Pray with my family, I'd be excited to meet my maker.
LMAO! Michele I can just see you staggering around the house, weeping,a glass of wine sloshing in one hand and a picture of Coach Sean clutched to your chest...
Pray with my family, I'd be excited to meet my maker.
Me too! And I would definitely be loving all over my family, wake early to watch the sunrise, thank God for this incredible life, apologize to Dori (my Golden Retriever) for calling her dumb, tell my mom how much her sacrifices and strength meant to me and snuggle with my family watching the sun set until the first stars come out.Pray with my family, I'd be excited to meet my maker.
Well, there'd be a whole lot of unclean eating, that's for darn sure!
Hunt down Sean O'Malley for one awesome final send-off.
What? I'm S.I.N.G.L.E. :O !!!
Hell, I'm married and I would hunt down Sean O'Malley for a "final send-off". Poor Sean will have a line of women out his door 5 miles long...