. I am not saying that ANYTHING good comes from smoking but my goodness! Let's not act like a smoker is more of a detriment to society than a serial killer, alright!?

I'm sorry but I witness these attacks a lot, and have already witnessed one on on this forum in the past. I just can't handle people openly attacking smokers as if they are the worst people on the planet! Some smokers are rude and inconsiderate with thier habit but that's only a portion of them. They aren't all like that!

I hope I haven't ticked anyone off...I just had to voice my opinnion and now I'll leave you all to continue your thread...

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