Yeah, the lip fillers never look quite right. I'm a big believer in cosmetic procedures, but only if they're done judiciously. If someone can look at you & know, then probably you shouldn't do it. I had my lips done once & I looked freakish. I looked like what Kathryn was trying to explain--the part of your face between your upper lip & nose gets kind of swollen. The result is uh chimpanzee-ish.
There are some people with no upper lip that it's worked well for. Barbara Hershey comes to mind. But you have a nice symmetry to your features so you don't really need it.
You can look into collagen-stimulating lasers, I've used them before & they are truly miraculous. No dramatic change, but it took about 5 years off my face.
There are some people with no upper lip that it's worked well for. Barbara Hershey comes to mind. But you have a nice symmetry to your features so you don't really need it.
You can look into collagen-stimulating lasers, I've used them before & they are truly miraculous. No dramatic change, but it took about 5 years off my face.